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单词 net
释义 net nounadjective | verb + net | preposition adjective➤fine, fine-mesh细网;细网眼的网➤safety安全网➤fishing渔网➤drift流刺网➤mosquito蚊帐➤butterfly捕虫网verb + net➤mend补网◆the fishermen were mending their nets.渔民们正在补网。➤cast, spread, spread out撒网➤haul in收网➤slip through (often figurative) 漏网◆we tried to contact all former students but one or two slipped through the net.我们设法联系所有以前的学生,但还是漏掉了一两个。preposition➤in a/the net在网中◆unfortunately the animals are often caught in fishing nets.不幸的是,这些动物经常被渔网套住。➤into a/the net进网里◆the ball went into the net.球滚进了网内。➤over the net过网◆to hit the ball over the net击球过网net /net/ nounthe net [singular] = internet 2. [countable, uncountable] (name) a net amount or weight 净值;净重◆the third quarter net was up 6%. 第三季度的净值提高了 6%。 safety net net /net/ adjective (bre spelling also nett) (accounting 会计) [usually before noun] a net amount of money is the amount that remains when nothing more is to be taken away 净得的;纯的◆record net profits of £360 m 创纪录的 3.6 亿英镑净利润◆the salary is €40 000 net of tax. 薪水税后为 4 万欧元。  ➡  gross ⨁ a net loss / profit / operating loss / operating profit净亏损/利润/营运亏损/营运利润 ⨁ net earnings / income / proceeds / sales纯收入/收益/销售额 2. [only before noun] final, after all the important facts have been included 最后的;最终的◆the net result is that small shopkeepers are being forced out of business. 最终的结果是小店主们被迫停业。 ▸ net adverb◆a salary of €50 000 net 5 万欧元的净工资◆interest on the investment will be paid net (= tax will already have been taken away). 投资的利息将按扣税后的金额支付。  ➡  gross net /net/ verb [transitive] (-tt-) earn an amount of money as a profit after you have taken away some of it for tax, etc. 净赚;净得◆after paying all his debts, he netted $50 000. 偿清全部债务后,他净赚了 5 万元。  ➡  gross manage to obtain sth 获得;得到◆the deal netted over €200 000. 这笔交易净赚 20 多万欧元。 ●net sth down (to sth) ●net down (to sth) (finance 金融) to take sth away from an amount until only the net amount is left 净得;净赚◆the $3 extra income per customer from the promotion nets down to $2.50 because it cost $.50 per customer. 这次促销从每位顾客中赚得 3 元的额外收入,扣除在每位顾客身上花费的 0.50 元,净得 2.50 元。●net out at/to sth (accounting 会计) to produce an amount of money after some has been taken away for tax and other expenses (扣除税和其他开支后)净值◆they are offering $100 cash back, so the phone nets out at only $50. 他们提供 100 元的现金返还,因此这部电话净值只是 50 元。☞ net☞ net☞ net☞ netnet(-tt-) [transitive] (written, especially journalism尤用于新闻) to catch sb or obtain sth in a skilful way(巧妙地)捕获,得到◆a swoop by customs officers netted a large quantity of drugs.海关人员突然搜查,缉获了大量毒品。ⓘ people might also net such things as business, a contract or clients. * net 还可与 business、contract 或 client 搭配。net(-tt-) [transitive] to make an amount of money as profit after you have paid tax on it(税后)净赚,净得◆the sale of paintings netted £17 000.售卖这些画净得 17 000 英镑。net¹/net ||; nɛt/noun1. [u] material that has large, often square, spaces between the threads 网 2. [c] a piece of net that is used for a particular purpose (作某种用途的)网织品,网状物: ◇a tennis/fishing/mosquito net 网球网;渔网;蚊帐 ☞look at safety net. 参看safety net。 ☞picture at sport 见sport插图 3. the net [sing] =the internetsurf the net→surf²net²/net ||; nɛt/verb [t] (netting;netted) 1. to catch sth with a net; to kick a ball into a net 用网捕捉;把球射进球门 2. to gain sth as a profit 净得,净获(利润)net³/net ||; nɛt/(also nett) adj net (of sth) (used about a number or amount) from which nothing more needs to be taken away (指数字或数量)净的,纯的: ◇i earn about £15000 net (= after tax, etc has been paid) 我净挣15000英镑左右。◇the net weight of the jam is 350g (= not including the jar). 这果酱净重350克。◇a net profit 纯利 [opp] gross 反义词为gross☞ net¹☞ net²☞ net³




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