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标题 绘本We all love ice cream教学设计



    【关键词】绘本故事 阅读能力 自主阅读 教学反思

    【教学内容】《跟上兔子》小学英语分级绘本We all love ice cream



    1.能听懂、会说、会读单词和短语:eat the broccoli, do the dishes, make a big bowl of ice cream, do the laundry, both, own。

    2.能掌握句型:If you...,you can...;If you...,Ill....











    Step 1? Pre-reading


    2.Sing a song.

    T: Do you like the English songs? Lets sing a song together.

    What can you see in the song? What do you like? What dont you like? If you dont want to eat the..., what can your mother say?

    【设计意图】通过歌曲导入,师生对话,复习“I like...和I dont like...”句型,并引导渗透“If you eat..., you...”句型。

    Step 2 While-reading.

    1.Introduce Freds family.

    T:Today Ill tell a story about the food. Do you want to know the story? What do you want to know about the story? Discuss with your partner. Give you 10 seconds.

    T:Now lets look at the picture. Heres Freds family.This is Fred. Read after me. Do you know what they dont? like? Now I choose three pictures about them. At the beginning of the story. At the middle of the story. At the end of the story.? Look at the first picture. Look at Fred.Why? Maybe he doesnt like broccoli, right? What about his mum? Why? Maybe Fred is naughty. She is angry. Maybe she doesnt like broccoli, either. Now how are they? Why are they happy? Maybe dad makes them happy, right? Do you want to know more about them?


    2.Imagine and tell a story.

    T:I get some other pictures from the story about Freds family. Please read the phrases.


    T:Do you know what “dishes” means?

    Look at the pictures. We can use “wash the dishes and clean the dishes”.

    T:Do you like ice cream? A bowl of ice cream means... Look at the picture, how to read it? What else can we say like this?

    T:Do you know what? “do the laundry” means? It means “wash the clothes with the washing machine”.


    3.Show the story.

    T:Do you want to know this story? Lets listen to the story. Now listen carefully.

    T:Now let me check the answers. Boys PK with girls.Are you right?


    4.Order the story.

    T:Do you want to read the picture book about the story? Now take out the pictures from the envelope and try to order the pictures. You can work in pairs and get your own picture book.

    T: Are you OK? Lets read the story together. Try to tell the story. (幻燈呈现一遍,全体学生读)


    5.Give a title.

    T:Now you all know the story very well. Can you give a great name for the story?Heres the name. Its “we all love ice cream”. But I think your titles are better than this one. You are all very clever.


    6.Summary the sentence structure.

    T:From the story, we all know the Freds family persuade people to eat the vegetables. Right? Can you find the sentences? Discuss in groups and find the sentences. Can you find the sentence structure too?

    T:(制作场景)How do your parents persuade you to do something? If you want to persuade someone to do something, how can you say? What else can we say?

    【设计意图】通过绘本故事的阅读,让学生进行自主讨论,对故事中的句型进行归纳和总结,学生自己能归纳出“If can...;If you...Ill...”这两个重点句型。

    7.Lets PK.

    T:Now lets play a game. Boys PK with girls. Look at the sentences and pictures. Can you complete the sentences or make a sentence with the pictures? What can you say?

    T:Good job! Which group is the winner? Boys are winners! Congratulations!


    8.Act out the story.

    T:Boys and girls, do you like this story? Who do you like best? Can you act out the story? You can make your own story, too. Work in groups. One is the narrator, the other are Freds family. Ill give you 2 minutes to prepare.

    T:Your stories are very interesting. Thank you for acting. You can act your own story after class.


    Step 3? Post-reading

    1.Write the diary.

    T: What can we learn from this story? Can you complete the diary for Fred? Now take out your paper and finish the diary for Fred .

    T: Now lets check your diary together.I hope you can eat more vegetables and have a healthy diet too.

    T: Lets enjoy reading!

    Lets enjoy English!

    Lets enjoy our life!


    2.Lets think.

    T:Now we all know the story very well. Lets think about the questions.

    a.Is there anything wrong with Freds behaviour? What is it?

    b.Whats wrong with Freds parents way of education? What should they do?


    Step 4? ?Homework

    1.Listen and read the story.

    2.If your parents want you to do something you dont like, what will they say?

    Make a picture book about your story.


    绘本We all love ice cream教学反思

    本节课教学的是《跟上兔子》小学英语分级绘本We all love ice cream,绘本内容比较生动有趣,适合小学高年级的学生阅读。针对小学高年级学生教学采取了游戏教学法、情境教学法、绘本教学法、任务教学法、活动探究法和集体讨论法等教学方法。这些教学方法有助于发挥学生的主体性和自主性。因为现今的阅读教材与学生们的生活息息相关,所以教师在让学生进行自由对话时引导学生复习“I like...和I dont like...”句型,并引导渗透“If you eat..., you...”句型,这极有利于将知识化难为易。在阅读绘本之前,教师先让学生进行故事预测,激发起学生阅读这个绘本故事的兴趣和好奇心,同时通过截取故事中相关的图片,让学生了解一些相关具体信息,并在这个过程中运用多种教学方式对绘本中一些生词进行教学和处理,为下面的绘本阅读扫清阅读障碍。接着绘本故事呈现语音和文字,教师让学生通过听回答一两个指导性问题,并通过男女生PK的方式回答绘本故事的一些相关问题,达到泛读故事的目的。学生积极性很高,完成度也很高,有效地训练了学生听力和快速阅读能力。在阅读过程中,设计给绘本图片排序、制作绘本书的活动,让学生通过两人合作,将自主阅读文字和理解图片相结合,从而让学生对绘本故事进行深入地阅读,达到自主学习绘本故事的目的。再提出一些细化的问题,要求学生细读课文后,生生之间或师生之间展开交流、讨论,来梳理全文信息。再让学生跟读录音,掌握正确的语音、语调,培养语感,加深对课文的理解。在绘本故事阅读后,让学生进行自主讨论,对故事中句型进行归纳和总结,学生自己能归纳出“If you...,you can...; If you...,Ill...”这两个重点句型。通过设计男女生PK完成补全句式或根据情境完成句子,来达到充分练习归纳出绘本故事中的重点句型的目的,这个活动通过游戏环节来进行操作,学生参与的积极性很高。






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