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单词 corps
释义 corps nounadjective | corps + noun | preposition adjective➤elite精锐部队◆the elite corps of the army军队的精锐之师➤multinational多国部队◆a multinational corps under us command美国领导下的一支多国部队➤cadet, officer, volunteer军校部队;军官队伍;志愿兵团▸➤air, army, diplomatic, marine, medical空军军团;陆军军团;外交使团;海军陆战队;医疗队▸➤media, press记者团◆the un press corps联合国记者团corps + noun➤commander军团指挥官;团长preposition➤in a/the corps在军团里◆he's a gunner in the us marine corps.他是美国海军陆战队的一名炮手。 corps /kɔː(r)/ [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of people involved in a particular job or activity(从事某工作或活动)一群人,一组人◆local people worked alongside an international corps of volunteers.当地人和一个国际志愿者团体一同工作。◆the press corps记者团◆the diplomatic corps外交使团corps/kɔ:(r) ||; kɔr/noun [c] [with.sop] (plural corps /kɔ:(r) ||; kɔr/) 1. a part of an army with special duties 特种部队: ◇the medical corps 医疗部队 2. a group of people involved in a special activity 从事某一特别活动的一组人: ◇the diplomatic corps 外交使节团 corps /kɔr; kɔː/n [singular 单数] 1. a group in the army, especially one with special duties 特种部队; 特殊兵种:◇the medical corps 医疗部队 2. a group of people who do a particular job 共同工作的一群人:◇the press corps 记者团




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