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标题 在线固相萃取法结合电雾式检测器测定黄芪及其复方中黄芪甲苷的含量
范文 李效宽等
摘 要 采用在线固相萃取高效液相色谱法,结合电雾式检测器,建立了快速测定黄芪及其复方中黄芪甲苷的方法。采用Acclaim Polar AdvantageⅡC18(50 mm×4.6 mm, 3 μm)为在线净化柱,以双三元液相色谱的右泵作为上样净化泵,甲醇水为流动相,梯度洗脱,进行富集和净化;采用Acclaim C18(150 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm)3 结果和讨论
3.1 提取方法选择
黄芪甲苷在原药材中含量较低,而多以黄芪甲苷乙酰化物形式(主要是以其结构中C3位木糖配基上不同位置羟基的乙酰化物)存在于原药材中,若不经碱水解处理,将乙酰化物转化成游离的黄芪甲苷形式,往往不能满足常规检测要求。因此,很多方法利用其乙酰化物在碱性溶剂中可转化为黄芪甲苷的性质, 在样品处理过程中将部分乙酰化物转化为黄芪甲苷,提高其含量,以满足检测要求[ 20]。本实验考察了甲醇提取结合碱溶液处理的方法,但方法重现性不好。因此,本研究采用一定浓度的KOH甲醇溶液直接进行提取的方法,并对KOH的浓度进行考察,以0.1 mol/L KOH甲醇作为提取溶剂时,黄芪甲苷的提取率较高,且重现性较好。根据文献[ 5]或标准[ 18]的加热回流提取方法, 药材需浸泡12 h,再索氏提取4 h。整个提取时间较长,大大影响了方法的分析效率。加速溶剂萃取又称快速溶剂萃取法, 是在密闭容器内,在高温、高压条件下用溶剂提取样品,通过增大压力来提高溶剂的沸点,可以提高目标成分的溶解度;同时,温度升高可以降低溶剂黏度,有利于溶剂分子向基质扩散,从而提高了目标物的提取效率,在中药及天然药物有效成分提取中已有较多应用[ 19]。本实验采用加速溶剂萃取法对黄芪甲苷进行提取,对加热温度、加热时间、静态萃取时间以及循环次数等条件进行了考察。最终确定了ASE的提取条件: 加热温度为140 ℃,加热8 min,吹扫体积为60%, 静态萃取10 min循环3次, 总提取总时间约40 min。比较了本方法与传统的回流提取方法对目标物的提取转移率,结果表明, 两种提取方法的目标物提取率基本一致,但采用ASE提取可以大大加快样品的提取时间,提高样品的分析效率。
3.2 在线SPE柱的选择及条件优化
参考黄芪饮片的标准方法[ 18],采用NG1型保护柱(苯乙烯与二乙烯苯聚合物)和SolEx HRP(20 mm×2.1 mm)作为SPE柱,两种SPE柱均以疏水保留作用为主,且对目标物均有较好的保留,但目标物在SPE柱上的峰较宽,且样品基质中与目标物性质类似的基质干扰成分较多,净化效果相对较差。Polar advantageⅡC18 柱是一种嵌合有极性基团的C18柱,保留机理与C18不完全一致,且可兼容100%水相,选择该柱作为在线的SPE柱,能够去除大量干扰基质,且对目标物有一定粗分效果。同时,选择甲醇水作为流动相,既可减少目标物转移过程中所带来的溶剂效应,又可增加一维净化和二维分析过程的正交性,提高系统的分离能力,从而可改善方法的专属性。从图2可见,黄芪甲苷与其它基质干扰成分分离较好,满足含量测定要求。
4 结 论
本实验初步建立了黄芪及其复方制剂中黄芪甲苷的Online SPELCCAD的含量测定方法。本方法具有以下优点: (1)本方法结合SPE净化和二维分离的特点,去除大量基质干扰的同时,增加了系统的分离能力,减少了色谱峰的重叠;(2)通过阀切换,可以避免污染物进入分析柱,从而延长了分析柱的使用寿命;(3)本方法分析效率高,本方法适用黄芪及其复方制剂中黄芪甲苷的定量。综上分析,本方法简便、快速,且自动化程度高、重现性更好,回收率较高,可作为黄芪及其制剂的质量控制方法,推广应用。
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8 Turner N W, Subrahmanyam S, Piletsky S A. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2009, 632(2): 168-180
9 Oliveira E D, Brazil J. Chem. Soc., 2003, 14(2): 174-182
10 Barceló D, Hennion M. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1995, 318: 1-41
11 Huang W H, Yang J, Zhao J, Wang C Z, Yuan C S, Li S P. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2010, (53): 906-910
12 Dixon R W, Peterson D S. Anal. Chem., 2002, 74(13): 2930-2937
13 Wipe P, Werner S, Twining L A, Kendall C. Chirality, 2007, 19(1): 5-9
14 Brunelli C, Gorecki T, Zhao Y, Sandra P. CoronaCharged Aerosol Detection in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography for Pharmaceutical Analysis. Anal. Chem., 2007, 79(6): 2472-2482
15 Gamache P H, McCarthy R S, Freeto S M, Asa D J, Woodcock M J, Laws K, Cole R O. LC GC Eur., 2005, 18(6): 345-354
16 Bai C C, Han S Y, Chai X Y, Jiang Y, Li P, Tu P F. J. Liq. Chromatogr. Relat. Technol., 2009, 32(2): 242-260
17 Vertzoni M, Archontaki H, Reppas C. Journal of Lipid Research, 2008,49(12): 2690-2695
18 Chinese Pharmacopoeia. 2010. VolⅠ: 283
中国药典, 2010版, 一部: 283
19 CHEN JunHui, YANG BaiJuan, LI WenLong, WANG XiaoRu, LI XianChun, YANG HuangHao. Chinese Journal of Chromatography, 2007, 25(5): 628-632
陈军辉, 杨佰娟, 李文龙, 王小如, 黎先春, 杨黄浩. 色谱, 2007, 25(5): 628-632
20 XIA GuangPing, LIU Peng, HAN YingMei. Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials, 2008, 31(3): 385-387
夏广萍, 刘 鹏, 韩英梅. 中药材, 2008, 31(3): 385-387
Determination of Astragaloside IV in Radix Astragli and
Its Preparations by Online SPELiquid Chromatography
with Charged Aerosol Detector
LI XiaoKuan*1, ZHANG YanHai2, FENG TianHui1, YANG YanLing1, JIN Yan2
1(College of Pharmacy SouthCentral University For Nationalities, Wuhan 430074, China)
2(ThermoFisher Scientific Corporation, Shanghai 201205, China)
