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单词 catch
释义 catch noun¹ 1act of catching sth抓住adjective | verb + catch adjective➤awesome, brilliant, good, nice, spectacular接得棒极了;接得漂亮;接得好;接得棒;接得精彩▸➤clean (especially bre) 抓得干净利落▸➤difficult, tough接得很难/费劲▸➤easy接得轻松➤game-winning (name) 决定胜负的接球➤acrobatic, diving, one-handed, running杂技般/鱼跃/单手/跑动接球➤slip (in cricket板球) 滑动接球➤touchdown (in american football美式橄榄球) 达阵得分接球➤fair, legal (both name) 合法接球verb + catch➤get, make, take (bre) 接住球◆roger made some brilliant catches at today's game.罗杰在今天比赛中接了几个漂亮球。➤drop, miss没接住;脱手catch noun² 2number of fish that sb has caught鱼捕获量adjective | verb + catch | catch + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, good, huge, large, record捕鱼很多;鱼获丰富;捕鱼纪录◆fishermen have been landing record catches this season.本季以来渔民不断刷新捕鱼纪录。➤poor, small捕鱼量小➤annual, total年捕鱼量;总捕鱼量verb + catch➤land, make捕鱼catch + verb➤decline, fall鱼获减少;捕鱼量下跌◆catches fell because of the new dam.新水坝的修建使捕鱼量下跌。➤go up, increase捕鱼量上升/增加preposition➤catch of⋯的捕获量◆a huge catch of tuna捕获大量的金枪鱼phrases➤the catch of the day, the day's catch当天捕获的鱼◆a restaurant where you can sample the day's catch可品尝当天捕获鲜鱼的一家餐馆catch noun³ 3device for fastening sth拴系设备adjective | verb + catch adjective➤door, window门扣;窗钩▸➤safety安全制动设备◆the safety catch on a gun枪上的保险栓verb + catch➤release, undo, unfasten拔出/打开/松开插销◆fran released the catch on the door, then turned to say goodbye.弗兰拉开门闩,然后转身说再见。➤close插上门闩 catch /kætʃ/ verb (caught, caught /kɔːt/) ●have/be caught with your hand/fingers in the tillused to describe a situation when sb is stealing money from their employer 在工作的地方里偷钱 ●catch on1.(used about a product or an idea) to become popular with people (指产品或想法)受欢迎◆electronic greetings cards are catching on quickly. 电子贺卡很快流行起来。◆the idea never really caught on. 这种想法从未真正深入人心。2. (informal) to understand or realize sth 理解,认识(某事)◆consumers have caught on to the superior quality of dvds. 消费者已经认识到数字影碟优越的品质。●catch up (with sb/sth) (bre also catch sb /sth up) to reach the same level or standard as sb/sth that was bigger, better or more advanced 赶上,达到(某水平)◆the supermarket chain is rapidly catching up with its rivals. 这连锁超市正迅速迎头赶上其竞争对手。 catch /kætʃ/ noun [countable, usually singular] a hidden difficulty or disadvantage 隐藏的困难或不利因素◆the service was so cheap that i thought there must be a catch. 这项服务太便宜了,我认为其中必有蹊跷。☞ catch☞ catchcatch verbcatch ♦︎ trap ♦︎ capturethese words all mean to get hold of an animal that tries or would try to escape.这些词均表示捕获或捕捉动物。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to catch / trap sth in sth◆to catch / trap a / an bird / animal■ catch (caught, caught) [transitive] to get hold of an animal that tries or would try to escape捕获,捕捉(动物)◆our cat is hopeless at catching mice.我们的猫捉老鼠根本不行。◆how many fish did you catch?你捕到几条鱼?■ trap (-pp-) [transitive] to catch an animal in a trap设陷阱捕捉,用捕捉器捕捉(动物)◆raccoons used to be trapped for their fur.人们过去经常捕捉浣熊,以取其毛皮。■ capture [transitive] to catch an animal and keep it in an enclosed space捕获并关起(动物)◆the animals are captured in nets and sold to local zoos.那些动物用网捕获后卖给当地的动物园。 catch(caught, caught) [transitive] to stop sb and prevent them from escaping逮住;拘捕◆the police say they are doing all they can to catch the culprits.警方说他们正全力缉拿罪犯。catch [countable] a device used for fastening sth, for example a door, window or box(门窗、盒子等的)扣拴开关,扣件◆a catch on the door门闩◆safety catches for the windows安全窗钩◆i can't open the catch on this bracelet.我打不开这条手链的搭扣。 catch(caught, caught) [transitive] to get hold of an animal that tries or would try to escape捕获,捕捉(动物)◆our cat is hopeless at catching mice.我们的猫捉老鼠根本不行。◆how many fish did you catch?你捕到几条鱼? catch [countable, usually singular] (rather informal) a hidden difficulty or disadvantage潜在困难;隐患◆it sounds too good. there must be a catch.