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单词 intrude
释义 intrude /ɪntruːd/ [intransitive] (rather formal, disapproving) to become involved in a situation where you are not wanted, especially sb's private affairs; to affect sb/sth in an unpleasant or annoying way介入(尤指别人的私事);干扰;侵扰◆we should not intrude upon their private grief.我们不该过问他们不愿公开的伤心事。◆the sound of the telephone intruded into his dreams.电话铃声把他从梦中扰醒了。▸ intrusion /ɪntruːʒn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆press intrusion into the affairs of the royals新闻界对王室成员私事的侵扰▸ intrusive adjective◆i don't like their intrusive sales methods.我不喜欢他们咄咄逼人的销售方式。◆some of the islanders found the presence of the film crew too intrusive.有些岛上的居民觉得电影摄制组的到来十分扰民。intrude /ɪntruːd/ (rather formal) to go or be somewhere where you are not wanted or are not supposed to be闯入;侵入;打扰◆he didn't wish to intrude at such a sensitive time.他不想在这样敏感的时候去打扰。◆they must be prevented from intruding into the family's private grief.必须阻止他们插手那家人不愿公开的伤心事。▸ intrusion /ɪntruːʒn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆she apologized for the intrusion but said she had an urgent message.她对迳自闯进来表示抱歉,但说她有紧急消息。◆they claim the noise from the airport is an intrusion on their lives.他们声称机场的噪音侵扰了他们的生活。◆this was another example of press intrusion into the affairs of the royals.这是新闻界侵扰王室成员私事的又一实例。intrude/ɪnˈtru:d ||; ɪnˈtrud/verb [i] intrude on/upon sb/sth to enter a place or situation without permission or when you are not wanted 闯入;不请自进;打扰: ◇i'm sorry to intrude on your sunday lunch but... 打扰你们的礼拜天午饭,真对不起,可是… intrudesee ⇨ interfere 1 in·trude /ɪn`trud; ɪnˈtruːd/v [i]to go into a place or become involved in a situation where you are not wanted 闯入,侵扰,干涉:◇i'm sorry to intrude, but i need to talk to you. 很抱歉打扰了,但我得和你谈谈。◇+ on/upon/into journalists who intrude upon people's private lives 侵扰别人私生活的新闻记者




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