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标题 高校学生请假管理系统的设计与开发

    周清松 付星宇






    中图分类号:TP315? ? ? ? 文献标识码:A


    Abstract: In order to avoid undue absence of students, colleges and universities have strict management in asking for leave. Students must go through formal leave procedures before they can be granted leave. The management system of College Students' asking for leave replaces the traditional paper management, which saves material and human resources. It combines the leave note management and the leave destination management to form a unified and easy to operate student leave management system.

    Key words:undue absence;asking for leave;management system

    1 引言



    2 系统功能结构


    3 概念模型

    3.1 关系模式








    3.2 表间关系


    4 主要模块设计及说明






    5 主要模块实现



    if (DateTime.Parse(txt_edate.Text)


    MessageBox.Show(this, "开始日期不能大于结束日期");



    int day = 0;

    TimeSpants = DateTime.Parse(txt_edate.Text) - DateTime.Parse(txt_sdate.Text);

    day = ts.Days;

    stringaddrphoto ="";

    if (fpphoto.HasFile)


    string name = this.fpphoto.PostedFile.FileName;

    inti = name.LastIndexOf('.');

    stringextname = name.Substring(i);

    string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff");

    string path =? filename + extname;

    stringsavePath = Server.MapPath(@"..\uploads\" + filename + extname);


    addrphoto = path;


    string strSql=String.Format(@"insert into leave(pid,clid,sno,title,photo,sdate,edate,days,ques,atime,flag)

    values ({0},{1},'{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}',{7},'{8}','{9}','{10}')",



    MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "提交成功,请等待辅导员的审批!", "Manage.aspx");



    string strSql=String.Format(@"insert into holiday(pid,clid,sno,lxdate,place,chengnuo,tel,atime)

    values ({0},{1},'{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}')",



    MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "操作成功,请返回!", "Add.aspx");




    string where = " where a.flag='等待审批' and a.by1 is null and a.clid="+Session["clid"].ToString();

    if (txt_sno.Text != "")


    where += " and sno like '%" + txt_sno.Text + "%' ";


    if (txt_title.Text != "")


    where += " and title like '%" + txt_title.Text + "%' ";


    GridView1.DataSource = DbHelperSQL.Query("select a.*,b.pname,c.clname from leave a? left join parts b on left join classes c on a.clid=c.clid " + where + " order by lid desc");



    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


    string where = " where a.flag='等待审批' and a.by1 is null and a.clid="+Session["clid"].ToString();

    if (txt_sno.Text != "")


    where += " and sno like '%" + txt_sno.Text + "%' ";


    if (txt_title.Text != "")


    where += " and title like '%" + txt_title.Text + "%' ";


    GridView1.DataSource = DbHelperSQL.Query("select a.*,b.pname,c.clname from leave a? left join parts b on left join classes c on a.clid=c.clid " + where + " order by lid desc");


    protected void GridView1_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)


    GridView1.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;



    protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




    protected void btnDele_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    Button btn = (Button) sender;

    stringstrSql = string.Format("delete from? leave where lid={0}", btn.CommandName);





    if (!IsPostBack)


    ddlpid.DataSource = DbHelperSQL.Query("select pid,pname from parts");

    ddlpid.DataTextField = "pname";

    ddlpid.DataValueField = "pid";


    ddlpid.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("---全部---", ""));

    ddlclid.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("---全部---", ""));




    private void bind()


    string where = " where a.flag='等待審批' and a.by1='2' and days>7? ";

    if (txt_sno.Text != "")


    where += " and sno like '%" + txt_sno.Text + "%' ";


    if (txt_title.Text != "")


    where += " and title like '%" + txt_title.Text + "%' ";


    if (ddlpid.SelectedValue!= "")


    where += " and" + ddlpid.SelectedValue + "";


    if (ddlclid.SelectedValue!= "")


    where += " and a.clid=" + ddlclid.SelectedValue + "";


    GridView1.DataSource =


    "select a.*,b.pname,c.clname from leave a? left join parts b on left join classes c on a.clid=c.clid " +

    where + " order by lid desc");




    private void bind()


    string where = " where a.flag='等待审批' and a.by1='3' and days>30? ";

    if (txt_sno.Text != "")


    where += " and sno like '%" + txt_sno.Text + "%' ";


    if (txt_title.Text != "")


    where += " and title like '%" + txt_title.Text + "%' ";


    if (ddlpid.SelectedValue!= "")


    where += " and" + ddlpid.SelectedValue + "";


    if (ddlclid.SelectedValue!= "")


    where += " and a.clid=" + ddlclid.SelectedValue + "";


    GridView1.DataSource =


    "select a.*,b.pname,c.clname from leave a? left join parts b on left join classes c on a.clid=c.clid " +

    where + " order by lid desc");




    Button btn = (Button)sender;

    string strSql = string.Format("update leave set flag='已销假' where lid={0}", btn.CommandName);



    MessageBox.Show(this, "操作成功");


    GridView1.AllowPaging = false; //清除分页

    bind();? //绑定gridview1数据源的那个函数。


    StringHelper.PushExcelToClientEx(GridView1, "请假信息表");

    GridView1.AllowSorting = true; //恢复分页

    GridView1.AllowPaging = true;? //恢复排序

    bind(); //再次绑定

    6 结束语



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