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标题 燃油汽车与纯电动车能源足迹实证研究

    罗晓梅 黄鲁成

    摘要 相对燃油汽车而言,纯电动车具有能耗低、污染小等特点。但仅用汽车使用阶段的能源消耗判断汽车的节能环保情况是片面的。论文基于能源足迹模型对燃油汽车和纯电动车生命周期各阶段的能源足迹进行了实证研究,研究范围包括原材料生产、制造和使用三个阶段。其中,原材料生产阶段能源足迹的核算范围包括车辆主体原材料生产、汽油生产和电池原材料生产三个阶段的能源消耗,制造阶段能源足迹的核算范围包括车辆主体制造和电池制造两个阶段的能源消耗,使用阶段能源足迹的核算范围为汽车报废里程内的能源消耗。研究结果表明:燃油汽车和纯电动车在原材料生产阶段、制造阶段和使用阶段的能源足迹总量分别为31.18 hm2和9.74 hm2,其中,燃油汽车和纯电动车车辆主体原材料生产阶段的能源足迹分别为0.015 hm2和0.014 hm2,汽油生产阶段的能源足迹为2.83 hm2,电池原材料生产过程的总能源足迹为0.003 2 hm2;燃油汽车和纯电动车车辆主体制造阶段的能源足迹均为0.29 hm2,电池制造过程的能源足迹为0.000 037 hm2;燃油汽车和纯电动车使用过程中的能源足迹分别为28.04 hm2和9.4 hm2。从能源足迹的阶段构成来看,燃油汽车和纯电动车的能源足迹主要源于汽车使用阶段,原材料生产阶段和制造阶段的能源足迹相对较小。从能源足迹的来源看,汽油生产阶段的能源消耗是燃油汽车能源足迹的主要构成部分,发电厂的能源消耗是纯电动车能源足迹的主要构成部分。因此,控制汽油炼制和使用过程的能源消耗是减少燃油汽车能源足迹的主要途径,控制发电厂的能源消耗是减少纯电动车能源足迹的主要途径。本文提供了一种核算汽车产品生命周期内能源消耗的量化方法,研究过程和方法可为评价工业产品的能源消耗提供参考。

    关键词 燃油汽车;纯电动车;能源足迹

    中图分类号 X322 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1002-2104(2014)09-0084-07


    目前,比较研究燃油汽车和纯电动车能源消耗的文献数量较少。在CNKI中以“燃油汽车+纯电动车+能源”为主题进行检索(检索时间为2013年12月30日),检索结果为0篇;以“纯电动车+能源”和“燃油汽车+能源”为主题在CNKI中检索索(检索时间为2013年12月30日),检索结果为1 256篇和428篇,且文献的主要来源为报纸、新闻报道,学术期刊文章较少;在ScienceDirect Online 中以“fuel or gasoline or petrol automobile”或者“BEV or Battery Electric Vehicles or Pure electric vehicle”和“energy”为主题进行检索(检索时间为2013年12月30日),检索结果仅为2篇。现有的相关研究主要核算了纯电动车和燃油汽车在生产、装配过程中的能源消耗和污染排放问题。如KiHoon Lee以现代汽车为例研究了汽车产业链的碳足迹[2],S.I.Bartsev, A.G.Degermendzhi,V.A Okhonin,M.Y.Saltykov 从环境管理优化的角度比较分析了燃油汽车和纯电动车生产过程对生态环境的影响[3],Z.J. Li, X.L. Chen, M. Ding比较分析了电动车和非电动车生产过程中的能源消耗和污染物排放情况[1],宁艳红基于济南工况实证研究了纯电动车和燃油汽车的能耗排放[4],史占国研究了汽车产业的生态足迹[5],王寿兵分析了某轿车生命周期内的能源消耗和和环境排放情况[6]。


    1 研究对象、范围和假设

    1.1 研究对象


    (1)燃油汽车:驱动方式为发动机驱动、前轮驱动,车体为两厢式,发动机为1.8 L直列四缸汽油机,燃油经济性为10 L/百公里(90号汽油),最高时速140 km/h,报废里程为60万km(15年),车辆总质量(不加燃油)为1 143.7 kg。

    (2)纯电动车:驱动方式为电力驱动、前轮驱动,动力电池组为镍氢电池,车体为两厢式,百公里电耗为16 kWh(已上市纯电动车平均耗电量),最高时速170 km/h,报废里程为60万km(15年),车辆总质量为990.9 kg(不包含电池)。