Abstract A novel method for quantification of astragaloside IV in Radix Astragli was developed by using online SPE liquid chromatography coupled with corona charged aerosol detection(CAD). The sample solution was loaded into Acclaim Polar AdvantageⅡC18(50 mm×4.6 mm, 3 μm) which was selected as online SPE column. Then the cleaning process was done by using the Right one of dual gradient pumps with Methanolwater as mobile phase. Acclaim C18 (150 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm) was selected as analytical column with acetonitrilewater as mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The eluate containing the target from SPE column was transferred into the analytical column by heartcutting mode. The temperature of nebulizer of corona CAD was set at 30 ℃ and the nitrogen pressure was 241.3 kPa. The baseline separation of astragaloside IV from matrix components has been achieved. There was a good linear correlation in the range of 4.0-80 mg/L for astragaloside IV and the correlation coefficient was 0.9998. The standard addition average recovery of astragaloside IV in Radix Astragli was 97.6%. It has been validated that astragaloside IV in Radix Astragli and its preparations can be quantified rapidly and accurately with this method.
Keywords Astragaloside IV, Online solid phase extraction; Corona chard aerosol detection; Dual liquid chromatography
(Received 31 August 2014; accepted 20 October 2014
谢和兵, 刘志辉, 钱 芳. 药物分析杂志, 2008, 28(4): 547-549
8 Turner N W, Subrahmanyam S, Piletsky S A. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2009, 632(2): 168-180
9 Oliveira E D, Brazil J. Chem. Soc., 2003, 14(2): 174-182
10 Barceló D, Hennion M. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1995, 318: 1-41
11 Huang W H, Yang J, Zhao J, Wang C Z, Yuan C S, Li S P. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2010, (53): 906-910
12 Dixon R W, Peterson D S. Anal. Chem., 2002, 74(13): 2930-2937
13 Wipe P, Werner S, Twining L A, Kendall C. Chirality, 2007, 19(1): 5-9
14 Brunelli C, Gorecki T, Zhao Y, Sandra P. CoronaCharged Aerosol Detection in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography for Pharmaceutical Analysis. Anal. Chem., 2007, 79(6): 2472-2482
15 Gamache P H, McCarthy R S, Freeto S M, Asa D J, Woodcock M J, Laws K, Cole R O. LC GC Eur., 2005, 18(6): 345-354
16 Bai C C, Han S Y, Chai X Y, Jiang Y, Li P, Tu P F. J. Liq. Chromatogr. Relat. Technol., 2009, 32(2): 242-260
17 Vertzoni M, Archontaki H, Reppas C. Journal of Lipid Research, 2008,49(12): 2690-2695
18 Chinese Pharmacopoeia. 2010. VolⅠ: 283
中国药典, 2010版, 一部: 283
19 CHEN JunHui, YANG BaiJuan, LI WenLong, WANG XiaoRu, LI XianChun, YANG HuangHao. Chinese Journal of Chromatography, 2007, 25(5): 628-632
陈军辉, 杨佰娟, 李文龙, 王小如, 黎先春, 杨黄浩. 色谱, 2007, 25(5): 628-632
20 XIA GuangPing, LIU Peng, HAN YingMei. Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials, 2008, 31(3): 385-387
夏广萍, 刘 鹏, 韩英梅. 中药材, 2008, 31(3): 385-387
Determination of Astragaloside IV in Radix Astragli and
Its Preparations by Online SPELiquid Chromatography
with Charged Aerosol Detector
LI XiaoKuan*1, ZHANG YanHai2, FENG TianHui1, YANG YanLing1, JIN Yan2
1(College of Pharmacy SouthCentral University For Nationalities, Wuhan 430074, China)
2(ThermoFisher Scientific Corporation, Shanghai 201205, China)
Abstract A novel method for quantification of astragaloside IV in Radix Astragli was developed by using online SPE liquid chromatography coupled with corona charged aerosol detection(CAD). The sample solution was loaded into Acclaim Polar AdvantageⅡC18(50 mm×4.6 mm, 3 μm) which was selected as online SPE column. Then the cleaning process was done by using the Right one of dual gradient pumps with Methanolwater as mobile phase. Acclaim C18 (150 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm) was selected as analytical column with acetonitrilewater as mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The eluate containing the target from SPE column was transferred into the analytical column by heartcutting mode. The temperature of nebulizer of corona CAD was set at 30 ℃ and the nitrogen pressure was 241.3 kPa. The baseline separation of astragaloside IV from matrix components has been achieved. There was a good linear correlation in the range of 4.0-80 mg/L for astragaloside IV and the correlation coefficient was 0.9998. The standard addition average recovery of astragaloside IV in Radix Astragli was 97.6%. It has been validated that astragaloside IV in Radix Astragli and its preparations can be quantified rapidly and accurately with this method.
