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标题 薄壁型钢-重组竹组合工字形梁受剪性能研究

    葛玉猛 李玉顺 童科挺 张家亮




    摘 要:本文提出组合效应更好的薄壁型钢-重组竹组合工字形梁,薄壁型钢-重组竹组合工字形梁是将冷弯薄壁型钢与重组竹通过结构粘合剂或者结构粘合剂加自攻螺钉复合而成。以剪跨比、型钢厚度、腹板厚度和腹板高度等为参数进行12根组合梁的受剪性能试验,观测组合梁破坏过程、变形特征和分析受剪承载力的影响因素,并提出组合梁受剪承载力计算公式。研究结果表明,薄壁型钢-重组竹组合工字形梁整体工作性能良好,组合效应显著,具有较高的受剪承载力;组合梁的受剪承载力主要受剪跨比影响,随着剪跨比的增大其受剪承载力降低,当剪跨比较小时试件发生剪切破坏,随着剪跨比的增大组合梁破坏形态由剪切破坏过渡到弯曲破坏;本文提出的组合梁受剪承载力计算公式所得结果与试验结果之间吻合良好。



    Study on Shear Behavior of Thin-Wall Steel-Recombinant Bamboo Composite Beams

    GE Yumeng, LI Yushun*, TONG Keting, ZHANG Jialiang

    (School of Architecture Engineering and Environment, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211)

    Abstract: In this paper, it is proposed that the combination effect is better for the thin-walled steel-recombined bamboo composite I-beam. The thin-walled steel-recombined bamboo composite I-beam is composed of the cold-formed thin-walled steel and the recombined bamboo through the structural adhesive or the structural adhesive with the self tapping screw. The shear behavior test of 12 composite beams was carried out with parameters of shear span ratio, profile steel thickness, web thickness, and web height as parameters. The failure process and deformation characteristics of composite beams are observed, and the influencing factors of shear capacity are analyzed. The calculation formula of shear capacity of composite beams is proposed. The results show that the thin-walled steel-reconstituted bamboo composite I-beam has good overall work performance, significant combined effect, and high shear bearing capacity; the shear bearing capacity of the composite beam is mainly affected by the shear-span ratio. When the ratio increases, the shear capacity decreases. When the shear span is relatively small, the specimen undergoes shear failure. With the increase of the shear span ratio, the composite beam failure mode transitions from shear failure to bending failure. The results produced by the calculation formula of shear capacity of composite beams which is proposed in this paper are in good agreement with the experimental results.

    Keywords: Reconstituted bamboo; cold-formed thin-wall steel; I-shaped composite beam; shear-span ratio; shear capacity

    0 引言


    (2)钢板厚度。以试件L-9、L-10为例,试件中型钢厚度为2.0 mm和1.5 mm,L-9比L-10承载力提高了30.43%,如图10(a)所示。

    (3)腹板截面高度。试件L-1、L-2腹板高度分别为120、140 mm,随腹板截面高度增加其受剪承载力提高了16 kN,如图10(b),所示。

    (4)腹板重组竹厚度。组合梁L-8比L-7腹板重组竹厚度高出5 mm,试件破坏时,L-8所受荷载极限比L-7高出8 kN。

    3 跨中挠度及截面承载力

    3.1 跨中挠度

    根据组合梁L-1 ~ L-12跨中变形达到容许挠度6.4 mm时所对应加载的荷载P,再将P代入简支梁挠度计算式(1)计算理论容许挠度,计算公式由本文作者参考文献[18-19]提出,结果见表4。

    式中:a为集中力作用点至近端支座距离;l为组合梁跨度;βb为钢-竹组合构件变形发展系数,当l ≤ 3.0 m时,βb取1.2;α = a/l。


    3.2 受剪承载力

    本文组合梁为工字型,主要由腹板承担所受剪力,计算时将重组竹腹板两侧的薄壁型钢考虑为加强重组竹腹板的抗剪能力(将薄壁型钢腹板截面换算成等高度的重组竹截面),并引入以下假定:① 重组竹抗剪强度均匀;② 弹性体假定和平截面假定;③ 重组竹发生剪切破坏即表示组合梁被破坏。


    式中:λ为剪跨比;fτ为重组竹顺纹抗剪强度,fτ = 14.79MPa;ζ为组合梁翼缘对组合梁受剪承载力的影响,ζ = 1.04;In为薄壁型钢的腹板截面惯性矩;Sn为 考虑薄壁型鋼的腹板截面面积,Sn = (bh2+2tsαhs2)/8;hs为薄壁型钢腹板位置截面高度;bn为薄壁型钢的腹板截面有效宽度,bn = b+2tsα;b、h为腹板位置重组竹厚度与高度;α为重组竹换算系数,α = Es/Ec;ts为腹板位置薄壁型钢截面厚度。




    4 结论



    (3)组合梁破坏形态主要受剪跨比影响。当剪跨比λ≤2.0时,试件均出现了明显的剪切破坏特征;剪跨比λ = 2.5时,组合梁破坏形态向弯曲破坏发展。

    (4)本文所提出的组合梁挠度与斜截面受剪承载力计算公式较为合理。组合梁L-1 ~ L-12跨中挠度与受剪承载力试验结果与理论计算值相近,误差基本控制在11%以内。

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