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标题 地方政府环境保护支出效率核算及影响因素实证研究

    朱浩 傅强 魏琪

    摘要 近年来,如何协调经济增长和环境保护,以实现可持续发展是当下中国一个急需解决的难题。伴随着环境治理话题的升温,政府环境保护的财政支出效率值得关注。本文利用DEA-Tobit两阶段模型对我国各地方政府环境保护财政支出效率进行了测算,并着重考察了“经济分权、政治集权”的制度因素及其他相关因素对环境保护支出效率的影响。研究结果表明,各省份的环境保护财政支出中普遍存在着技术无效率现象,且在区域之间存在差异,东部和西部省份的环境保护支出效率较为接近,但都显著高于中部省份;政治晋升竞争和财政分权对于环境保护支出效率的影响差异折射出“经济分权、政治集权”的中央-地方政府治理模式存在缺陷,根本在于GDP为核心的考核机制;扩大对外开放、提高经济水平都能显著促进环境保护支出效率的改善,工业化程度对于环境保护支出效率的显著负向作用,这主要归因于工业是环境污染的主要来源,在环保资金紧缺的条件下,越高的工业程度自然会降低资金效率;人口密度和受教育程度对于环境保护支出效率的不同影响反应出对政府提高环境保护财政支出效率形成倒逼作用的是受教育人口占比而非人口密度。因此,鉴于地方政府的行动惯性和路径依赖,应通过顶层设计来对现行制度进行修正和改良,以实现可持续健康发展所需的制度供给;可通过激励企业的技术创新来改善污染排放和设定更为细致严格的环保标准并严格监督、执法来缓解工业化程度的负面影响;可通过不断提高受教育人口比重以此倒逼地方政府提高环境保护支出效率进而实现政府职能的转变。

    关键词 环境保护;支出效率;DEA-Tobit模型;财政分权;

    中图分类号 F062.6;F810.15

    文献标识码 A

    文章编号 1002-2104(2014)06-0091-06

    伴随着中国经济的高速发展,环境污染问题日益突出,近十年来各种环境污染事件层出不穷,揭示了我国已进入了环境高风险时期。由此类环境污染事件直接或间接地引发的群体性事件在部分省份集中爆发,严重影响了社会稳定和经济秩序,从而引起社会各界的高度关注。同时,尽管我国“十一五”期间污染减排取得了进展,但经济发展造成的环境污染代价依然持续增长,环境污染治理和生态破坏压力日益增大。据2010年完成并公开发布的《中国2008年环境经济核算研究报告》,5年间的环境退化成本从5 118.2亿元提高到8 947.6亿元,增长了74.8%,占GDP比重达到3%。如何协调经济增长和环境保护,以实现可持续发展是当下中国一个急需解决的难题。



    1 文献梳理




    2 研究设计






    4 研究结论





    [1]苏明,刘军民,张洁. 促进环境保护的财政政策研究[J]. 财政研究,2008,(7):21-33.

    [2]平新乔,白洁. 中国财政分权与地方公共品供给[J]. 财贸经济,2006,(2):49-55.

    [3]傅勇,张宴. 中国式分权与财政支出结构偏向:为增长而竞争的代价[J]. 管理世界,2007,(3):4-12.

    [4]陈诗一,张军. 中国地方政府财政支出效率研究:1978-2005[J]. 中国社会科学,2008,(4):65-78.

    [5]续竞秦,杨永恒. 地方政府基本公共服务供给效率及影响因素实证分析:基于修正的DEA两步法[J]. 财贸研究,2011,(6):89-96.

    [6]唐齐鸣,王彪. 中国地方政府财政支出效率及影响因素的实证研究[J]. 金融研究,2012,(2):48-60.

    [7]伏润民,常斌,缪小林. 我国省对县(市)一般性转移支付的绩效评价:基于DEA二次相对效益模型的研究[J]. 经济研究,2008,(11):62-73.

    [8]韩华为,苗艳青. 地方政府卫生支出效率核算及影响因素实证研究:以中国31个省份面板数据为依据的DEATobit分析[J]. 财经研究,2010,36(5):4-15.

