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单词 loss
释义 loss noun¹ 1losing of sth失去adjective | verb + loss | preposition | phrases adjective➤appreciable, considerable, significant, substantial相当大的损失;重大的损失▸➤dramatic, great, huge, major, serious巨大的损失;严重的损失◆the dramatic loss of farmland to urban growth城市扩张造成的农田巨量缩减◆reductions in spending would have led to a much greater loss of jobs.削减开支本来会导致更大规模的失业。◆she suffered a significant loss of hearing after the operation.她自手术后听力便大大下降了。➤slight轻微的损失➤partial, total部份损失;完全丧失◆partial loss of eyesight视力的部份丧失➤permanent, temporary永久的/暂时的损失➤gradual, progressive逐渐的/逐步的丧失◆a gradual loss of hope希望的逐渐丧失➤rapid快速的丧失◆rapid weight loss体重的快速下降➤blood, fat, hair, hearing, heat, memory, water, weight失血;减肥;脱发;失聪;热量流失;失忆;失水;体重下降◆weight loss can be a sign of a serious illness.体重下降可能是重病的信号。➤job工作岗位的丧失◆the company is expected to announce 200 job losses.预计公司要宣布削减 200 个工作岗位。verb + loss➤suffer遭受损失◆he suffered a loss of confidence.他丧失了信心。➤cause导致损失◆the knife hit an artery, causing significant blood loss.刀子刺中了一条动脉,引起了严重失血。➤prevent预防损失◆they form a barrier to prevent water loss.它们形成了一道屏障来防止水分流失。preposition➤loss of⋯的丧失◆loss of appetite没有胃口◆loss of confidence失去信心➤loss to对⋯而言的损失◆her suicide was a terrible loss to the music world.她的自杀是音乐界的重大损失。phrases➤no great loss算不上大损失◆she wouldn't be able to attend the lecture, which was no great loss.她没能去听讲座,其实也没有什么损失。➤be at a loss迷惑不解◆we are at a loss to understand his actions (= we cannot understand them).我们对他的行动迷惑不解。➤a sense of loss失落感◆she was filled with an overwhelming sense of loss.她的心中充满了十分强烈的失落感。loss noun² 2amount of money lost亏损adjective | verb + loss | preposition adjective➤catastrophic, enormous, heavy, huge, massive, serious, significant, substantial灾难性的亏损;巨额亏损;严重亏损▸➤slight, small轻微的亏损▸➤net净亏损▸➤pre-tax税前亏损▸➤overall, total总体亏损;亏损总额➤annual, quarterly年度/季度亏损▸➤economic, financial经济/财政亏损▸➤trading贸易亏损➤long-term, short-term长期/短期亏损◆long-term tax revenue losses长期的税收亏损verb + loss➤incur, make, suffer, sustain, take导致亏损;遭受亏损◆there's no way you can make a loss on this deal.这笔生意你无论如何亏不了。◆the business sustained losses of €20 million.这家公司蒙受了 2,000 万欧元的亏损。◆the company took a big loss of 28%.该公司遭受了 28% 的巨额亏损。➤cut, minimize, reduce减少亏损;将亏损降到最低;降低亏损◆he decided to cut his losses and sell the shares before they sank further.他决定在股票继续下跌之前卖出,以减少亏损。➤recoup, recover挽回/弥补亏损◆it took the company five years to recoup its losses.公司用了 5 年才赚回亏损额。➤absorb抵消亏损◆the fund may not be large enough to absorb these losses.这笔资金数额不够大,没法抵消这些亏损。➤offset抵消损失◆we can offset the loss against next year's budget.我们可以用明年的预算抵消亏损。➤underwrite承担损失◆no bank would be willing to underwrite such a loss.没有哪家银行愿意承担这样的亏损。preposition➤at a loss亏本◆the store was operating at a loss.商店在亏本经营。➤loss on在⋯上的亏本◆we made a net loss on the transaction.我们这笔交易出现了净亏损。loss noun³ 3the death of a person死亡adjective | verb + loss adjective➤enormous, great, terrible, tremendous巨大的伤亡;大量死亡◆the family has suffered a terrible loss.这个家庭减员严重。◆the ship sank with great loss of life.船沉了,大量人员遇难。◆his passing is a tremendous loss for all of us.他的辞世是我们所有人的巨大损失。➤sad, tragic令人悲哀的/悲剧性的死亡◆the tragic loss of her husband她丈夫的悲剧性死亡➤big, catastrophic, devastating, great, heavy, severe大量的伤亡;灾难性的伤亡;毁灭性的伤亡;惨重的伤亡◆the devastating losses of the war战争造成的毁灭性伤亡◆the enemy suffered heavy losses.敌军伤亡惨重。verb + loss➤suffer, sustain, take遭受死亡◆our country had sustained a tremendous loss of innocent life.我们国家有大量无辜平民丧生。➤inflict使遭受伤亡◆fighter planes inflicted heavy losses on the enemy.战斗机使敌人遭受重大伤亡。➤grieve, lament, mourn, regret哀悼死亡◆china mourned the loss of a great leader.中国悼念一位伟大领袖的逝世。loss /lɒs; name lɔːs/ noun1. [countable] money that has been lost by a business or an organization 亏损;亏蚀◆the company has announced losses of $324 million. 这公司已宣布亏损 3.24 亿元。◆the group made a loss of €29 million. 这集团亏损了 2 900 万欧元。◆the airline is reeling from two years of heavy losses. 这航空公司由于两年的重大亏损而步履艰难。◆we are now operating at a loss. 我们目前是亏本经营。 