    1.2 阶段范围


    1.3 研究假设






    2 燃油汽车和纯电动车能源足迹核算

    2.1 能源足迹计算方法

    1992年,加拿大生态经济学家Wackernagel 和Rees首次提出了生态足迹的概念[9-10]。能源足迹(ENF)是生态足迹计算中的一个独立的重要构成部分,是用吸收能源消耗产生的CO2的林地面积来衡量国家、产业、产品能耗情况的一种量化方法[11]。能源足迹的分量包括化石能源足迹[12]、核能足迹[13]、可再生能源足迹[14]、风能足迹[15]和太阳能足迹[16]等,本文中的能源足迹是指化石能源足迹。化石能源足迹的计算方法包括传统的替代法、自然资本存量法和碳吸收法三种[17-19]。其中,碳吸收法采用估算新增CO2所需要的林地面积来计算生态足迹,将CO2排放转化成对应的生物生产性土地面积,应用比较广泛[20]。本文采用碳吸收法比较研究燃油汽车和纯电动车的能源足迹,计算公式如下:

    EFE=Σ(Eq(ghm2/hm2)×Ci(kg)×Ji(coal equivalent)×7 000(kcal)×4.186 8×103(J))/mi(GJ/ghm2)×106

    =Σ(Eq(ghm2/hm2)×Ci(kg)×29.307 6(J)/mi(GJ/ghm2)(1)

    EFE为人均能源足迹,i(i=1,2…n),分别表示能源消费项目煤、焦炭、燃料油、煤油、汽油、柴油、液化石油气、电力等;Eq为林地均衡因子,本文取值1.4[21];Ci为第i项能源消耗量,Ji为第i项能源消费的标准煤折算系数;mi为第i项能源消耗的全球平均足迹,本文取煤、石油和天然气的全球平均足迹的平均值80 GJ/ghm2[7];计算过程中需将不同品种、不同含量的能源按各自的热值换算成每千克热值为7 000 kcal的标准煤,其中,1 kg标准煤=7 000 kcal, 1 kcal=4.186 8×103 J。

    2.2 原材料生产阶段能源足迹


    2.2.1 车辆主体原材料生产阶段的能源足迹




    根据各类“材料”的质量、物料利用率以及能源密度,可计算出车辆主体部分原材料生产过程的能源消耗量,见表2。将能源消耗总量依次代入公式(1)可得燃油汽车和纯电动车车辆主体原材料生产过程的能源足迹,分别为0.015 hm2和0.014 hm2。

    2.2.2 汽油生产阶段的能源足迹

    石油炼制过程一般同时有多种产品产生,汽油只是其中的一种。所以,要得到汽油生产过程中的能源消耗就必须对总的能耗进行分配。等质量的汽油热值是石油的1.03倍,所以汽油生产的能耗应等于开采和炼制石油的总能耗的1.03倍。石油开采的能耗为13.40 kg标油/t石油,炼油的综合能耗为73.50 kg标油/t石油[24]。所以可得生产汽油的综合能耗为89.51 kg标油/t汽油。

    本文设定的燃油汽车的报废里程为60万km,百公里油耗为10 L。则可计算出汽车的总油耗为6万L,约合43 200 kg。由此可得汽油生产环节消耗的能源为3 866.83 kg标油,约合161.90 GJ(标油的热值为41.87 GJ/t),将其代入公式(1)可得汽油生产过程的能源足迹为2.83 hm2。

    2.2.3 电池原材料生产阶段的能源足迹

    动力电池是电动汽车最主要的部件之一。动力电池的发展主要经历了铅酸电池阶段、镍氢电池阶段和锂离子(Liion)电池阶段。镍氢电池已经进入成熟期,实现了规模化生产;锂电池将是未来动力电池的发展方向,技术成熟后,将逐步取代镍氢电池市场。本文研究对象纯电动车的电池为镍氢电池,质量为38.2 kg。同样,将整个电池的“材料”组成简化为钢、铁、铝、铜、镁、钴、镍、铅、稀土、玻璃纤维、塑料、橡胶等,具体清单如表3所示。根据各类“材料”的质量、能源密度和物料利用率可得电池原材料生产过程的能源消耗量,见表3[5-6]。依据公式(1)可得镍氢电池原材料生产过程的能源足迹为0.000 8 hm2。一般一辆纯电动车上需要装载四块电池,因此本文电池原材料生产过程的总能源足迹为0.003 2 hm2。