这事听起来太好了,一定有什么圈套吧。◆all that money for two hours' work-what's the catch?干两个钟头就给那么多钱 - 这里面有什么鬼?▸ catch sb out phrasal verb◆many investors were caught out by the fall in share prices.许多投资者因股价下跌而突然陷入困境。 catch(caught, caught) [transitive] to find or discover sb doing sth, especially sth wrong当场发现;(尤指)逮到(别人做坏事)◆i caught her smoking in the bathroom.我撞见她在盥洗室里抽烟。◆he was caught with bomb-making equipment in his home.在他家里发现藏有制造炸弹的设备。◆mark walked in and caught them at it (= in the act of doing sth wrong).马克走了进去,把他们逮了个正着。◆you've caught me at a bad time (= at a time when i am busy).你现在来找我可不是时候。 catch(caught, caught) [transitive] if sth catches the light or the light catches it, the light shines on it and makes it shine too(光)照射;受到(光的)照射◆the knife gleamed as it caught the light.刀在光照下闪闪发亮。◆a colourful glow appears as the light catches the glass.玻璃杯在光照下透出斑斓的光彩。 catch(caught, caught) [transitive, no passive] to be in time for a train, bus, plane, etc. and travel on it赶搭上(火车、公共汽车、飞机等)◆they caught the 12.15 from kings cross.他们赶上了 12:15 从国王十字车站发出的火车。◆i must go-i have a train to catch.我得走了,我要赶火车。opp miss → miss 1 catch(caught, caught) [transitive] to manage to hear or understand sth听清楚;领会◆sorry, i didn't quite catch what you said.对不起,你的话我没听清楚。◆did you catch that show on the radio?你听那个广播节目了吗?ⓘ catch is used especially in negative sentences to say that sb did not hear or understand sth. * catch 尤用于否定句,表示没有听清楚或没有领会。 catch [transitive] (especially name, informal) to see, hear or attend a film, game, event, etc.看见;听到;出席;参加◆let's eat now and maybe we could catch a movie later.咱们现在就吃吧,也许一会儿还能赶上一场电影。 catch(caught, caught) [transitive] to see or notice sth for a moment, but not clearly or completely察觉;瞥见◆she caught sight of a car in the distance.她看见远处有一辆汽车。◆he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.他看了一眼镜子里的自己。◆i caught a look of surprise on her face.我发现她脸上露出了惊奇的神色。 catch(caught, caught) [transitive, no passive] to get an infectious illness (= one that can be passed easily from one person to another) 染上(传染病)◆i think i must have caught this cold from you.我的感冒想必是你传染的。catch(caught, caught) [transitive] to stop and hold a moving object, especially in your hands; to take hold of sb/sth(尤指用手)接住,截住;抓住◆she managed to catch the keys as they fell.她接住了落下的钥匙。◆'throw me over that towel, will you?' 'ok. catch!'“请把那条毛巾扔给我好吗?”“好,接住!”◆the dog caught the stick in its mouth.狗衔住了木棍。◆he caught hold of her arm as she tried to push past him.她试图从他身边挤过时,他一把抓住了她的胳膊。ⓘ you can catch sth that is falling, or sth that has been thrown. unlike with the other words in this group, you cannot 'catch sth from sb'. * catch 的对象是坠物或抛掷物。不像本组其他词,不可以说 catch sth from sb◆i threw the bag in the air and she caught it.我把包扔到空中,她接住了。◆she caught the bag from me and ran away. catch¹/kætʃ ||; kætʃ/verb (past tense past participle caught /kɔ:t ||; kɔt/) 1. [t] to take hold of sth that is moving, usually with your hand or hands 接住: ◇the dog caught the ball in its mouth. 狗用嘴巴把球接住。 2. [t] to capture sb/sth that you have been following or looking for 捉住: ◇two policemen ran after the thief and caught him at the end of the street. 两个警察追着那个小偷,终于在街的尽头把他逮住。◇to catch a fish 捉鱼 3. [t] to notice or see sb doing sth bad 撞见(劣行): ◇i caught her taking money from my purse. 我及时撞见她从我的钱包偷钱。 4. [t] to get on a bus, train, plane, etc 登上(公共汽车、火车、飞机等): ◇i caught the bus into town. 我搭上进城那班公共汽车。 [opp] miss 反义词为 miss 5. [t] to be in time for sth; not to miss sb/sth 赶上: ◇we arrived just in time to catch the beginning of the film. 我们刚好赶上电影开场。◇i'll phone her now. i might just catch her before she leaves the office. 我现在就给她打电话,也许能在她离开办公室之前找到她。 6. [i,t] to become or cause sth to become accidentally connected to or stuck in sth (使)绊住: ◇his jacket caught on a nail and ripped. 