标题 | Book 3 unit1 Festival and CelebrationsReading for Writing:My Amazing Naadam Experience |
范文 | Step1:Activate(3mins) [设计意图]先声夺人,激发兴趣,引入主题。学生搜索并组织语言作简要表述。 Q:? Will you share some information and meet our curiosity? step2: Read(7mins) [设计意图]学生对那达慕节日的了解和作者的经历构成知识差,激发学生阅读兴趣。 Q:? 1.Have ever heard of “The Naadam Festival”? How much do you know it? 2.Here is a boy who wrote down his experience in Naadam. Is it the same as what you know ? step3: Analyze(8mins) 1.? Read the article and answer the following question. What does “Naadam” mean?? What are the customs in Naadam?? What amazed me? [設计意图]把握语篇的体裁和结构,分析日记文本特点,为写作的谋篇布局奠定基础。 2. Q:? 1. What type of writing is it?? How did the writer arrange his ideas? Q:? When you write a diary, what should we pay much attention to? 1. The main tense: the past simple. 2. The first person: I stated the stories that happened. 3. It is usually organized by time order. 4. It is always mixed with the moods or emotions of the writers . Q: How is the writing organized? On the first dayI set off to....After the opening ceremony.... I saw ... wearing.... Some were... some....and others were.... The wrestling....was different.... I absolutely enjoy...but... Im finally back home now..... T:? Share what you read with your family and tell them what interests you most. step4: Express(10mins) [设计意图]通过语句欣赏和仿写活动告诉学生,描述人或事物可以有多种手法;开篇句也可以有多种写法。并鼓励学生平时多阅读、观察、积累并尝试写作,形成自己独特的写作风格。 Q:? How did the writer describe his feelings or emotions during the events? 表达情感的语句:Im finally back now, feeling really tired, but celebrating...was totally worth it. 仿写: Describe one occasion and your moods: Q:? What kind of interesting details did the writer describe? 细节描述:1.After singing ...the competitors danced onto ..., waving their arms in the air as if ...仿写2:Describe one scene in your experience: step5: outline(5mins) [设计意图]谋篇布局,确定开篇、发展和结尾。用关键词表达准备情况、参加活动的感受。 第一句改写为:Ill never forget the Naadam Festival _____________________________________ 1.Draft your experience according to the outline. 2.Use -ing form in your writing Step7: Correct(4mins) [设计意图]通过开展自评和互评的活动,学生对自己的学习情况进行有效的监控、评价、反思和调整,并逐步提高用英语表达的意识和能力。 T: Exchange drafts with a partner. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partners draft. 1.Is the writing well-organized?? ?2.Is there an opening sentence in the first paragraph? 3.Does each paragraph include the necessary details? 4.Does the writer describe his or her feelings and emotions? 5.Does the writer use the -ing form correctly in the writing? 教学反思:在我国,除了共同的重要节日外,因历史、地域等因素流传下来的民族节日也非常丰富。这些节日往往拥有悠久的历史和独特的风俗。因此,教师应鼓励学生去探究和了解不同民族的节日,让他们学会用英语表达。这样,不仅可以提高学生的信息处理能力和语言表达能力,还能让他们开阔眼界,培养爱国主义情怀,形成跨文化沟通和文化传播的能力。 【作者简介】文海霞(1980.07-),女,汉族,济南历城人,济南市历城第二中学,中教一级,研究生,研究方向:英语教学。 |
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