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标题 School Values


     小强博士 男,2001年毕业于上海外国语大学,获文学博士学位;2007年赴英伦访学,现任教于华中师范大学英语系。任教十余年来,始终对English teaching in secondary schools(中小学英语教学)抱有浓厚的兴趣;赴英国访学期间,更是通过实地参观、访问、旁听等方式详细了解了国外中小学英语教学的现状。希望借助《中学生英语》与全国的英语爱好者,尤其是青少年朋友们交流。

     Through the following values schools will promote citizenship. 通过以下价值观的培养,学校将提高学生的公民意识。

     Challenge: We are not afraid to accept new ideas and overcome problems. 挑战意识:不惧困难,乐于接受新思维。

     Respect: We know that everybody is equally important. 相互尊重:人无贵贱,一律平等。

     Concern for the Environment: We respect our environment and look after our surroundings. 环保意识:重视环境,关爱家园。

     Achievement: We take pride in our own achievements and help others to achieve theirs. 成就感:为自己的进步自豪,为他人的进步出力。

     Justice and Fairness: We treat everyone equally and fairly. 公平公正:平等公正待人。

     Effort: We always try to do the best we can. 奋斗意识:凡事尽心尽力。

     Respect for truth: We value honesty and always try to do what is right. 尊重事实:注重诚信,从善而为。

     Tolerance: We respect the views and beliefs of others. 宽恕之心:尊重他人观点与信仰。

     Everyone at school has the right to work and socialize (社会交际) in a safe environment. We must all help to make the possible by recognizing our rights and our responsibilities. 学校一切人等均应在安全的环境下工作及与人交往。人人都应明白自己的权益与责任,共建美好校园。






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