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标题 不同冷冻贮藏时间对三种鱼类肌肉中孔雀石绿残留量的影响


    摘 要:研究鲤鱼、鳗鲡、鳜鱼在加入不同浓度的孔雀石绿标准样品且在不同冷冻贮藏时间下对孔雀石绿残留量的影响。三种基质中,鳗鲡组织中添加有无色孔雀石绿降解速率最慢、鳜鱼次之、鲤鱼较快。三种基质中添加10 μg/kg、50 μg/kg、100 μg/kg有色孔雀石绿平均降解率分别为57.9%、48.0%、23.0%;无色孔雀石绿平均降解率分别为46.6%、43.4%、19.8%,有色孔雀石绿较无色孔雀石绿降解快,低浓度较高浓度降解快。在三种基质鲤鱼、鳗鲡、鳜鱼组织中有色和无色孔雀石绿降解反应均符合准一级反应动力学。分析可能由于鳗鲡组织脂肪较多,其结合方式影响了有色无色孔雀石绿的降解。


    食品安全是重要的民生问题,直接关系到社会的和谐稳定。近年来,我国水产品质量安全事件时有发生,对渔业的健康发展造成严重的影响。因药物残留超标而被退货、销毁甚至中断贸易往来事件屡见不鲜。2001年,欧盟检出中国对虾、虾仁含有氯霉素,随后对其实施了严格检查,并提出了虾类氯霉素污染新规定;2003年7月15日,日本静冈卫生部门从产自中国的冷冻鳗鱼中检出恩诺沙星,对已售出的8 210 kg冷冻鳗鱼发出警示并要求立即回收。2005年,日本从中国进口的鳗鱼制品中检测出孔雀石绿,对中国进口烤鳗制品发出禁止通令。可见药物残留问题俨然己成为我国扩大水产品国际贸易的主要障碍。水产品的质量问题,已成为制约我国水产养殖业进一步发展的瓶颈[1]。


    孔雀石绿(MalachiteGreen oxalate),(以下简写MG),又称中国绿、苯胺绿、碱性孔雀石绿、品绿、盐基块绿,是一种合成的N-甲基二氨基三苯基甲烷类染料(N-methylated diamino tripheny methane)。在自然界中,MG以多种形式存在,但主要是以草酸盐或盐酸盐的形式存在于醋酸盐和盐酸盐的混合液中。孔雀石绿进入机体后,最初主要在鱼的受精卵或鱼苗的血清、肝、肾、肌肉、皮肤、内脏等组织中蓄积,而后经过生物转化,代谢成为无色形式的脂溶性代谢产物无色孔雀石绿( Leucomalachite green,以下简称LMG),被长期滞留在组织中,因此在水产品组织中检测到的残留物主要是无色孔雀石绿[3]。LMG的结构类似于具有致癌作用的典型的芳香胺化合物,是MG染料合成的前体物,也是工业生产中最严重的污染物。

    目前,国内外对孔雀石绿代谢方面的研究总体不多,主要是对实验动物代谢的研究。Poe等研究发现孔雀石绿主要在受精卵和鱼苗的血清、肝、肾、肌肉和其它组织中蓄积[4]。Royal等将鲶鱼(Ictalurus punctatus)放在孔雀石绿药浴中,7 d内孔雀石绿从707 μg/kg降至17 μg/kg,无色孔雀石绿则从834 μg/kg降至451 μg/kg[5]。Alborali 等的试验结果表明:在鱼体的肌肉皮肤中,孔雀石绿的总含量的残留时间较长,不易消去[6]。


    1 实验材料

    1.1 实验样品


    1.2 实验仪器设备




    [2] 穆迎春,邢丽红,等 不同贮藏条件下孔雀石绿加标样品降解研究[J].中国农学通报,2012 (28):83-89

    [3] Culp SJ, et al. Metabolic changes occurring i nmice and rats fed LMG [A]. Proc 88th Ann Meeting of Am Soc for Cancer Research [C] .San Diego, 1997. 121-125

    [4] PoeW E, Wilshon R P. Absorption of malachite green by channe l catfish [J] . Prog Fish Cult, 1983 (45) : 228-229

