标题 | 词块理论在高中英语写作教学中应用的实例研究 |
范文 | 杨伟 【摘 要】 本文从学生习作着手,实例说明词块运用对英语写作教学的影响,大量的学生习作实例研究证明了运用词块提升高中英语写作教学的可行性和有效性。 【关键词】 词块 英语写作教学 写作能力 词块是句法结构和语用功能相结合的特定形式,有利于语言的整体存储和提取,研究证明词块运用对提高学生写作至关重要。 1. 词块运用与英语写作教学 笔者在教人教版English around the world时,布置了一篇作文。题目: “English—the world language”,要求: (1)周围英语学习的现状;(2)英语的重要性。 下面是一个作文实例: As we know, English become the world language. Now, more people start studying English. In my school, all students are learning English work hard and English is important in exams. English is very important now, it is no doubt. In our daily life, English can help us learn the foreign culture and study new knowledge. We also can communicate with foreigners in English. So we should hard study English. 笔者在讲评时,引入了短语、句型等,以下是该学生的第二次作文: At present, more and more people throughout the world are learning English. A large number of students in China also pay much attention to English learning. For example, most of my friends spend a lot of time learning English and English plays an important part in the College Entrance Examinations. There is no doubt that English is of great importance in our daily life. With perfect English, we can communicate with foreigners freely, which helps us learn foreign culture and gain new knowledge. All in all, we should make great efforts to learn English well. 从两篇文章我们归纳出词块对提高写作能力的作用有: (1) 有利于提高语言准确性,克服母语负迁移 (2) 有利于丰富语言,提高写作的流畅性 (3) 有利于提高语篇能力,使文章层次清晰 2. 词块与写作教学 (1) 树立词块意识,培养词块提取和积累。教师应将词块教学融入到课堂中,有意识地补充相关词块,培养学生词块积累的好习惯。 (2) 围绕单元话题,培养词块输出和运用。笔者在教人教版Computers时,布置了一篇作文。具体是:分析电脑的优势和劣势,谈谈你的观点。 罗列词块。讨论what can computers be used to do?问题:长时间使用电脑危害身心健康,有些人痴迷于网络游戏,不良信息对青少年产生不良影响。3)你的观点:利用电脑优势,避免不良影响。 相应词块: be harmful to peoples health both physically and mentally, abandon/addict oneself to the computer games, have a bad effect/influence on ... 组词成句: Using a computer for a long time does great harm to peoples health both physically and mentally. Some people are as addicted to computer games as to waste a lot of valuable time. The unhealthy information on the computers has bad effects on teenagers ... 组句成篇: 衔接词语: besides, whats more, whats worse, however ... (3) 记忆巩固词块,训练创造性写作 课文复述:以The Olympic Games 为例: 1)古代和现代奥运会的相似点 They are held every four years. They discourage cheating and unfair behavior ... 2)两种奥运会的不同点 The modern Olympics are hosted by different countries. Competitors from all over world can take part if they reach the required standard in the event ... 3)分别描述两种奥运会 (4)课文延伸 以Wildlife protection 为例。 1)讨论野生动物濒临灭绝的原因destruction of habitats, overhunting ... 2)保护措施take effective measures to protect the habitats of wild animals; stop buying clothes made of their fur and forbid killing ... 3)倡导学生保护野生动物。 综上所述,教师要把词块理论运用到英语写作教学中,增强学生词块的语境意识,引导学生积累词块,灵活运用词块,进而提高教学的效果和质量。 [1] 马寅初, 黄金岩. 实用英语教学论[M]. 长沙:湖南师范大学出版社, 1992. [2] 丁往道. 英语写作手册[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1997. |
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