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单词 collection
释义 collection noun¹ 1group of objects一组物品adjective | verb + collection | collection + verb | preposition adjective➤big, extensive, huge, large, major, massive, substantial, vast大量的收集物;广泛的收集物▸➤small少量的收藏品▸➤growing不断增加的收藏品▸➤complete, comprehensive整套的/齐全的收藏品▸➤core, permanent核心/永久收藏品◆the permanent collection is displayed on the first floor.永久藏品在一楼展出。➤reserve贮备藏品◆the museum has a large reserve collection in storage.该博物馆收藏着大量的贮备藏品。➤amazing, excellent, extraordinary, fascinating, fine, good, great, important, impressive, interesting, magnificent, outstanding, remarkable, rich, stunning, superb, unique, useful惊人的/极好的/不寻常的/吸引人的/精美的/很好的/了不起的/重要的/给人深刻印象的/有意思的/卓越的/很突出的/引人注目的/丰富的/令人叹为观止的/极佳的/独一无二的/有用的收藏品▸➤priceless, valuable无价的/价值连城的藏品▸➤bizarre, disparate, diverse, eclectic, heterogeneous, jumbled, miscellaneous, motley, odd, random, strange, varied稀奇古怪的收藏品;多种多样的收藏品;杂七杂八的收藏品;随意的收藏;形形色色的收藏品◆running through the tale is a motley collection of loners looking for love.贯穿这个故事的主线是一群形形色色寻求爱情的孤独者。➤representative代表性藏品◆we have a small but representative collection of brazilian art.我们的巴西艺术品收藏虽然不多,但具有代表性。➤celebrated, distinguished, famous, prestigious, renowned赫赫有名的收藏品;珍藏品▸➤family, personal, private家庭/个人/私人收藏品◆the largest private art collection in the world世界上最大的私人艺术收藏➤public公共收藏品▸➤international, local, national国际/当地/国家收藏品▸➤historic, historical历史收藏品▸➤reference, research参考/研究资料◆a research collection available for study by historians供历史学家研究使用的研究资料➤archival, archive, library, museum档案馆收藏品;图书馆收藏品;博物馆收藏品◆a historical archive collection of 20 000 documents有 2 万份文件的历史档案收藏➤antiques, art, book, cd, coin, dvd, manuscript, music, photographic, picture, plant, record, specimen, stamp古董/艺术品/书籍/激光唱盘/硬币/数字激光视盘/手稿/音乐/摄影作品/图片/植物/唱片/标本/邮票收藏▸➤digital数字藏品▸➤special特殊藏品verb + collection➤boast, have, own拥有丰富的收藏品;有收藏品◆the museum boasts a superb collection of medieval weapons.这个博物馆拥有一流的中世纪武器藏品。➤acquire, amass, assemble, build up, compile, create, gather, make获得收藏品;积攒收藏品;积累收藏品;汇集收藏品◆he built up his collection over a period of ten years.他的藏品是历时 10 年积累起来的。◆she made a collection of roman coins and medals.她收藏古罗马钱币和纪念章。➤start开始收藏▸➤add to, expand增加藏品;扩大收藏◆the collection has been added to over the years.这些年来藏品逐渐增加。➤complete集齐一整套◆she needed only one more stamp to complete her collection.她只差一张邮票就集齐整套收藏了。➤bequeath, donate遗赠/捐赠藏品◆he donated his art collection to the guggenheim museum.他将自己的艺术收藏品捐赠给了古根海姆博物馆。➤hold, house, keep贮藏/存放/保存收藏品◆a new building to house the national collection存放国家收藏品的新建筑➤display, exhibit, show陈列收藏品;展示收藏品◆a glass-fronted cabinet displayed a collection of china.玻璃面展柜中陈列着瓷器藏品。➤feature, showcase以收藏品为特色;展示藏品◆the exhibition features a magnificent collection of bronze statues.该展览以令人叹为观止的青铜像收藏品为特色。➤see, view, visit观赏收藏品◆i was allowed to view his family collection of miniatures.我获准去参观他家的缩微模型收藏。➤consult, examine, study查阅/仔细检查/研究收藏品◆historians frequently ask to consult the collection.历史学家经常请求查阅收藏品。➤catalogue, organize给收藏品编目录;整理收藏品◆she had the task of organizing the collection of rare manuscripts.她的任务是整理稀有的手稿藏品。➤digitize将收藏品资料数字化collection + verb➤consist of sth, contain sth, include sth收藏物由⋯组成;收藏品包含⋯◆the collection contains some 500 items.这一收藏包含大约 500 件藏品。