    [5] Roybal J E, Denver C O, Pfenning A P, e t a.l Determination of malachite green and itsme tabolite, leucom a lachite green, in catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus ) tissue by liquid chrom atography with visible detection [J].J AOAC,1995( 78): 453-457

    [6] Alborali L, Sangiorgi E, Leali M. The persistence of malachite green in the edible tissue of rain bow trout (Oncorhynchus my kiss) [J]. Aquaculture,1997,32:45-60

    Different frozen storage times effect on malachite green residues in three kindy of fish muscles

    GAO Lina1,CHEN Yongping2,MA Dan2,LI Chunqing2

    (1.Tianjin Vniversity of science&Technology,Tianjin 300547;2.Quality of fishery Environment and Aquatic Products Supervision and Testing center,Ministry of Agriculture,Tianjin 300221,china


    Abstract:Study of carp, eel, mandarin fish residues of malachite green in the effects of malachite green standard samples with different concentrations and at different frozen storage time. Three kinds of matrix, eel tissues are added in the carp leucomalachite green degradation rate is the slowest, mandarin fish, three times faster, matrix added with 10 μg/kg, 50 μg/kg,100 μg/kg, colored malachite green average degradation rate were 57.9%, 48%, 23% leucomalachite green average degradation rate were 46.6%, 43.4%, 19.8%, colored malachite green is colorless malachite green fast degradation of low concentration, high concentration fast degradation. In three kinds of matrix carp, eel, mandarin fish tissues colored and colorless malachite green degradation reaction are in line with the pseudo first order reaction kinetics. Analysis may be due to eel tissue more fat, the binding mode of the degradation of colored leucomalachite green.

    Key words:Storage time; muscle; malachite green; residue


    Different frozen storage times effect on malachite green residues in three kindy of fish muscles

    GAO Lina1,CHEN Yongping2,MA Dan2,LI Chunqing2

    (1.Tianjin Vniversity of science&Technology,Tianjin 300547;2.Quality of fishery Environment and Aquatic Products Supervision and Testing center,Ministry of Agriculture,Tianjin 300221,china


    Abstract:Study of carp, eel, mandarin fish residues of malachite green in the effects of malachite green standard samples with different concentrations and at different frozen storage time. Three kinds of matrix, eel tissues are added in the carp leucomalachite green degradation rate is the slowest, mandarin fish, three times faster, matrix added with 10 μg/kg, 50 μg/kg,100 μg/kg, colored malachite green average degradation rate were 57.9%, 48%, 23% leucomalachite green average degradation rate were 46.6%, 43.4%, 19.8%, colored malachite green is colorless malachite green fast degradation of low concentration, high concentration fast degradation. In three kinds of matrix carp, eel, mandarin fish tissues colored and colorless malachite green degradation reaction are in line with the pseudo first order reaction kinetics. Analysis may be due to eel tissue more fat, the binding mode of the degradation of colored leucomalachite green.

    Key words:Storage time; muscle; malachite green; residue


    Different frozen storage times effect on malachite green residues in three kindy of fish muscles

    GAO Lina1,CHEN Yongping2,MA Dan2,LI Chunqing2

    (1.Tianjin Vniversity of science&Technology,Tianjin 300547;2.Quality of fishery Environment and Aquatic Products Supervision and Testing center,Ministry of Agriculture,Tianjin 300221,china


    Abstract:Study of carp, eel, mandarin fish residues of malachite green in the effects of malachite green standard samples with different concentrations and at different frozen storage time. Three kinds of matrix, eel tissues are added in the carp leucomalachite green degradation rate is the slowest, mandarin fish, three times faster, matrix added with 10 μg/kg, 50 μg/kg,100 μg/kg, colored malachite green average degradation rate were 57.9%, 48%, 23% leucomalachite green average degradation rate were 46.6%, 43.4%, 19.8%, colored malachite green is colorless malachite green fast degradation of low concentration, high concentration fast degradation. In three kinds of matrix carp, eel, mandarin fish tissues colored and colorless malachite green degradation reaction are in line with the pseudo first order reaction kinetics. Analysis may be due to eel tissue more fat, the binding mode of the degradation of colored leucomalachite green.

    Key words:Storage time; muscle; malachite green; residue






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