    2.3 制造阶段能源足迹


    2.3.1 车辆主体制造阶段能源足迹

    汽车制造环节的数据几乎都是厂家所有,计算能源消耗必须依据生产厂家的实际生产数据。但是,汽车产业的最大特点之一是厂商之间协作多。一个轿车的零配件可由几个、十几个甚至几十个厂商生产。获得汽车制造和装配过程的能源消耗数据的难度很大。因此,本文假设文中燃油汽车纯电动车的生产模式为厂家自己生产主要部分零配件,外购一些小配件。笔者设计了一套满足LCA清单分析要求和各类厂家及零部件生产厂家的一套调查表格,对汽车制造企业和销售企业的能源消耗情况进行了调研。同时参考了朱一方、黄志甲、王寿兵、史占国、Vanni Badno, Gian Luca Baldo等人的研究成果[25,6,5]。综合以上数据,得到汽车制造过程中的平均能源消耗为16.5 GJ。将该数据代入式(1)可得车辆主体制造阶段的能源足迹为0.29 hm2。

    2.3.2 电池制造阶段能源足迹




    按照《镍氢电池单位产量综合能耗计算方法及限额》规定,镍氢电池单位产量综合能耗应不大于180 kg(标准煤)/万只[26]。因此,本文将镍氢电池生产过程的能源消耗确定为镍氢电池单位产量综合能耗限额,即0.018 kg标准煤/只。四只电池的总能源消耗为0.072 kg标准煤[27]。按照公式(1)计算可得电池制造过程的能源足迹为0.000 037 hm2。

    2.4 使用阶段能源足迹

    2.4.1 燃油汽车使用阶段能源足迹


    Q=q×s (3)


    本文燃油汽车百公里油耗为10 L,汽车的报废里程为60万km。将两个参数代入公式可得单车燃油消耗总量为6万L(43 200 kg)。又已知汽油的热量折算系数为43.12 GJ/t,全球平均足迹为93 GJ/ghm2,依据公式(1)可计算出燃油汽车使用过程中的能源足迹为28.04 hm2。由于轿车行驶过程中的油耗与工况、轿车寿命、行驶里程等诸多因素相关,所以轿车的实际油耗量与经济油耗量之间往往有较大差别。经济油耗量(10 L/百公里)只能作为能源消耗的下限。

    2.4.2 纯电动车使用阶段能源足迹




    纯电动车报废里程为60万km,百公里电耗为16 kWh。将两个参数代入公式可得单车耗电总量为96 000 kWh,合345.6 兆焦耳(GJ)。因此,在不计及发电厂碳排放的基础上,依据公式(1)可得纯电动车使用过程中的能源足迹为0.48 hm2。

    如果进一步追踪发电厂的能源足迹,视全部电量来自于火电厂,忽略输电网损,已知火电机组煤炭平均利用率η=50%,单位千瓦时电量煤耗349 g[28],则可依据公式(1)计算出纯电动车使用过程中总的能源足迹为9.4 hm2。

    2.5 燃油汽车和纯电动车能源足迹结构分析


    3 结 论

    本文应用能源足迹模型核算了燃油汽车和纯电动车原材料生产、制造和使用三个阶段的能源足迹。研究结果显示:燃油汽车和纯电动车在原材料生产阶段、制造阶段和使用阶段的能源足迹总量分别为31.18 hm2和9.74 hm2,燃油汽车生命周期内的能源消耗远大于纯电动车生命周期内的能源消耗。从能源足迹的阶段构成来看,燃油汽车和纯电动车的能源足迹主要均源于使用阶段,原材料生产和制造阶段的能源足迹相对较小。从能源足迹的来源看,汽油生产和使用过程的能源消耗是燃油汽车能源足迹的主要构成部分,发电厂的能源消耗是纯电动车使用过程能源足迹的主要构成部分。由此可知,为了全面评价燃油汽车和纯电动车的能源足迹,不仅要考虑汽车使用阶段的能源消耗,还要考虑原材料生产和车辆制造阶段的能源消耗。控制汽油炼制和使用过程的能源消耗是减少燃油汽车能源足迹的主要途径,控制发电厂的能源消耗是减少纯电动车能源足迹的主要途径。本文提供了一种评价产品生命周期内能源消耗情况的量化方法,研究过程和方法可为评价工业产品的能源消耗提供参考。

    (编辑:田 红)


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    [26]天津市质量技术监督局. DB12/046-2008产品单位产量综合能耗计算方法及限额[S].2011. [Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision. DB12/046-2008 Method and Limit of Comprehensive Energy Consumption Per Unit Product [S]. 2011.]

    [27]何小明,杨林,等.电动汽车用镍氢蓄电池组热量仿真与控制[J].汽车技术,2004,(6):10-12.[He Xiaoming, Yang Lin,et al. NIMH Battery Heat Simulation and Control of Electric Vehicles[J]. AutomotiveTechnology,2004,(6):10-12.]