➤cover sth, span sth收藏物包括/跨越⋯◆the collection covers all phases of picasso's career.这一收藏涵盖了毕加索艺术生涯的所有阶段。◆the museum's collection spans 5 000 years of art history.该博物馆的收藏品跨越 5,000 年的艺术史。➤come from...收藏物源自⋯▸➤date from...收藏品追溯到⋯◆major collections dating from the 11th to the 19th century可追溯到 11 世纪至 19 世纪的主要藏品➤grow收藏品增加◆the museum's collection is growing all the time.博物馆的收藏品一直在增加。➤be available, be on display, be on show, be on view收藏品可供观看;收藏品在展出◆the collection is rarely on view to the public.这些收藏品很少向公众展出。➤go on display, go on show, go on view收藏品展出◆the collection is to go on public display for the first time next month.这批收藏品将在下月首次向公众展出。preposition➤collection of⋯的收藏品◆a valuable collection of antique porcelain贵重的古董瓷器收藏品  ➡ note at art collection noun² 2taking sth away/bringing sth together取走;积聚adjective | verb + collection | collection + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤routine, systematic定期的收取;系统的收集◆the systematic collection of data系统的数据采集➤efficient有效的收集▸➤free (especially bre) 免费收集◆we offer free collection of waste.我们提供免费收垃圾服务。➤weekly每周一次的收集▸➤data, intelligence数据/情报收集▸➤debt, rent, revenue, tax收债;收租;收税◆the need for more efficient tax collection需要提高税收效率➤garbage, refuse, rubbish, trash, waste垃圾收集;废物收集verb + collection➤await, be ready for (both bre) 等待收取;可以收集◆your car is awaiting collection.你的车子等你来取。➤arrange, organize (both bre) 安排收集◆they will arrange collection of the chairs.他们将安排收拾这些椅子。collection + noun➤point, site收集地点◆a lack of collection points for waste paper缺少废纸收集点➤service收集服务◆a refuse collection service垃圾收集服务➤method收集方法preposition➤collection of⋯的收集◆there are some difficulties with the collection of reliable data.可靠的数据很难采集。phrases➤a method of collection收集方法◆different methods of data collection不同的数据收集方法collection noun³ 3poems/stories/music诗歌;故事;音乐verb + collection | preposition verb + collection➤compile, edit, produce, publish汇编/编辑/制作/出版作品集◆to publish a collection of scholarly essays出版学术论文集➤release发表作品集◆the band has just released a collection of their greatest hits.这支乐队刚刚推出自己的金曲专辑。preposition➤collection of⋯集collection noun⁴ 4money金钱adjective | verb + collection | collection + noun | preposition adjective➤house-to-house, street (both bre) 挨家挨户的募捐;街头募捐▸➤charity, church慈善募捐;教堂捐款verb + collection➤have, make, organize, take, take up (especially name) 募捐;组织募捐;进行募捐◆we will have a collection for charity at the end of the concert.音乐会结束时我们会进行慈善募捐。◆a collection will be taken (up) at the end of the service.礼拜仪式结束时将进行捐献。collection + noun➤box, plate捐献箱;捐献盘◆the church collection plate教堂捐献盘preposition➤collection for为⋯的募捐◆a street collection for famine relief赈济饥荒的街头募捐collection noun⁵ 5new clothes新衣服adjective | verb + collection adjective➤new新时装系列▸➤autumn, fall, spring, etc.秋季、春季等时装系列▸➤ready-to-wear成衣系列verb + collection➤create, launch创作/发布时装系列◆she has recently launched her new ready-to-wear collection.她新近发布了自己的新成衣系列。➤show, unveil展出/发布时装系列◆the first designer to unveil his collection for the spring season第一位发布春季时装系列的设计师collection /kəlekʃn/ noun1. [uncountable, countable] the activity of obtaining money that is owed; the amount of money that is obtained 收取欠款;收回款额◆my work ranged from small debt collection to large acquisitions. 我的工作范围从追讨小额债务到大宗收购。