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标题 手机银行顾客满意度模型的研究

    任洁 任利成



    中图分类号:F713.36 文献标识码:A


    A Study on Customer Satisfaction Model of Mobile Banking

    Ren Jie, Ren Licheng

    (Institution of Economics and Management,Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,Taiyuan 030024)

    Abstract:Mobile banking is an emerging application of mobile commerce, it is a form of service convergence enabled by innovative technologies. At present, the study on the mobile banking focused factors affect the adoption of its services in the technical improvement and customer side, however, after the adoption of mobile banking service, there is less research about customer satisfaction. In this paper, mobile banking as the research object, selects the ACSI (USA customer satisfaction index) model as the reference model, and add the perceived risk variables, to research the customer satisfaction of mobile banking, and provide some suggestions for banks to improve their competitiveness.

    Key words:mobile banking;ACSI;the model of customer satisfaction


    手机银行是利用移动通信网络及终端办理相关银行业务的简称。手机银行伴随技术革新的脚步发展而来,2000年之前,电子技术催生出 ATM、网上银行以及POS终端等多种银行产品,这些产品帮助银行开展业务并取得良好成效。手机银行的便利性,普及性,灵活性和情境性给消费者提供了独特的价值,很大程度上提高了工作效率。手机银行的无限商机导致竞争不断加剧。在手机银行的竞争市场中,取得能够保持忠诚的顾客是银行获得利益的直接来源,也是确保竞争优势的重要体现。之前大部分的文献主要集中在手机银行的技术跟进或者技术采纳影响因素的研究,关于手机银行的满意度研究较少,本文献构建了一个手机银行的顾客满意度概念模型,为各大商业银行提高竞争力提供参考建议。















    用SPSS进行信度分析,结果如表3所示,除了感知价值PV的Cronbach's α系数值为0.636之外,其它变量的α系数值均在0.8以上,说明这个量表的信度较高。


    一般常用的效度指标有内容效度和结构效度。内容效度由经验判断所得,因为此问卷是基于ACSI模型所得,所以有良好的内容效度。结构效度由SPSS做因子分析可得。经检验得KMO检验系数为0.864 大于0.5,Bartlett 的球形度检验的P值为0.000小于0.05,所以此问卷具有良好的结构效度。说明此量表具有不错的效度。




    [1] Siau, K., Lim, E. & Shen, Z. (2001) Mobile commerce: promises, challenges, and research agenda. Journal of Database Management, 12, 4-13.

    [2] Rask, M. & Dholakia, N. (2001) Next to the customer's heart and wallet: frameworks for exploring the emerging m-commerce arena. American Marketing Association,12, 372-378.

    [3] Lee, Y. & Benbasat, 1. (2003) Interface design for mobile commerce. Communications of the ACM, 46, 49-52.

    [4] Anckar, B. & D'Incau, D. (2002) Value creation in mobile commerce: findings from a consumer survey. Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application, 4,43-64.

    [5] Varshney, U. (2004) Group-oriented mobile services: requirements and solutions. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 2, 325-335.

    [6] Mallat, N., Rossi, M. & Tuunainen, V.K. (2004) Mobile banking services. Communications of the ACM, 47, 42-46.

    [7] Kim J, Jin B and Swinney J L. The role of etail quality, e-satisfaction and e-trust in online loyalty development process [J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2009, 16(4): 239-247.

    [8] Lin H H and Wang Y S. An examination of the determinants of customer loyalty in mobile commerce contexts [J]. Information & Management, 2006, 43(3): 271-282.

    [9] Oliver R L. A cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions [J]. Journal of Marketing Research, 1980, 17 (4): 460-469.

    [10] 刘金兰.顾客满意度与ACSI[M].天津:天津大学出版社,2006 年.

    [责任编辑:文 筠]


    一般常用的效度指标有内容效度和结构效度。内容效度由经验判断所得,因为此问卷是基于ACSI模型所得,所以有良好的内容效度。结构效度由SPSS做因子分析可得。经检验得KMO检验系数为0.864 大于0.5,Bartlett 的球形度检验的P值为0.000小于0.05,所以此问卷具有良好的结构效度。说明此量表具有不错的效度。




    [1] Siau, K., Lim, E. & Shen, Z. (2001) Mobile commerce: promises, challenges, and research agenda. Journal of Database Management, 12, 4-13.

    [2] Rask, M. & Dholakia, N. (2001) Next to the customer's heart and wallet: frameworks for exploring the emerging m-commerce arena. American Marketing Association,12, 372-378.

    [3] Lee, Y. & Benbasat, 1. (2003) Interface design for mobile commerce. Communications of the ACM, 46, 49-52.

    [4] Anckar, B. & D'Incau, D. (2002) Value creation in mobile commerce: findings from a consumer survey. Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application, 4,43-64.

    [5] Varshney, U. (2004) Group-oriented mobile services: requirements and solutions. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 2, 325-335.

    [6] Mallat, N., Rossi, M. & Tuunainen, V.K. (2004) Mobile banking services. Communications of the ACM, 47, 42-46.

    [7] Kim J, Jin B and Swinney J L. The role of etail quality, e-satisfaction and e-trust in online loyalty development process [J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2009, 16(4): 239-247.

    [8] Lin H H and Wang Y S. An examination of the determinants of customer loyalty in mobile commerce contexts [J]. Information & Management, 2006, 43(3): 271-282.

    [9] Oliver R L. A cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions [J]. Journal of Marketing Research, 1980, 17 (4): 460-469.

    [10] 刘金兰.顾客满意度与ACSI[M].天津:天津大学出版社,2006 年.

    [责任编辑:文 筠]


    一般常用的效度指标有内容效度和结构效度。内容效度由经验判断所得,因为此问卷是基于ACSI模型所得,所以有良好的内容效度。结构效度由SPSS做因子分析可得。经检验得KMO检验系数为0.864 大于0.5,Bartlett 的球形度检验的P值为0.000小于0.05,所以此问卷具有良好的结构效度。说明此量表具有不错的效度。




    [1] Siau, K., Lim, E. & Shen, Z. (2001) Mobile commerce: promises, challenges, and research agenda. Journal of Database Management, 12, 4-13.

    [2] Rask, M. & Dholakia, N. (2001) Next to the customer's heart and wallet: frameworks for exploring the emerging m-commerce arena. American Marketing Association,12, 372-378.

    [3] Lee, Y. & Benbasat, 1. (2003) Interface design for mobile commerce. Communications of the ACM, 46, 49-52.

    [4] Anckar, B. & D'Incau, D. (2002) Value creation in mobile commerce: findings from a consumer survey. Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application, 4,43-64.

    [5] Varshney, U. (2004) Group-oriented mobile services: requirements and solutions. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 2, 325-335.

    [6] Mallat, N., Rossi, M. & Tuunainen, V.K. (2004) Mobile banking services. Communications of the ACM, 47, 42-46.

    [7] Kim J, Jin B and Swinney J L. The role of etail quality, e-satisfaction and e-trust in online loyalty development process [J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2009, 16(4): 239-247.

    [8] Lin H H and Wang Y S. An examination of the determinants of customer loyalty in mobile commerce contexts [J]. Information & Management, 2006, 43(3): 271-282.

    [9] Oliver R L. A cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions [J]. Journal of Marketing Research, 1980, 17 (4): 460-469.

    [10] 刘金兰.顾客满意度与ACSI[M].天津:天津大学出版社,2006 年.

    [责任编辑:文 筠]





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