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单词 superiority
释义 superiority nounadjective | verb + superiority | superiority + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤absolute, overwhelming绝对的/压倒的优势▸➤effortless毫不费力的优势◆driving the jaguar gave him a feeling of effortless superiority.开着捷豹汽车,他感到一种不费吹灰之力的优越。➤inherent, innate, natural内在的/天生的/天然的优势▸➤biological, cultural, intellectual, moral, numerical, physical, racial, social, technical, technological生理/文化/智力/道德/数量/体力/种族/社会/技术/科技优势◆a discredited ideology of racial superiority臭名昭著的种族优越思想➤male, white男性/白人优势◆his air of male superiority他那种大男子主义的优越感◆an ideology of white superiority白人至上的思想➤air, military, naval空军/陆军/海军优势verb + superiority➤achieve, establish取得/确立优势◆the enemy's attempts to establish air superiority敌军确立空中优势的企图➤enjoy, have拥有优势◆for a long time france enjoyed overwhelming superiority in this field.在很长一段时间里,法国在这个领域具有压倒性优势。➤confirm, convince sb of, demonstrate, prove, show, underline (especially bre) 确认优势;使⋯相信有优势;显示优势;证明优势;强调优势▸➤maintain保持优势▸➤assert, assume, claim, imply断言/假定/声称/暗示有优势◆the use of the words 'modern' and 'old' is not meant to imply the superiority of one over the other.“现代”与“古老”这两个词的使用并不是要暗示谁比谁更优越。➤acknowledge承认优势◆their team has had to acknowledge australia's superiority in recent years.近几年他们队不得不对澳大利亚队俯首称臣。superiority + noun➤complex(为掩饰自卑和挫折感而表现出的)自大情结◆the perception that they have a superiority complex认为他们有自大情结的看法preposition➤superiority in在⋯上的优势◆we should make use of our superiority in numbers.我们应该利用我们的数量优势。➤superiority over相对于⋯的优势◆the company's clear technological superiority over its rivals这家公司相对于竞争对手的明显技术优势➤superiority to优于⋯的态势◆the settlers remained convinced of their superiority to the native population.殖民者仍然认为他们优于原住民。phrases➤an air of superiority高人一等的神态◆he spoke with an air of superiority.他说话时摆出一副高人一等的样子。➤a feeling of superiority, a sense of superiority优越感 su·per·i·or·i·ty /sˏpɪrɪ`ɔrətɪ; suːˌpɪəriˈɒrɪti/n [u] 1. the quality of being better than other things 优秀; 优势; 优胜:◇we are confident of the superiority of our new computer system. 对于我们的新电脑系统的优势,我们很有自信。 2. when you show that you think you are better than other people 优越感:◇janet always spoke with an air of superiority. 珍妮特说话总是带有一种优越感。




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