    [28]王善生,甘凌霄. 基于“能源碳足迹”的纯电动汽车的技术经济研究[J].电网与清洁能源,2012, 28 (4):77-85.[Wang Shansheng, Gan Lingxiao. Technology Economic Research Based on the ‘Carbon Footprint Energy of Pure Electric Vehicle [J]. Grid and Clean Energy, 2012,28 (4):77-85.]

    Abstract In contrast with Petrol Automobile, Battery Electric Vehicle have the advantages of low energy consumption and low pollution and so on. But it is biased to endow the Battery Electric Vehicle with the characteristics of energy conservation and environmental protection only based on the utilization phase. The paper carried on the empirical research on the energy footprint of each life cycle of Petrol Automobile and Battery Electric Vehicle base on energy footprint model and the life cycle included the raw material production, manufacture and use stages. The energy footprint in raw material production phase included the energy consumption in the stages of vehicle body raw materials production, gas production and battery raw materials production, the energy footprint in manufacturing stage included the energy consumption in the stages of vehicle body and battery material manufacturing, and the energy footprint in utilization stage is the whole energy consumption in scrap mileage. The research results show that the total energy footprints in the stages of raw materials production, manufacturing and utilization were respectively 31.18 hm2 and 9.74 hm2, and among them, the energy footprints in stage of raw materials production of Petrol Automobile and Battery Electric Vehicle were respectively 0.015 hm2 and 0.014 hm2, and the energy footprints in the stages of gas production and battery raw materials production process were respectively 2.83 hm2 and 0.003 2 hm2; the energy footprint in the stage of Petrol Automobile and Battery Electric Vehicle body manufacturing was 0.29 hm2 and the energy footprint in battery raw materials production was 0.000 037 hm2; the energy footprints in the utilization stage of Petrol Automobile and Battery Electric Vehicle were respectively 28.04 hm2 and 9.4 hm2. From the point of the phase composition of energy footprint, the energy footprint of Petrol Automobile and Battery Electric Vehicle was mainly sourced the stage of utilization stage, and the energy footprint in the material production and manufacturing stage was relatively small. From the point of the source of energy footprint, the energy consumption in gas production stage is the main part of energy footprint of Petrol Automobile and the energy consumption in power plant is the main part of energy footprint of Battery Electric Vehicle. Therefore, controlling the energy consumption in the process of gasoline refining and utilization is the main way to reduce Petrol Automobile energy footprint and controlling the energy consumption of power plant is the main way to reduce the energy footprint of Battery Electric Vehicle. The paper provided a quantitative method to calculate the energy consumption of the product life cycle and the research process and method would benefit the evaluation of energy consumption of industrial products.

    Key words petrol automobiles; battery electric vehicles; energy footprints

    [26]天津市质量技术监督局. DB12/046-2008产品单位产量综合能耗计算方法及限额[S].2011. [Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision. DB12/046-2008 Method and Limit of Comprehensive Energy Consumption Per Unit Product [S]. 2011.]

    [27]何小明,杨林,等.电动汽车用镍氢蓄电池组热量仿真与控制[J].汽车技术,2004,(6):10-12.[He Xiaoming, Yang Lin,et al. NIMH Battery Heat Simulation and Control of Electric Vehicles[J]. AutomotiveTechnology,2004,(6):10-12.]

    [28]王善生,甘凌霄. 基于“能源碳足迹”的纯电动汽车的技术经济研究[J].电网与清洁能源,2012, 28 (4):77-85.[Wang Shansheng, Gan Lingxiao. Technology Economic Research Based on the ‘Carbon Footprint Energy of Pure Electric Vehicle [J]. Grid and Clean Energy, 2012,28 (4):77-85.]

