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标题 目标导向下高中英语词汇课教学初探


    [摘? ?要]英语教学离不开目标、任务、策略以及评估,目标的设计直接决定了教學的质量和方向,而当前高中英语课堂往往存在“虚目标”“泛目标”等现象,这样的课堂自然没有效率。目标导向式教学认为教学目标的制订要以学生认知、情感、能力等为基础,合适的教学方式是达到目标的途径,恰当的评价方式则是达到目标的保证。因此,我们必须在目标导向下增强学生对词汇的掌握,提高他们对于英语学习的积极性,确保课堂教学的有效性。


    [中图分类号]? ? G633.41? ? ? ? [文献标识码]? ? A? ? ? ? [文章编号]? ? 1674-6058(2020)22-0029-03






    下面以人教版必修3 Unit 2 Healthy eating词汇课教学为例,具体阐述在高中英语词汇课中如何运用目标导向引导学生更好地进行词汇学习。




    At the end of the lesson, most students will be able to:

    (1)know about the three types of food (energy-giving food, body-building food and protective food);

    (2)know about various names of food and use them to express the daily diet;

    (3)have a basic concept of healthy life and how to form a balanced diet;

    (4)help Jim to design a healthy diet, and express their own ideas freely;

    (5)write a letter of advice to Jim using what they have learned today.









    Step 1. Lead-in

    Students watch a short play which was performed by two students named Jim and Jack.

    Jim: My favorite hamburger, I havent had it for days...Oh...I feel a bit sick...a stomachache again... Jack... have you got a painkiller?

    Jack:Jim, catch. (Throw a carrot)

    Jim: What? A carrot?

    Jack:Jim, here is another one for you. (Throw an apple)

    Jim: Apple? I want a painkiller. I have a stomachache.

    Jack: You know, you are what you eat, and it is time to do away with the junk food.


    (1)What is the problem with Jim?

    (2)Do you know the meaning of the sentence“You are what you eat” ?

    (3)What suggestions does Jack give?

    (4)Have you got the reason why Jim often gets a stomachache? (The teacher writes down the? underlined words in the dialogue on the blackboard)

    (5)Do you think Jim has to change his eating habit?


    Step 2. Preparations for the new words

    The teacher talks with students about their likes and dislikes in food.

    (1)What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/supper?

    (2)What kind of food do you like best?

    (3)Do you think you keep a balanced diet?

    (Students mention different kinds of food.The teacher writes down the names of the food on the blackboard and tells students that some people are slim, while some are fat, and some are strong while some are weak.That is what the famous saying “We are what we eat” explains. )


    Step 3. Presentation of the new words

    Task 1. Material-reading

    The teacher guides students to conclude that “keeping a balanced diet for us is of importance”, and asks students the question: What should a balanced diet include?

    (Students are divided into several groups and given some reading material about a balanced diet. Five minutes later, students are free to express their ideas about a balanced diet.)

    A balanced diet is a combination of food that provides the appropriate amount of the nutrients needed for our body.

    A balanced diet contains carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and fiber in proper amounts.


    Task 2. Quiz

    The teacher asks, “Just now you learned about a variety of nutrients, could you fill in the blanks with different kinds of nutrients?”

    (1)provide our bodies with heat and energy.

    (2)are required in very small quantities to keep you healthy.

    (3)are required for healthy teeth, bones, muscles, etc.


    The answers are“carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals, vitamins and fiber”.

    Task 3. Words definition

    The teacher guides students to figure out that the nutrients mentioned above can be divided into three types.

    (1)Energy-giving food provides energy.

    (2)Body-building food helps grow bones and muscles.

    (3)Protective food helps the body fight diseases.

    Task 4. Words pronouncing and spelling competition

    The teacher shows many pictures of food, students name them and the teacher corrects their pronunciation and spelling. After that, there is a words pronouncing and spelling competition. The food pictures are divided into three types:

    (1)Energy-giving food (rice,noodles,spaghetti, bread, potatoes, chocolate, butter, cream, oils, nuts)

    (2)Body-building food (meat,eggs,cheese,milk, tofu)

    (3)Protective food (beans, peas, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, mushrooms, cabbages)

    Task 5. Words mind map

    Students are required to draw a mind map of the words about different types of foods they know according to their own ideas. After five minutes, the teacher show some good mind maps to students.


    Step 4. Using the words

    Students are divided into several groups of four students and are asked to design a balanced diet for their classmate Jim who often gets a stomachache. One member of each group? gives a report about their discussion orally and explain their design reasonably.

    Their reports might include the following topics:

    (1)What kinds of food do you think Jim should eat every day? Why?

    (2)What groups of food should Jim avoid eating? Why?

    (3)What groups of food should Jim eat less? Why?

    (4)What will happen to Jim if he doesnt eat a balanced diet?

    【设计意图】引导学生回到课堂导入部分引出的问题:你觉得Jim要改变他的饮食习惯吗? 呼吁全班同学一起来帮助他,为他设计一份健康均衡的饮食的清单,并说明设计理由。学生将所学词汇运用到实际生活中,解决实际生活中的问题,并对健康饮食有了更深刻的认识。

    Step 5. Writing (homework)

    Write a letter to Jim to persuade him to keep a balance diet.




    [? ?参? ?考? ?文? ?献? ?]

    [1]? 杜秀莲.新课标理念下的高中生英语词汇学习策略研究[D].济南:山东师范大学,2006.

    [2]? 冷黎黎.高中生英语词汇学习策略调查研究[D].烟台:鲁东大学,2016.

    [3]? 齐雪.高中生英语词汇学习策略调查研究[D].长春:东北师范大学,2007.

    [4]? 蒋银华.目标导向下“教-学-评一致性”的课堂设计[J].中小学管理,2013(1):12-14.

    (责任编辑? ? 周侯辰)





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