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标题 东营市产后母婴康复机构从业规范性的现状调查和分析

    高玉洁 蒋洋洋 孙浩祚 宋晨松 徐安东


    摘? 要:目的? 以中国妇幼保健协会2015年底出台的《产后母婴康复机构行业管理和服务指南(意见征求稿)》为依据,探究目前东营月子会所及此类机构从业规范程度,并对有关部门提出建议、引起重视。方法? 从设施设备与環境、人员配备、服务内容、内部管理及卫生消毒管理5个方面进行实地考察、访谈,发放调查问卷,将调查结果与《指南》进行对比,得出结论。结果? 共走访了9家在东营市东营区注册的相关情况,其中1家搬离,1家停止营业,实际完成调查7家机构,其中包括“家庭式”和“产业式”两种。结论? 建议应提高此类机构的准入门槛,严格监管处罚,保障母婴服务健康,促进产后母婴康复机构的科学健康发展。

    关键词:产后母婴康复机构? 从业规范性? 现况? 调查分析

    中图分类号:G71? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文献标识码:A? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文章编号:1672-3791(2021)11(c)-0229-03

    Investigation and Analysis of the Current Status of Practice Norm of Postpartum Mother and Infant Rehabilitation Institutions in Dongying City

    GAO Yujie? JIANG Yangyang? SUN Haozuo? SONG Chensong? XU Andong*

    (Shengli College, China University of Petroleum, Dongying, Shandong Province, 257000 China)

    Abstract: Objective To explore the current standard of practice of Postpartum Care Center and such institutions based on the? Guidelines for Industry Management and Service of Postpartum Maternal and Infant Rehabilitation Institutions (Draft for Comments)? issued by the China Maternal and Child Health Care Association at the end of 2015, and make recommendations to relevant departments and attract attention. Methods From the five aspects of facility equipment and environment, staffing, service content, internal management and sanitation and disinfection management, field visits and interviews were conducted, questionnaires were distributed, and the results were compared with the Guide to draw conclusions. Results A total of 9 companies were registered in Dongying District, Dongying City. One of them moved away and one ceased business. Seven organizations were actually surveyed, including two types of "family" and "industrial". Conclusion It is recommended that the entry threshold of such institutions should be raised, strict supervision and punishment should be ensured, the health of maternal and child services should be guaranteed, and the scientific and healthy development of postpartum maternal and child rehabilitation institutions should be promoted.

    Key Words: Postpartum maternal and child rehabilitation institutions; Practice norm; Current situation; Investigation and analysis






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