    Abstract In contrast with Petrol Automobile, Battery Electric Vehicle have the advantages of low energy consumption and low pollution and so on. But it is biased to endow the Battery Electric Vehicle with the characteristics of energy conservation and environmental protection only based on the utilization phase. The paper carried on the empirical research on the energy footprint of each life cycle of Petrol Automobile and Battery Electric Vehicle base on energy footprint model and the life cycle included the raw material production, manufacture and use stages. The energy footprint in raw material production phase included the energy consumption in the stages of vehicle body raw materials production, gas production and battery raw materials production, the energy footprint in manufacturing stage included the energy consumption in the stages of vehicle body and battery material manufacturing, and the energy footprint in utilization stage is the whole energy consumption in scrap mileage. The research results show that the total energy footprints in the stages of raw materials production, manufacturing and utilization were respectively 31.18 hm2 and 9.74 hm2, and among them, the energy footprints in stage of raw materials production of Petrol Automobile and Battery Electric Vehicle were respectively 0.015 hm2 and 0.014 hm2, and the energy footprints in the stages of gas production and battery raw materials production process were respectively 2.83 hm2 and 0.003 2 hm2; the energy footprint in the stage of Petrol Automobile and Battery Electric Vehicle body manufacturing was 0.29 hm2 and the energy footprint in battery raw materials production was 0.000 037 hm2; the energy footprints in the utilization stage of Petrol Automobile and Battery Electric Vehicle were respectively 28.04 hm2 and 9.4 hm2. From the point of the phase composition of energy footprint, the energy footprint of Petrol Automobile and Battery Electric Vehicle was mainly sourced the stage of utilization stage, and the energy footprint in the material production and manufacturing stage was relatively small. From the point of the source of energy footprint, the energy consumption in gas production stage is the main part of energy footprint of Petrol Automobile and the energy consumption in power plant is the main part of energy footprint of Battery Electric Vehicle. Therefore, controlling the energy consumption in the process of gasoline refining and utilization is the main way to reduce Petrol Automobile energy footprint and controlling the energy consumption of power plant is the main way to reduce the energy footprint of Battery Electric Vehicle. The paper provided a quantitative method to calculate the energy consumption of the product life cycle and the research process and method would benefit the evaluation of energy consumption of industrial products.

    Key words petrol automobiles; battery electric vehicles; energy footprints

    [26]天津市质量技术监督局. DB12/046-2008产品单位产量综合能耗计算方法及限额[S].2011. [Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision. DB12/046-2008 Method and Limit of Comprehensive Energy Consumption Per Unit Product [S]. 2011.]

    [27]何小明,杨林,等.电动汽车用镍氢蓄电池组热量仿真与控制[J].汽车技术,2004,(6):10-12.[He Xiaoming, Yang Lin,et al. NIMH Battery Heat Simulation and Control of Electric Vehicles[J]. AutomotiveTechnology,2004,(6):10-12.]

    [28]王善生,甘凌霄. 基于“能源碳足迹”的纯电动汽车的技术经济研究[J].电网与清洁能源,2012, 28 (4):77-85.[Wang Shansheng, Gan Lingxiao. Technology Economic Research Based on the ‘Carbon Footprint Energy of Pure Electric Vehicle [J]. Grid and Clean Energy, 2012,28 (4):77-85.]

    Abstract In contrast with Petrol Automobile, Battery Electric Vehicle have the advantages of low energy consumption and low pollution and so on. But it is biased to endow the Battery Electric Vehicle with the characteristics of energy conservation and environmental protection only based on the utilization phase. The paper carried on the empirical research on the energy footprint of each life cycle of Petrol Automobile and Battery Electric Vehicle base on energy footprint model and the life cycle included the raw material production, manufacture and use stages. The energy footprint in raw material production phase included the energy consumption in the stages of vehicle body raw materials production, gas production and battery raw materials production, the energy footprint in manufacturing stage included the energy consumption in the stages of vehicle body and battery material manufacturing, and the energy footprint in utilization stage is the whole energy consumption in scrap mileage. The research results show that the total energy footprints in the stages of raw materials production, manufacturing and utilization were respectively 31.18 hm2 and 9.74 hm2, and among them, the energy footprints in stage of raw materials production of Petrol Automobile and Battery Electric Vehicle were respectively 0.015 hm2 and 0.014 hm2, and the energy footprints in the stages of gas production and battery raw materials production process were respectively 2.83 hm2 and 0.003 2 hm2; the energy footprint in the stage of Petrol Automobile and Battery Electric Vehicle body manufacturing was 0.29 hm2 and the energy footprint in battery raw materials production was 0.000 037 hm2; the energy footprints in the utilization stage of Petrol Automobile and Battery Electric Vehicle were respectively 28.04 hm2 and 9.4 hm2. From the point of the phase composition of energy footprint, the energy footprint of Petrol Automobile and Battery Electric Vehicle was mainly sourced the stage of utilization stage, and the energy footprint in the material production and manufacturing stage was relatively small. From the point of the source of energy footprint, the energy consumption in gas production stage is the main part of energy footprint of Petrol Automobile and the energy consumption in power plant is the main part of energy footprint of Battery Electric Vehicle. Therefore, controlling the energy consumption in the process of gasoline refining and utilization is the main way to reduce Petrol Automobile energy footprint and controlling the energy consumption of power plant is the main way to reduce the energy footprint of Battery Electric Vehicle. The paper provided a quantitative method to calculate the energy consumption of the product life cycle and the research process and method would benefit the evaluation of energy consumption of industrial products.

    Key words petrol automobiles; battery electric vehicles; energy footprints





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