    [9]王胜. 分税制以来中国地方财政支农绩效评价:基于分级支出视角[J]. 中国管理科学,2010,18(2):26-32.

    [10]黄溶冰,赵谦. 我国环境保护财政资金的绩效评价(2006-2011):基于审计结果公告的内容分析[J]. 财政研究,2012,(5):31-35.

    [11]陈硕,高琳. 央地关系:财政分权度量及作用机制再评估[J]. 管理世界,2012,(6):43-59.

    [12]姚洋,杨雷. 制度供给失衡和中国财政分权的后果[J]. 战略与管理,2003,(3):27-33.

    [13]傅强,朱浩. 中央政府主导下的地方政府竞争机制:解释中国经济增长的制度视角[J]. 公共管理学报,2013,10(1):19-30.

    [14]王贤彬,徐现祥. 地方官员晋升竞争与经济增长[J]. 经济科学,2011,(6):42-58.

    [15]周黎安. 中国地方官员的晋升锦标赛模式研究[J]. 经济研究,2007,(7):36-50.

    [16]Afonso A, Fernandes S. Assessing and Explaining the Relative Efficiency of Local Government: Evidence for Portuguese Municipalities [J]. Journal of SocioEconomics, 2008, 37(5):1946-1979.

    [17]Grossman P, Mavros P, Wassmer R. Public Sector Technical Inefficiency in Large U.S. Cities [J]. Journal of Urban Economics, 1999, 46(2):278-299.

    Abstract In recent years, how to coordinate economic growth and environmental protection so as to achieve sustainable development is an urgent issue to China. With the increasing concern about environmental protection, attention should be paid to the efficiency on environmental expenditure by government. In this paper, by using DEATobit model, the efficiency of fiscal expenditure on the environmental protection is calculated, and also the institutional structure of ‘economic decentralization, political centralization and other related factors that have impacts on the efficiency are revalued. The result showed that there were widespread inefficiency in fiscal expenditure on environmental protection and differences between regions, which means that: the efficiency of fiscal expenditure of eastern and western provinces were similar but significantly higher than the central; the model of governance between central and local governments was defective, rooted in the evaluation mechanism of GDP as the core; expanding opening up and improving economy can significantly promote the level of efficiency; the industrialization was negative mainly due to the industry was a major source of environmental pollution; under the condition of shortage of environmental protection funds, higher industrialization would naturally reduce the efficiency of the capital; the different effects on efficiency of fiscal expenditure on the environmental protection revealed that it was proportion of educated population not population density that can force the government to improve the level of efficiency of fiscal expenditure on environmental protection. Therefore, with the consideration of local governments action inertia and path dependence, institutional revision and development should be made through ‘toplevel design which could generate institutional supply to sustainable and healthy development; we could improve pollution emissions by motivating enterprises technical innovation and mitigate the negative effects of industrialization by setting more careful environmental standards, strict supervision and law enforcement; last but not least, continuous improvement of the proportion of educated population could force local governments to improve efficiency of fiscal expenditure on the environmental protection so as to realize the functions of government.

    Key words environmental protection; fiscal expenditure efficiency; DEATobit model; fiscal decentralization



    [1]苏明,刘军民,张洁. 促进环境保护的财政政策研究[J]. 财政研究,2008,(7):21-33.

    [2]平新乔,白洁. 中国财政分权与地方公共品供给[J]. 财贸经济,2006,(2):49-55.

    [3]傅勇,张宴. 中国式分权与财政支出结构偏向:为增长而竞争的代价[J]. 管理世界,2007,(3):4-12.

    [4]陈诗一,张军. 中国地方政府财政支出效率研究:1978-2005[J]. 中国社会科学,2008,(4):65-78.

    [5]续竞秦,杨永恒. 地方政府基本公共服务供给效率及影响因素实证分析:基于修正的DEA两步法[J]. 财贸研究,2011,(6):89-96.

    [6]唐齐鸣,王彪. 中国地方政府财政支出效率及影响因素的实证研究[J]. 金融研究,2012,(2):48-60.

