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标题 高学历英语教师词汇教学新探索(个案研究)



    1. 研究方法

    1.1 问卷调查


    1.2 教师的课堂实践分析


    在讲“An Adventure in Africa”这一课时,学生与教师有这样的对话:

    T: “Why do you think Toby expect an adventure in Africa, not other continents?”

    S1: “Maybe Africa is a place where many mysteries and wonders(exist).”

    S2: “Maybe he lives near Africa and it costs less for travelling.”

    S3: “Because where he lives is very cold and he expects to go traveling in very hot places.”

    T: (smile)“Quite reasonable.Where do you expect to have an adventure? Why?”

    S1: “Egypt. Because there are a lot wonders and Pyramids, these are my favorite.”

    T: “That is one of my dreaming place, too. What about you, Bob?”

    S2: “Pakistan. I want to see whether everyone carries guns like reported. And to see how Chinese people live there.”

    All SS: “Wa!Violence!”

    T: “Now you have to work hard to be a diplomat (外交官) there.”

    S3: “I want to go to Dibai to climb the highest building!”

    T: “How bold you are!Are you going to take some selfies?”

    S3: “No, because I am afraid of height!I am just dreaming!”

    All SS&T: “Haha!”



    教师B在词汇处理方面创造性地借助语料库处理目标词汇。语料库能提供大量的真实,自然的语料,统计出来的搭配为教学提供了可靠的依据。教师将检索结果截图到ppt使用或者利用学校电脑联网直接在课堂上进行语料库在线检索,即兴灵活地展示语言信息。她常用的语料库是“JTW(just the word)”。




    除此之外,这两位教师还特别注重基于语篇的词块教学,着重强化话题词块和模板词块。并将课本文本与写作有机结合起来,采取以读促写的教学模式。首先学生快速阅读,找出与话题相关的词块或短语;然后在教师的引导下,再进行深度阅读,梳理出语篇的连接语和可供模仿的句式归纳出文章的语篇模式。比如某一单元话题是“Internet”,围绕该话题的词块较多,教师先让同学自行查找标出话题词块和模板词块,如:relate to others, the first source to turn to, abundant information, gather information, build social bonds, a positive tool; inaccurate information, more of a problem, troublesome, lie about the products, spend their time apart, damage peoples ability to live normal lives.学生的答案较为零散,教师以好处/坏处两个大的方面板书分类,带学生一起整理,并朗读。学生笔记如下:

    优:look for valuable information/relate to others/the first source to turn to/up-to-date(accurate/abundant) information/employ it to search for/build solid bonds/correspond/relate to others/have more avenues to meet people

    劣:a waste of time/have not been evaluated for accuracy/affect peoples private lives/families spend their time apart/withdraw from the world/be addicted and drop our

    然后,通过句子填空,图片描述的方式帮助学生重复聚焦重点词块。例如Whenever we encounter sth we dont know, Internet is the


    Many sales online ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (虚假宣传), which has posed a threat to offline stores

    We have to trust government pages rather than personal pages where the information is ? ? ? ? ? and ? ? ? ? ?.

    Special groups like disabled people can ? ? ? ? ? and

    (通信和联系) around the globe who have similar interests.

    课本中提供的结构性语块也较多,如The first is that...the second is that/they claim that.../the second most common use, for many people, is to.../statistics prove that.../another truly wonderful aspect is that../one of the great benefits is that...教师在课堂梳理课文时,由于他们已经提前预习过,围绕课文直接提问并展开讨论。如:What is the most common use of internet for most people? How does the internet change the way people spend their time?where can we find more accurate information? Compared to online reference materials , what are the pluses or minuses of traditional reference materials?回答要求尽可能多地使用课文中出现的相关语块和句型组块发表自己的看法,再一次进行词块的内化;最后设置语境,补充产出性写作练习,活用语块。


    There are many positive effects of the internet and the most common one, for most people, is to gather information. One great strength is that the internet provides up-to-date information and abundant information. Whenever i have some problem, i can turn to the internet and it always give me satisfying answers. Anyway, some of the information have not been evaluated for accuracy so you have to select it carefully. It is acknowledged that the government information are more reliable than personal pages.


    2. 结论







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