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标题 基于博弈分析的区域环境合作及收益分配研究




    关键词 环境合作;收益分配;博弈分析;补偿

    中图分类号 X22 文献标识码 A

    文章编号 1002-2104(2014)10-0011-06 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2014.10.003



    1 主要观点简述



    2 区域环境合作中的地区收益变动

    2.1 效用函数设定




    2.3 合作情形下地区主体的污染排放决策



    4 结 语






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    [14]部金凤. 中外生态价值发展阶段系数的理论探讨及对比研究[D]. 北京:北京工商大学, 2006. [Bu Jinfeng. Study on Domestic and Abroad Development Stage Coefficient of the Ecological Value [D]. Beijing: Beijing Technology and Business University, 2006.]

    Study on Interests Allocation in Regional Environmental

    Cooperation Based on Game Theory

    WANG Qi WU Huafeng LI Mingquan

    (College of Environment Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871,China)

    Abstract Regional environmental cooperation helps to increase regional revenue in the whole economyenvironment system. However, areas in regional environmental cooperation will gain (or loss) differently, which may impede cooperation. Therefore, the reallocation of regional environmental cooperation profits is necessary to be discussed. According to a double area game analysis, the profit difference between regional environmental cooperation and noncooperation is analyzed. The result shows that cooperation will increase regional overall profit, but there is a critical value for a winwin situation. When the property difference between two areas is less than the critical value, the profits of the two areas will both increase; but when the difference is larger than the critical value, the profit will reduce in one area while increase more in the other area. Focusing on the latter situation, loss compensation and cooperation interests allocation are studied. The distribution are based on principles of economic scale, environment preference and pollution transmission, and a numerical analysis is conducted accordingly.

    Key words environmental cooperation; interests allocation; game analysis; compensation

    [12]徐玉高,何建坤. 气候变化问题上的平等权利准则[J]. 世界环境, 2000, (2): 17-21. [Xu Yugao, He Jiankun. Equity in the Context of Global Climate Change: A Critical Review [J]. World Environment, 2000, (2): 17-21.]

    [13]戴玉才. 公众环境意识的中日比较[J]. 林业经济, 2007, (2):77-80. [Dai Yucai. The Comparison of Public Environmental Consciousness between China and Japan [J]. Forestry Economics, 2007, (2):77-80.]

    [14]部金凤. 中外生态价值发展阶段系数的理论探讨及对比研究[D]. 北京:北京工商大学, 2006. [Bu Jinfeng. Study on Domestic and Abroad Development Stage Coefficient of the Ecological Value [D]. Beijing: Beijing Technology and Business University, 2006.]

    Study on Interests Allocation in Regional Environmental

    Cooperation Based on Game Theory

    WANG Qi WU Huafeng LI Mingquan

    (College of Environment Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871,China)

    Abstract Regional environmental cooperation helps to increase regional revenue in the whole economyenvironment system. However, areas in regional environmental cooperation will gain (or loss) differently, which may impede cooperation. Therefore, the reallocation of regional environmental cooperation profits is necessary to be discussed. According to a double area game analysis, the profit difference between regional environmental cooperation and noncooperation is analyzed. The result shows that cooperation will increase regional overall profit, but there is a critical value for a winwin situation. When the property difference between two areas is less than the critical value, the profits of the two areas will both increase; but when the difference is larger than the critical value, the profit will reduce in one area while increase more in the other area. Focusing on the latter situation, loss compensation and cooperation interests allocation are studied. The distribution are based on principles of economic scale, environment preference and pollution transmission, and a numerical analysis is conducted accordingly.

    Key words environmental cooperation; interests allocation; game analysis; compensation

    [12]徐玉高,何建坤. 气候变化问题上的平等权利准则[J]. 世界环境, 2000, (2): 17-21. [Xu Yugao, He Jiankun. Equity in the Context of Global Climate Change: A Critical Review [J]. World Environment, 2000, (2): 17-21.]

    [13]戴玉才. 公众环境意识的中日比较[J]. 林业经济, 2007, (2):77-80. [Dai Yucai. The Comparison of Public Environmental Consciousness between China and Japan [J]. Forestry Economics, 2007, (2):77-80.]

    [14]部金凤. 中外生态价值发展阶段系数的理论探讨及对比研究[D]. 北京:北京工商大学, 2006. [Bu Jinfeng. Study on Domestic and Abroad Development Stage Coefficient of the Ecological Value [D]. Beijing: Beijing Technology and Business University, 2006.]

    Study on Interests Allocation in Regional Environmental

    Cooperation Based on Game Theory

    WANG Qi WU Huafeng LI Mingquan

    (College of Environment Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871,China)

    Abstract Regional environmental cooperation helps to increase regional revenue in the whole economyenvironment system. However, areas in regional environmental cooperation will gain (or loss) differently, which may impede cooperation. Therefore, the reallocation of regional environmental cooperation profits is necessary to be discussed. According to a double area game analysis, the profit difference between regional environmental cooperation and noncooperation is analyzed. The result shows that cooperation will increase regional overall profit, but there is a critical value for a winwin situation. When the property difference between two areas is less than the critical value, the profits of the two areas will both increase; but when the difference is larger than the critical value, the profit will reduce in one area while increase more in the other area. Focusing on the latter situation, loss compensation and cooperation interests allocation are studied. The distribution are based on principles of economic scale, environment preference and pollution transmission, and a numerical analysis is conducted accordingly.

    Key words environmental cooperation; interests allocation; game analysis; compensation





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