    [7]伏润民,常斌,缪小林. 我国省对县(市)一般性转移支付的绩效评价:基于DEA二次相对效益模型的研究[J]. 经济研究,2008,(11):62-73.

    [8]韩华为,苗艳青. 地方政府卫生支出效率核算及影响因素实证研究:以中国31个省份面板数据为依据的DEATobit分析[J]. 财经研究,2010,36(5):4-15.

    [9]王胜. 分税制以来中国地方财政支农绩效评价:基于分级支出视角[J]. 中国管理科学,2010,18(2):26-32.

    [10]黄溶冰,赵谦. 我国环境保护财政资金的绩效评价(2006-2011):基于审计结果公告的内容分析[J]. 财政研究,2012,(5):31-35.

    [11]陈硕,高琳. 央地关系:财政分权度量及作用机制再评估[J]. 管理世界,2012,(6):43-59.

    [12]姚洋,杨雷. 制度供给失衡和中国财政分权的后果[J]. 战略与管理,2003,(3):27-33.

    [13]傅强,朱浩. 中央政府主导下的地方政府竞争机制:解释中国经济增长的制度视角[J]. 公共管理学报,2013,10(1):19-30.

    [14]王贤彬,徐现祥. 地方官员晋升竞争与经济增长[J]. 经济科学,2011,(6):42-58.

    [15]周黎安. 中国地方官员的晋升锦标赛模式研究[J]. 经济研究,2007,(7):36-50.

    [16]Afonso A, Fernandes S. Assessing and Explaining the Relative Efficiency of Local Government: Evidence for Portuguese Municipalities [J]. Journal of SocioEconomics, 2008, 37(5):1946-1979.

    [17]Grossman P, Mavros P, Wassmer R. Public Sector Technical Inefficiency in Large U.S. Cities [J]. Journal of Urban Economics, 1999, 46(2):278-299.

    Abstract In recent years, how to coordinate economic growth and environmental protection so as to achieve sustainable development is an urgent issue to China. With the increasing concern about environmental protection, attention should be paid to the efficiency on environmental expenditure by government. In this paper, by using DEATobit model, the efficiency of fiscal expenditure on the environmental protection is calculated, and also the institutional structure of ‘economic decentralization, political centralization and other related factors that have impacts on the efficiency are revalued. The result showed that there were widespread inefficiency in fiscal expenditure on environmental protection and differences between regions, which means that: the efficiency of fiscal expenditure of eastern and western provinces were similar but significantly higher than the central; the model of governance between central and local governments was defective, rooted in the evaluation mechanism of GDP as the core; expanding opening up and improving economy can significantly promote the level of efficiency; the industrialization was negative mainly due to the industry was a major source of environmental pollution; under the condition of shortage of environmental protection funds, higher industrialization would naturally reduce the efficiency of the capital; the different effects on efficiency of fiscal expenditure on the environmental protection revealed that it was proportion of educated population not population density that can force the government to improve the level of efficiency of fiscal expenditure on environmental protection. Therefore, with the consideration of local governments action inertia and path dependence, institutional revision and development should be made through ‘toplevel design which could generate institutional supply to sustainable and healthy development; we could improve pollution emissions by motivating enterprises technical innovation and mitigate the negative effects of industrialization by setting more careful environmental standards, strict supervision and law enforcement; last but not least, continuous improvement of the proportion of educated population could force local governments to improve efficiency of fiscal expenditure on the environmental protection so as to realize the functions of government.

    Key words environmental protection; fiscal expenditure efficiency; DEATobit model; fiscal decentralization



    [1]苏明,刘军民,张洁. 促进环境保护的财政政策研究[J]. 财政研究,2008,(7):21-33.

    [2]平新乔,白洁. 中国财政分权与地方公共品供给[J]. 财贸经济,2006,(2):49-55.

    [3]傅勇,张宴. 中国式分权与财政支出结构偏向:为增长而竞争的代价[J]. 管理世界,2007,(3):4-12.

