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单词 corpse
释义 corpse nounadjective | verb + corpse | corpse + verb | phrases adjective➤human人的尸体▸➤naked赤裸的尸体▸➤bloody, charred, headless, mangled, mutilated血淋淋的尸体;烧焦的尸体;无头尸;残缺不全的尸体▸➤decaying, rotting腐尸➤bloated肿胀的尸体➤dead, lifeless死尸▸➤mummified木乃伊干尸▸➤living, walking虽生犹死的状态;行尸走肉◆for over a year he lay in his hospital bed, a living corpse.一年多来,他躺在医院的病床上,生不如死。verb + corpse➤lay out给尸体作殡葬准备◆the corpse had been laid out on a marble slab.尸体被放在一张大理石板上作了殡葬准备。➤discover, find发现/找到尸体▸➤embalm用防腐药物保存尸体▸➤dismember, mutilate肢解尸体corpse + verb➤be sprawled, lie尸体四肢伸开/平躺◆they saw the corpse sprawled on the steps.他们看到那具尸体四肢伸开躺在台阶上。phrases➤be littered with corpses, be strewn with corpses到处是尸体◆the ground was littered with the corpses of enemy soldiers.地上横七竖八地躺着敌军的尸体。 corpse /kɔːps; name kɔːrps/ [countable] a dead body, especially of a human being(尤指人的)尸体◆the corpse was barely recognizable.这具尸体几乎无从辨认。◆the ground was littered with the corpses of enemy soldiers.地上到处都是敌军士兵的尸体。note 辨析 body or corpse? body is a gentler word to use than corpse. it reminds you that this was once a person who was alive, possibly sb that you knew. corpse is a more direct and unpleasant word; it is used especially when you do not know or do not care who the dead person was, or when you want to make the reality of death more shocking. * body 比 corpse 语气温和,提醒你那人曾经活着,可能你还认识。corpse 更直接冷酷。当你不认识或不在意死者是谁,或者想使死亡这个事实更加触目惊心时,尤用 corpse。corpse/kɔ:ps ||; kɔrps/noun [c] a dead body, especially of a person 尸体(尤指人的) ☞look at carcass. 参看carcass。 corpsesee ⇨ body 4 corpse /kɔrps; kɔːps/n [c]a dead body 死尸




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