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单词 nestle
释义 nestle verbadverb | preposition adverb➤comfortably, safely舒适地坐着;安全依偎➤together舒适地坐在一起◆my parents were nestled together on the couch.我父母舒适地并排坐在沙发上。preposition➤against倚靠◆she sat back, nestling against his chest.她坐着向后一靠,偎依在他的胸前。➤among坐落在⋯中◆the town nestles comfortably among the hills.这个小镇悠然地坐落在群山中。➤in坐落在⋯里◆a tiny village nestling in a valley坐落在峡谷中的小村庄➤between坐落在⋯之间nestle/ˈnesl ||; ˈnɛsḷ/verb [i,t] to be or go into a position where you are comfortable, protected or hidden (舒适地)安顿下来,隐蔽下来 · ◇the baby nestled her head on her mother's shoulder. 婴儿把头偎依在母亲的肩膀上。 nes·tle /`nɛsḷ; ˈnesəl/v 1. [i,t] to move into a comfortable position, in which you are gently touching someone or something (使)安靠; (使)偎依:◇the little cat nestled in his arms. 小猫依偎在他怀里。 2. [i] to be in a position that is protected by a group of hills, trees, buildings etc 坐落在[隐蔽的地方]:◇+ among/between etc the village nestled among the torridon hills. 这座村庄坐落于多域当群山之中。




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