opp profit  ➡  gain  ➡  picture at break-even ⨁ to announce / make / post / record / report a loss宣布/有/公布/记录/报告亏损 ⨁ to face / stem / suffer a loss面对/阻止/遭受亏损 ⨁ heavy / huge / pre-tax / significant / substantial losses惨重的/庞大的/税前的/重大的/巨大的亏损 2. [countable, uncountable] the state of no longer having sth or as much of sth; the process that leads to this 丧失;损失;丢失◆the closure of the factory will lead to the loss of 2 000 jobs. 工厂倒闭将导致 2 000 人失业。◆the loss of one of its biggest customers is a damaging blow to the company. 失去了一位最大的客户对公司是个破坏性的打击。3. [uncountable] property that has been damaged or stolen and that an insurance company will pay you money to replace 损失◆this type of policy does not cover loss of or damage to your own vehicle. 这种保险单不包括你自己车辆的损失或损坏。 ●loss of facea situation when sb is less respected or looks stupid because of sth they have done 丢脸  ➡  lose face at lose all-loss ◇ capital loss ◇ credit loss ◇ gross loss ◇ loan loss ◇ operating loss ◇ paper loss ◇ partial loss ◇ passive loss ◇ tax loss ◇ trading loss ☞ lossloss [countable] money that has been lost by a business or organization(企业或机构)亏损,亏蚀◆the company has announced net losses of $1.5 million.公司宣布净亏损 150 万元。◆we made a loss on (= lost money on) the deal.我们这笔交易亏本了。◆we are now operating at a loss.我们现在是亏本经营。 opp profit → profit  ➡ see also gain → increase noun , loss-making → loss-making loss/lɒs; us lɔ:s ||; lɔs/noun1. [c,u] (a) loss (of sth) the state of no longer having sth or not having as much as before; the act of losing sth 失去;丧失;减少;损失: ◇loss of blood/sleep 失血;睡眠不足◇weight/hair loss 体重减轻;掉头发◇have you reported the loss of your wallet? 你丢钱包的事报告了没有?◇the plane crashed with great loss of life. 飞机失事,很多人罹难。 2. [c] a loss (of sth) the amount of money which is lost by a business 亏损额: ◇the firm made a loss of £5 million. 公司的亏损额达500万英镑。 ☞look at profit. 参看profit。 3. [c] a loss (to sb) the disadvantage that is caused when sb/sth leaves or is taken away; the person or thing that causes this disadvantage 不利;损失;造成损失的人或物: ◇if she leaves, it/she will be a big loss to the school. 如果她离开,这将会是学校的一大损失。 at a loss not knowing what to do or say (茫然)不知所措 cut your losses to stop wasting time or money on sth that is not successful (趁损失不大)及早住手lost²/lɒst; us lɔ:st ||; lɔst/adj1. unable to find your way; not knowing where you are 迷途的;迷路的: ◇this isn't the right road -- we're completely lost! 这条路不对─我们完全迷路了!◇if you get lost, stop and ask someone the way. 要是迷了路,就停下来问问别人怎么走。 2. that cannot be found or that no longer exists 找不着的;遗失的;不复存在的: ◇the letter must have got lost in the post. 这封信一定是在邮寄途中丢失了。 3. unable to deal with a situation or to understand sth 无法应付局面或理解某事: ◇sorry, i'm lost. could you explain the last part again? 对不起,我没有听懂。请你把最后部份再解释一遍,行吗? 4. lost on sb not noticed or understood by sb 未受注意;不被理解: ◇the humour of the situation was completely lost on joe. 乔完全看不出当时情况的幽默之处。 get lost(slang 俚语) used to rudely tell sb to go away (用于粗鲁地吩咐某人滚开) a lost cause a goal or an aim that cannot be achieved 无法实现的目标或目的 lost for words not knowing what to say 不知说什么才好losssee ⇨ lose 1     • • •• ⇨ memory loss loss /lɔs; lɒs/n 1. [c,u] when you do not have something any longer, or when you have less of it 失去,丧失; 减少:◇the loss of their home was a shock to the family. 失去了房子使那家人大为震惊。◇weight loss 体重减轻 2. [c,u] if a company makes a loss, it earns less money than it spends 亏损 3. [c] a game that you lose 输,失败:◇3 wins and 4 losses so far this season 本赛季至今三胜四负 4. [u] a feeling of sadness because someone or something is not there any more 遗失[别离]的痛苦[悲哀]:◇she felt a great sense of loss when her son left home. 儿子离家之后,她极为难过。 5. [singular 单数] a disadvantage caused by someone leaving or something being taken away [因某人离去或失去某物而致的]损失; 不利:◇if she leaves, it will be a great loss to the company. 如果她离去,这对公司将是一大损失。 6. [c,u] the death of a person 死亡:◇troops suffered heavy losses in the first battle. (=many deaths) 在第一场战役中军队伤亡惨重。 7. be at a loss to not know what you should do or say (茫然)不知所措:◇local people are at a loss to know how to start tackling such a rise in crime. 当地人不知道如何着手解决犯罪率如此高的问题。 ☞ loss




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