标题 | 以复述促进学生英语综合能力发展 |
范文 | 高翔 【摘 要】 加强对学生综合语言能力的培养是《普通高中英语课程标准》规定的课程性质和理念,而复述文段这种方法可以很好促进学生英语综合能力发展,本文结合自己课堂教学实践,对复述文段的作用和方法作简单的论述。 【关键词】 复述文段 作用 方法 要弥补学生思维结构的不平衡,复述是英语阅读训练中可以使用的非常有效的方法之一。复述是指用不同的话语表达方式来对某一段文本的意义进行表述和阐释,使文本的意义变得更加清楚、明白。常用的是通过解释、增加信息、举例、比较等扩充原文。 通过复述可以看出学生是否正确理解了文本意义,同时为学生提供了练习语言表达的机会。复述不是总结原文本,复述要比原本更具体,需要加入复述者对文本内涵和外延的理解、解释文本、增加背景信息,甚至举例说明等。阅读理解大致可以分为三个层次:认识、解读和鉴赏。复述原文可以理解文本的深层意义,使阅读理解从字面意思走向语用意义,可以清楚和准确地理解文本。 1. 复述文段的作用 1.1 复述文段有利于培养学生的思维能力 复述过程是概括、取舍和联想思维的过程,学生要组织材料,用自己的语言叙述。这一个过程是知识与能力的相互转化,是新旧知识的相互渗透,是对语言知识活化应用。无论是词汇的选择,还是对句子的组织、时间顺序的安排、复述的条理、逻辑的推理,无一不是思维能力的体现。 1.2 复述文段有利于强化学生的语言知识 复述课文,学生要仔细阅读课文,然后用自己的语言表达,在此过程中,学生不仅要理解和运用所学的新知识,还必须调动原有的英语知识。不仅巩固了新知识,也温习了已学的语言知识。 1.3 复述文段是对教学的反馈 通过复述,教师可以了解学生对所学文段的掌握情况,及时发现和调整教学中的不足。 2. 常用方法 2.1 图片复述法 Use the mind map to summarize the development of basketball.(图片略) 2.2 课文填空复述 Milu deer used to be common in China long ago. However, it disappeared during the last few centuries. Too many of the deer had been killed and some were taken away to England. The deer liked the cool wet weather in Britain and the number of them increased there. Not long ago, the biggest nature park for milu deer was set up in Beijing. They got some deer from England in 1985. Ever since then the number of milu deer has grown. There are two more research centers for milu deer in China. It is hoped that one day there will be so many of them that they can live in the wild again. 2.3 答案连接复述 (1)When and where was Einstein born? (2)How did Einstein manage to study in a university in Switzerland? (3) Why was the period between 1905 and 1915 an important one for Einstein? (4) What prize was he given for his scientific research in physics in 1921? (5) Did Einstein care for money? How do you know? (6) What other work did he do besides his scientific research? (7) What kind of person do you think Einstein was? 2.4 以点带面复述 (点——线——面) (1)连点成句: 1) Marx 2) progress 3) advice Karl Marx was born in Germany. He made rapid progress in English and Russian. Marx gave us some advice on how to learn a foreign language. (2)连句成文: Karl Marx was born in Germany. German was his native language. In 1849, he went to London for political reasons. There he found his English was not good, so he began to improve it. Before long he made such rapid progress that he was able to write articles in English. In his fifties, he began to learn Russian so as to study the political situation in Russia. Six months later, he also made such rapid progress that he was able to read articles and reports in Russian. Marx gave us some advice on how to learn a foreign language. He said that when a person is learning a foreign language, he mustnt always be translating anything into his own. He must be able to use it freely. 2.5 改写 ■ 教育部. 普通高中英语课程标准(实验)[M]. 北京: 人民教育出版社, 2003. |
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