Keywords Astragaloside IV, Online solid phase extraction; Corona chard aerosol detection; Dual liquid chromatography
(Received 31 August 2014; accepted 20 October 2014
谢和兵, 刘志辉, 钱 芳. 药物分析杂志, 2008, 28(4): 547-549
8 Turner N W, Subrahmanyam S, Piletsky S A. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2009, 632(2): 168-180
9 Oliveira E D, Brazil J. Chem. Soc., 2003, 14(2): 174-182
10 Barceló D, Hennion M. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1995, 318: 1-41
11 Huang W H, Yang J, Zhao J, Wang C Z, Yuan C S, Li S P. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2010, (53): 906-910
12 Dixon R W, Peterson D S. Anal. Chem., 2002, 74(13): 2930-2937
13 Wipe P, Werner S, Twining L A, Kendall C. Chirality, 2007, 19(1): 5-9
14 Brunelli C, Gorecki T, Zhao Y, Sandra P. CoronaCharged Aerosol Detection in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography for Pharmaceutical Analysis. Anal. Chem., 2007, 79(6): 2472-2482
15 Gamache P H, McCarthy R S, Freeto S M, Asa D J, Woodcock M J, Laws K, Cole R O. LC GC Eur., 2005, 18(6): 345-354
16 Bai C C, Han S Y, Chai X Y, Jiang Y, Li P, Tu P F. J. Liq. Chromatogr. Relat. Technol., 2009, 32(2): 242-260
17 Vertzoni M, Archontaki H, Reppas C. Journal of Lipid Research, 2008,49(12): 2690-2695
18 Chinese Pharmacopoeia. 2010. VolⅠ: 283
中国药典, 2010版, 一部: 283
19 CHEN JunHui, YANG BaiJuan, LI WenLong, WANG XiaoRu, LI XianChun, YANG HuangHao. Chinese Journal of Chromatography, 2007, 25(5): 628-632
陈军辉, 杨佰娟, 李文龙, 王小如, 黎先春, 杨黄浩. 色谱, 2007, 25(5): 628-632
20 XIA GuangPing, LIU Peng, HAN YingMei. Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials, 2008, 31(3): 385-387
夏广萍, 刘 鹏, 韩英梅. 中药材, 2008, 31(3): 385-387
Determination of Astragaloside IV in Radix Astragli and
Its Preparations by Online SPELiquid Chromatography
with Charged Aerosol Detector
LI XiaoKuan*1, ZHANG YanHai2, FENG TianHui1, YANG YanLing1, JIN Yan2
1(College of Pharmacy SouthCentral University For Nationalities, Wuhan 430074, China)
2(ThermoFisher Scientific Corporation, Shanghai 201205, China)
Abstract A novel method for quantification of astragaloside IV in Radix Astragli was developed by using online SPE liquid chromatography coupled with corona charged aerosol detection(CAD). The sample solution was loaded into Acclaim Polar AdvantageⅡC18(50 mm×4.6 mm, 3 μm) which was selected as online SPE column. Then the cleaning process was done by using the Right one of dual gradient pumps with Methanolwater as mobile phase. Acclaim C18 (150 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm) was selected as analytical column with acetonitrilewater as mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The eluate containing the target from SPE column was transferred into the analytical column by heartcutting mode. The temperature of nebulizer of corona CAD was set at 30 ℃ and the nitrogen pressure was 241.3 kPa. The baseline separation of astragaloside IV from matrix components has been achieved. There was a good linear correlation in the range of 4.0-80 mg/L for astragaloside IV and the correlation coefficient was 0.9998. The standard addition average recovery of astragaloside IV in Radix Astragli was 97.6%. It has been validated that astragaloside IV in Radix Astragli and its preparations can be quantified rapidly and accurately with this method.
Keywords Astragaloside IV, Online solid phase extraction; Corona chard aerosol detection; Dual liquid chromatography
(Received 31 August 2014; accepted 20 October 2014




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