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单词 competitive
释义 competitive adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be有竞争力▸➤become变得有竞争力▸➤remain, stay仍然有竞争力▸➤make sth使⋯具有竞争力◆skills training to make our industries more competitive in world markets使我们各个行业在世界市场上更具竞争力的技能培训➤keep sth使⋯保持竞争力adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常有竞争力◆a very competitive person竞争意识很强的人➤brutally, fiercely, highly, intensely竞争极惨烈的;激烈对抗的;具有高度对抗性的;极具竞争力的◆a fiercely competitive sport具有激烈对抗性的体育运动◆highly competitive prices非常有竞争力的价格➤increasingly越来越有竞争力的➤globally, internationally具有全球竞争力的;具有国际竞争力的➤economically经济上有竞争力的preposition➤with有能力与⋯竞争的◆investment in research is needed to keep us competitive with other countries.要保持与其他国家的竞争力,我们需要在研究方面投入资金。competitive /kəmpetətɪv/ adjective1.used to describe a situation in which people or organizations compete against each other 竞争的◆a highly competitive market 高度竞争的市场 good as or better than others 和…一样好的;比…更好的;有竞争力的◆we have a wide range of electrical goods at competitive prices. 我们有各式各样具有价格竞争力的电器产品。◆we need to work harder to remain competitive with other companies. 我们需要更加努力以保持与其他公司的竞争力。3.(about a person) trying hard to be better than others (指人)努力竞争的,一心求胜的◆george is very competitive and wants to be number one in the department. 乔治非常好胜,他想在这部门争当第一。 opp uncompetitive ▸ competitively adverb◆competitively priced goods 价格上具竞争力的产品 ▸ competitiveness (also competitivity /kəmˌpetətɪvəti/ less frequent ) noun [uncountable] ◆an attempt to improve the competitiveness of british industry 提高英国工业竞争力的努力 anti-competitive ☞ competitive competitive /kəmpetətɪv/ trying very hard to be better than others好胜的;好强的◆he has a strong competitive streak.他有极为好强的一面。 competitive /kəmpetətɪv/ (especially business尤用于商业) (of prices, goods or services) as cheap as or cheaper than those offered by other companies; able to offer goods or services at competitive prices(价格或收费)不过高的,更便宜的,有竞争力的◆we aim to provide a first-rate competitive service.我们旨在提供一流的、有竞争力的服务。◆we need to work harder to remain competitive with other companies.我们必须加倍努力,以保持与其他公司竞争的实力。◆they had gained a competitive advantage over rival companies.他们已经取得超越对手公司的竞争优势。opp uncompetitive ⓘ uncompetitive goods and services are not cheaper or better than others and therefore not able to compete equally. * uncompetitive 指产品或服务不够便宜或品质不够好,因而缺乏竞争力◆an uncompetitive industry不具竞争力的行业◆uncompetitive prices缺乏竞争力的价格▸ competitively adverb◆competitively priced goods价格上有竞争力的商品competitiveadjective◆it's a fiercely competitive market.这是一个竞争激烈的市场。competitiveadjective◆it's a fiercely competitive market.这是一个竞争激烈的市场。competitive/kəmˈpetətɪv ||; kəmˈpɛtətɪv/adj1. involving people or organizations competing against each other 涉及竞争的: ◇the travel industry is a highly competitive business. 旅游业是竞争激烈的行业。◇competitive sports 体育竞技项目 2. able to be as successful as or more successful than others 竞争力强的: ◇they are trying to make the company competitive in the international market. 他们要让公司在国际市场上具有竞争力。◇our prices are highly competitive (= as low as or lower than those of the others). 我们的价格很有竞争力。 3. (used about people) wanting very much to win or to be more successful than others (指人)好胜的: ◇she's a very competitive player. 她是个志在必胜的选手。 ➔competitively adv ◇their products are competitively priced. 他们产品的定价很有竞争力。 ➔competitiveness noun [u] competitivesee ⇨ ambitious 1 ⇨ cheap 4 ⇨ compete with 3,6 com·pet·i·tive /kəm`pɛtətɪv; kəmˈpetɪtɪv/adj 1. a competitive situation is one in which people or organizations try to be more successful than others 竞争的; 充满竞争的:◇advertising is a highly competitive industry. 广告业是个竞争激烈的行业。◇competitive sports 竞技运动 2. competitive prices or products are fairly cheap [价格或产品]具有竞争力的:◇our rates are very competitive. 我们的价格很有竞争力。 3. determined to be more successful than other people, companies etc 好强的; 有竞争心的:◇he's always so competitive. 他总是这么好强。 ☞ competitive




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