标题 | 因子分析法在质谱成像数据分析中的应用 |
范文 | 陈一唐等 摘要对因子分析法在质谱成像数据分析中的应用进行了研究。本方法分析的质谱成像数据来源于空气动力辅助离子源质谱成像技术,所用样品为含有3种不同颜料(红色、蓝色、黑色)的笔迹样品。对该样品的成像数据进行因子分析后,将成像数据分为了背景、黑色、蓝色和红色因子。分析结果显示, m/z 4432, 4784, 3222(3442)分别在红色、蓝色、黑色因子中的贡献值远大于其它质荷比,因此是3种颜料的特征质荷比。此结果与实际情况相符,证明使用因子分析方法对质谱成像数据进行分析和特征提取是可行的。对因子分析与主成分分析的成像数据处理结果进行了比较,结果显示,因子分析可以更简单和定量地对特征质荷比进行取舍,在生物标志物提取、疾病诊断、药理分析等方面有较大的应用潜力。 关键词因子分析; 质谱成像; 空气动力辅助离子源; 多元统计 1引言 近年来,质谱成像技术(Imaging mass spectrometry, IMS)作为质谱研究中的热点领域迅速发展,在了解组织病理特征、疾病诊断、药物疗效及发现生物标志物等临床应用中发挥越来越重要的作用\[1~5\]。 随着质谱成像技术的不断发展\[6~8\],其质量分辨率和空间分辨率都不断提高,这导致原始成像的数据量变得非常庞大,通过人工筛选的方式对其进行处理已经越来越难。近年来,研究人员开始使用多元统计的方法\[9~12\],对质谱成像数据进行降维和特征提取。多元统计是一类数学方法的统称,如何从中找出一个适合质谱成像数据分析应用的具体模型,成为质谱成像领域的研究内容之一\[13,14\]。 目前,常用的应用于质谱成像数据处理的多元统计方法包括主成分分析(Principal component analysis,PCA)\[15,16\]、聚类分析(Hierarchical cluster analysis, HCA)\[17\],偏最小二乘判别分析(Partial least square discriminate analysis,PLSDA)\[18\]等,这些方法成功地对大量质谱数据进行了降维和特征提取,推进了质谱成像技术在各领域的应用。但是作为统计学的方法,这些常用方法所得到的结果数学意义偏多,往往较难对其给出符合实际意义的解释。另外,相比使用其它技术确立的生物标志物,这些方法提取的标志物(质荷比)通常较少,有可能遗漏掉有重要意义的特殊质荷比。 本研究基于空气动力辅助离子源质谱成像技术(Air flowassisted ionization imaging mass spectrometry,AFAIIMS)\[19\],对因子分析(Factor analysis,FA)在质谱成像数据分析中应用的方法进行了研究。选取一组混合笔迹样品进行了质谱成像分析,获得了原始质谱成像数据,使用因子分析法对该数据进行统计分析,将成像数据分为了背景、黑色、蓝色和红色因子。分析结果显示, m/z 4432, 4784, 3222(3442)分别在红色、蓝色、黑色因子中的贡献值远大于其它质荷比,因此是3种颜料的特征质荷比。此结果与实际情况相符,证明使用因子分析方法对质谱成像数据进行分析和特征提取是可行的。 本研究还对因子分析与主成分分析的成像数据处理结果进行了对比,结果表明,因子分析可以更简单和定量地对质荷比进行正确和全面的取舍,判断和提取出多个质荷比作为目标样品成分的综合标志物。相比目前常用的多元统计方法,因子分析法可以有效地对特殊因子进行提取和反应,在生物标志物提取、疾病诊断、药理分析等方面有较大的应用潜力。 3结果与讨论 31对样品进行因子分析 对样品进行AFAIIMS质谱成像数据采集,并对采集到数据进行因子分析。根据上文所述,由于需要预先设定将原始数据分类为多少个因子,因此,对不同数量因子的分析结果进行了初步计算。结果显示,将原始数据分类为4个因子将保留996%的信息,而设置更多的因子,保留信息增加的幅度较小,因此,将成像数据分类为4个因子。 应用因子分析方法,原始质谱成像数据经过处理后可以获得4个因子,为了探索不同因子所代表的含义,以达到使用这4个因子解释原始质谱数据基本结构的目的,计算了不同因子在样品所有采样点上的得分值。根据因子分析的数学特性,该得分值越大,说明该因子对该样品点的影响越大。 类似于质谱成像以某个质荷比在样品点上获得的离子信号强度作为质谱成像图的颜色值,本研究以对应样品点的因子得分值作为颜色值,完成不同因子在不同样品点上的因子得分图,如图1(E~H)所示。 对比图1A和图1E可以发现,因子1得分值大的样品点的分布同有笔迹的样品点的分布恰好相反,即同背景的分布一致。根据因子得分的数学意义,因子1对背景样品点的影响大,对有笔迹的样品点影响小,这说明因子1主要影响了背景成分,因此,可以命名因子1为“背景因子”。 使用因子分析得到的每个因子在数学上是一个1×n的矩阵,n与质谱扫描范围内的质荷比的个数相同。此因子矩阵中的每个值与不同的质荷比一一对应,代表了该质荷比在该因子中的影响大小。 32因子分析与主成分分析的对比 主成分分析是目前最常用的对质谱成像数据进行多元数据统计方法。本研究对样品的原始质谱成像数据进行了主成分分析,并与因子分析结果对比,所得结果如图2所示。在主成分分析中,选择在主成分上得分值大的点作为特征点,该点对应的质荷比为特征质荷比。如4结论 对因子分析方法在质谱成像数据分析中的应用进行了研究,证明因子分析可以对质谱成像数据进行降维和特征提取。所用原始质谱成像数据由AFAIIMS技术获得,使用因子分析对该数据进行分析后,质谱成像数据可以使用4个因子进行分类。每个样品成分,即每种颜料样品依赖一种因子的影响,能清晰地观察各个因子在整个样品上的作用。确定不同因子的意义后,通过观察不同质荷比在因子中的贡献值大小,成功提取出了样品成分的特征质荷比。 与目前常用的主成分分析等多元统计方法相比,因子分析能得到符合实际背景和意义的结果。因子分析法可以对不同质荷比在因子数组中的比重进行定量分析,并据此对特征质荷比进行正确和全面的取舍,有利于提取影响较低, 但不可忽略的特征质荷比。使用因子分析的方法,可以提取多种质荷比作为样品成分的综合标志物,在癌症标志物提取等样品成分复杂的领域中有较大的应用潜力。 2Pevsner P H, Melamed J, Remsen T, Kogos A, Francois F, Kessler P, Stern A, Anand S Biomakers Med, 2009, 3(1): 55-69 3Seeley E H, Caprioli R M Trends Biotechnol, 2011, 29(3): 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F, Luo Z, Chen Y, Xu J, Zhang R, Wang X, Abliz Z Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 2011, 25(7): 843-850AbstractThe factor analysis method applied in imaging mass spectrometry data analysis was studied The imaging mass spectrometric data were obtained by air flowassisted ionization imaging mass spectrometry method The sample contained some symbols which were drawn on slides using three different inks (red, blue, black) The imaging data analyzed by factor analysis method were divided into the background, black, blue and red factor The