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标题 基于序列检测的行人导航航向误差修正算法研究
范文 郑佳瑶 苏中 李擎
关键词: 行人导航; 自主定位; 航向发散; 步态约束; 序列检测; 航向约束
中图分类号: TN96?34; TP391 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文献标识码: A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)01?0157?04
Abstract: Since the MEMS inertial device for pedestrian autonomous positioning has drift error caused by the accumulation of time, which would lead to heading divergence, a sequence detection method with gait constraints (turning angle is 0°, 90° or 180°) is proposed. The gait sequence template is obtained by training the different walking behavior data of pedestrians. According to the heading constraints of matched templates, the heading drift error is corrected in real time. The 500 m walking experiments are carried out in the corridor with indoor structure regularization to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively suppress the heading divergence of pedestrian navigation, and the positioning error is about 0.7% of the total distance.
Keywords: pedestrian navigation; autonomous positioning; heading divergence; gait constraint; sequence detection; heading constraint0 ?引 ?言
图5b)为在纯惯导的基础上引入适当的方法来抑制航向发散得到的航迹信息,起始点和终止点的位置均已给出。其中,虚线为INS+EKF+ZUPT方法得到的轨迹,ZUPT虽然能修正系统误差,但由于航向误差的可观测性差,系统仍存在航向发散的现象,使得行人的航迹与真实的轨迹存在偏差;实线为在INS+EKF+ZUPT方法上引入了本文所提出的基于序列检测的模板匹配法得到的运动轨迹,利用转弯时的航向约束(转弯0°,90°或180°)信息,有效地抑制了惯性器件的漂移误差,从而得到与实际轨迹基本吻合的航迹信息,通过对起始点与终点的误差分析,得到定位精度约为0.7%,可以反映出行人的真实运动情况。4 ?结 ?语
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