    [4]陈诗一,张军. 中国地方政府财政支出效率研究:1978-2005[J]. 中国社会科学,2008,(4):65-78.

    [5]续竞秦,杨永恒. 地方政府基本公共服务供给效率及影响因素实证分析:基于修正的DEA两步法[J]. 财贸研究,2011,(6):89-96.

    [6]唐齐鸣,王彪. 中国地方政府财政支出效率及影响因素的实证研究[J]. 金融研究,2012,(2):48-60.

    [7]伏润民,常斌,缪小林. 我国省对县(市)一般性转移支付的绩效评价:基于DEA二次相对效益模型的研究[J]. 经济研究,2008,(11):62-73.

    [8]韩华为,苗艳青. 地方政府卫生支出效率核算及影响因素实证研究:以中国31个省份面板数据为依据的DEATobit分析[J]. 财经研究,2010,36(5):4-15.

    [9]王胜. 分税制以来中国地方财政支农绩效评价:基于分级支出视角[J]. 中国管理科学,2010,18(2):26-32.

    [10]黄溶冰,赵谦. 我国环境保护财政资金的绩效评价(2006-2011):基于审计结果公告的内容分析[J]. 财政研究,2012,(5):31-35.

    [11]陈硕,高琳. 央地关系:财政分权度量及作用机制再评估[J]. 管理世界,2012,(6):43-59.

    [12]姚洋,杨雷. 制度供给失衡和中国财政分权的后果[J]. 战略与管理,2003,(3):27-33.

    [13]傅强,朱浩. 中央政府主导下的地方政府竞争机制:解释中国经济增长的制度视角[J]. 公共管理学报,2013,10(1):19-30.

    [14]王贤彬,徐现祥. 地方官员晋升竞争与经济增长[J]. 经济科学,2011,(6):42-58.

    [15]周黎安. 中国地方官员的晋升锦标赛模式研究[J]. 经济研究,2007,(7):36-50.

    [16]Afonso A, Fernandes S. Assessing and Explaining the Relative Efficiency of Local Government: Evidence for Portuguese Municipalities [J]. Journal of SocioEconomics, 2008, 37(5):1946-1979.

    [17]Grossman P, Mavros P, Wassmer R. Public Sector Technical Inefficiency in Large U.S. Cities [J]. Journal of Urban Economics, 1999, 46(2):278-299.

    Abstract In recent years, how to coordinate economic growth and environmental protection so as to achieve sustainable development is an urgent issue to China. With the increasing concern about environmental protection, attention should be paid to the efficiency on environmental expenditure by government. In this paper, by using DEATobit model, the efficiency of fiscal expenditure on the environmental protection is calculated, and also the institutional structure of ‘economic decentralization, political centralization and other related factors that have impacts on the efficiency are revalued. The result showed that there were widespread inefficiency in fiscal expenditure on environmental protection and differences between regions, which means that: the efficiency of fiscal expenditure of eastern and western provinces were similar but significantly higher than the central; the model of governance between central and local governments was defective, rooted in the evaluation mechanism of GDP as the core; expanding opening up and improving economy can significantly promote the level of efficiency; the industrialization was negative mainly due to the industry was a major source of environmental pollution; under the condition of shortage of environmental protection funds, higher industrialization would naturally reduce the efficiency of the capital; the different effects on efficiency of fiscal expenditure on the environmental protection revealed that it was proportion of educated population not population density that can force the government to improve the level of efficiency of fiscal expenditure on environmental protection. Therefore, with the consideration of local governments action inertia and path dependence, institutional revision and development should be made through ‘toplevel design which could generate institutional supply to sustainable and healthy development; we could improve pollution emissions by motivating enterprises technical innovation and mitigate the negative effects of industrialization by setting more careful environmental standards, strict supervision and law enforcement; last but not least, continuous improvement of the proportion of educated population could force local governments to improve efficiency of fiscal expenditure on the environmental protection so as to realize the functions of government.

    Key words environmental protection; fiscal expenditure efficiency; DEATobit model; fiscal decentralization





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