results showed that the scores of m/z=4432, 4784, 3222(3442) in red, blue, black factor respectively were much larger than others Therefore, they were markers of three inks The results accorded with actual condition well and proved that the application of factor analysis in imaging mass spectrometric data analysis was feasible The data analysis results of factor analysis and principal component analysis were compared The results showed that the target sample markers could be extracted by factor analysis simply and quantitatively It was of great potential in biomarker extraction, diseases diagnose and pharmacological analysis KeywordsFactor analysis; Imaging mass spectrometry; Air flowassisted ionization; Multiple statistical analysis 20He J, Tang F, Luo Z, Chen Y, Xu J, Zhang R, Wang X, Abliz Z Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 2011, 25(7): 843-850AbstractThe factor analysis method applied in imaging mass spectrometry data analysis was studied The imaging mass spectrometric data were obtained by air flowassisted ionization imaging mass spectrometry method The sample contained some symbols which were drawn on slides using three different inks (red, blue, black) The imaging data analyzed by factor analysis method were divided into the background, black, blue and red factor The results showed that the scores of m/z=4432, 4784, 3222(3442) in red, blue, black factor respectively were much larger than others Therefore, they were markers of three inks The results accorded with actual condition well and proved that the application of factor analysis in imaging mass spectrometric data analysis was feasible The data analysis results of factor analysis and principal component analysis were compared The results showed that the target sample markers could be extracted by factor analysis simply and quantitatively It was of great potential in biomarker extraction, diseases diagnose and pharmacological analysis KeywordsFactor analysis; Imaging mass spectrometry; Air flowassisted ionization; Multiple statistical analysis 20He J, Tang F, Luo Z, Chen Y, Xu J, Zhang R, Wang X, Abliz Z Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 2011, 25(7): 843-850AbstractThe factor analysis method applied in imaging mass spectrometry data analysis was studied The imaging mass spectrometric data were obtained by air flowassisted ionization imaging mass spectrometry method The sample contained some symbols which were drawn on slides using three different inks (red, blue, black) The imaging data analyzed by factor analysis method were divided into the background, black, blue and red factor The results showed that the scores of m/z=4432, 4784, 3222(3442) in red, blue, black factor respectively were much larger than others Therefore, they were markers of three inks The results accorded with actual condition well and proved that the application of factor analysis in imaging mass spectrometric data analysis was feasible The data analysis results of factor analysis and principal component analysis were compared The results showed that the target sample markers could be extracted by factor analysis simply and quantitatively It was of great potential in biomarker extraction, diseases diagnose and pharmacological analysis KeywordsFactor analysis; Imaging mass spectrometry; Air flowassisted ionization; Multiple statistical analysis |
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