◆many states are facing declining tax collections. 许多国家正面临税收下降的问题。⨁ debt / tax / rent / revenue collection债务追讨;收税;收取租金;收取收益 ⨁ to improve / speed up collection提高/加速收款 2. [countable] a group of objects that has been collected; a group of objects or people 收藏品;收集物;一批物品;一群人◆they have built up a rich collection of resources to help small businesses. 他们已经积累了一批丰富的资源来帮助小型企业。3. [countable, uncountable] an act of taking sth away from a place; an act of bringing things together into one place 取走;拿走;聚集◆the last collection from this mailbox is at 5.15 p.m. 这个邮筒最后一次的收信时间是下午 5 点 15 分。◆data collection 数据收集 (finance 金融) [uncountable, countable] the act of a bank arranging for a cheque, standing order , etc. to be paid from a bank account (按付款指令)兑现支票◆you can make a simple call to the bank asking it to suspend collection so that no money is transferred. 你可以给银行打个电话,要求终止兑现,钱款便不会转账。 debt collection ◇ documentary collection ☞ collection collection [countable] a group of objects or people that are close together, especially objects or people of different types(尤指不同类型的)一批物品,一群人◆there was a collection of books and shoes on the floor.地板上是成堆的书和鞋。◆they appeared to be a motley collection (= a rather strange group of people) of college students.他们好像是一群千奇百怪的大学生。collectionnoun [uncountable] ◆rubbish / garbage collection垃圾收运collectionnoun [countable] ◆a house-to-house collection for cancer relief为资助癌症治疗挨门逐户的募捐collectionnoun [uncountable] ◆rubbish / garbage collection垃圾收运collectionnoun [countable] ◆a house-to-house collection for cancer relief为资助癌症治疗挨门逐户的募捐collection/kəˈlekʃn ||; kəˈlɛkʃən/noun1. [c] a group of objects of a particular type that sb has collected as a hobby 收藏品: ◇a stamp collection 邮票藏品 2. [c,u] the act of getting sth from a place or from people 取;收取;领取: ◇rubbish collections 收来的大量垃圾 3. [c] a group of people or things 一群人;一堆物品: ◇a large collection of papers on the desk 桌上的一大堆文件 4. [c] a number of poems, stories, letters, etc published together in one book 集子: ◇a collection of modern poetry 现代诗集 5. [c] the act of asking for money from a number of people (for charity, in church, etc) 募捐;凑钱: ◇a collection for the poor 济贫募捐 6. [c] a variety of new clothes or items for the home that are specially designed and sold at a particular time 时装;应时物品: ◇armani's stunning new autumn collection 阿曼尼迷人的秋季新装 collectionsee ⇨ collect 3 ⇨ group 10     • • •• ⇨ have a collection col·lec·tion /kə`lɛkʃən; kəˈlekʃən/n 1. [c] a set of similar things that you keep together, especially because they are interesting or attractive 收藏品; 收集物:◇your cd collection 你收藏的激光唱片◇+ of a fine collection of modern paintings 一批优秀的现代藏画 2. [u] when you bring together things of the same type from different places 收集:◇+ of the collection of reliable information 可靠信息的收集 3. [c,u] when you ask people for money for a particular purpose 募捐,捐款:◇we're planning to have a collection for unicef. 我们正计划为联合国儿童基金会募捐。 4. [c,u] when something is taken away from a place 收取,领取:◇garbage collections are made every tuesday morning. 每星期二早晨收垃圾。 5. [singular 单数] informal a group of people or things that are together in the same place 【非正式】 集中在一起的人; 积聚物:◇there was an odd collection of people at the party. 聚会上有一群奇怪的人。 ☞ collection




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