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标题 一类奇异三阶三点边值问题的正解

    王珍 朱少平




    摘 要 利用krasnoelskii锥拉伸与压缩不动点定理考察了一类奇异非线性三阶三点边值问题的正解的存在性,得到了此类边值问题在奇异条件下至少存在一个正解的结果。

    关键词 三阶三点边值问题 奇异 正解 锥 不动点定理

    中图分类号:O175 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdks.2019.03.026

    Abstract This paper is concerned with the existence of a positive solution of singular third-order three-point boundary value problem by using the Krasnoselskii's fixed point theorem of cone expansion-compression type, and established existence results for at least one positive solution for this class of problem when the nonlinear term is allowed to be singular.

    Keywords third-order three-point boundary value problem; singular; positive solution; cone; fixed point theorem


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