他的夹克给钉子勾破了。◇if we leave early we won't get caught in the traffic. 我们早一点出发的话,就不会给路上的交通耽搁。 7. [t] to hit sb/sth 打击;击中: ◇the branch caught him on the head. 树枝打在他的头上。 8. [t] to get an illness 得病: ◇to catch a cold/flu/measles 患感冒;患流感;染上麻疹 9. [t] to hear or understand sth that sb says 听到;领会: ◇i'm sorry, i didn't quite catch what you said. could you repeat it? 对不起,我不大明白你的意思,可不可以再说一遍? catch sb's attention/eye to make sb notice sth 引起注意: ◇i tried to catch the waiter's eye so that i could get the bill. 我想引起服务员的注意,好让他给我结账。 catch your breath 1. to rest after physical exercise so that your breathing returns to normal 歇息: ◇i had to sit down at the top of the hill to catch my breath. 我不得不在山顶上坐下来歇口气。 2. to breathe in suddenly because you are surprised (因吃惊而)屏息 catch your death (of cold) to get very cold 得重伤风;得致命的感冒: ◇don't go out without a coat -- you'll catch your death! 出门别不穿外套,不然要得重伤风! catch fire to start burning, often accidentally 失火: ◇nobody knows how the building caught fire. 没有人知道大厦起火的原因。 catch sb red-handed to find sb just as he/she is doing sth wrong 当场撞见(劣行);逮个正着: ◇the police caught the burglars red-handed with the stolen jewellery. 窃贼连同被偷去的珠宝当场被警方抓获。 catch sight/a glimpse of sb/sth to see sb/sth for a moment 瞥见: ◇we waited outside the theatre, hoping to catch a glimpse of the actress. 我们等在戏院门外,希望一睹那女演员的风采。 catch the sun 1. to shine brightly in the sunlight 在阳光下闪耀: ◇the panes of glass flashed as they caught the sun. 玻璃窗在太阳下闪闪发光。 2. to become burned or brown in the sun 晒黑: ◇your face looks red. you've really caught the sun, haven't you? 你脸上红通通的,刚晒过太阳,是吗? catch on(informal 非正式) 1. to become popular or fashionable 流行起来;受人欢迎: ◇the idea has never really caught on in this country. 这个想法在这国家从没真正流行过。 2. to understand or realize sth 领会: ◇she's sometimes a bit slow to catch on. 她有时比人家慢一步才把事情搞明白。 catch sb out to cause sb to make a mistake by asking a clever question 问某人问题以便把他难住: ◇ask me anything you like -- you won't catch me out. 随便问吧,你难不倒我。 catch up (with sb); catch sb up to reach sb who is in front of you 赶上: ◇sharon's missed so much school she'll have to work hard to catch up with the rest of the class. 沙伦缺了那么多课,她得努力学习才能赶上班里的其他人。◇go on ahead, i'll catch you up in a minute. 你只管走你的,我一会儿就赶上你。 catch up on sth to spend time doing sth that you have not been able to do for some time 补做: ◇i'll have to go into the office at the weekend to catch up on my work. 周末我得到办公室赶完没做的工作。 be/get caught up in sth to be or get involved in sth, usually without intending to 卷入: ◇i seem to have got caught up in a rather complicated situation. 看来我已被卷入了相当复杂的处境中。 catch²/kætʃ ||; kætʃ/noun[c] 1. an act of catching sth, for example a ball 接(球等) 2. the amount of fish that sb has caught 捕鱼量;渔获: ◇the fishermen brought their catch to the harbour. 渔民把捕获的鱼运到港口。 3. a device for fastening sth and keeping it closed 锁;扣: ◇i can't close my suitcase -- the catch is broken. 我手提箱的扣子坏了,合不拢。◇a window catch 窗钩 4. a hidden disadvantage or difficulty in sth that seems attractive 蹊跷;圈套;隐含的毛病: ◇it looks like a good offer but i'm sure there must be a catch in it. 乍一看来这个建议很动人,但我敢担保里面另有文章。 catch1 to catch a ball or other moving object2 when the police catch a criminal3 to catch someone doing something wrong4 to catch someone and make them a prisoner5 to catch someone after chasing themrelated wordscatch a bus, train etc 赶公共汽车、火车等 get on or off a bus, plane etc,catch an illness 生病 illness/disease (3),1. to catch a ball or other moving object 抓住球或其他移动的物体 catch /kætʃ/ [transitive verb] to get hold of a ball or other object that is moving through the air 接住[球或在空中移动的物体] ted caught the ball and threw it back to his brother. 特德接住球,把它扔回给弟弟。 jenny tried to catch the frisbee with her left hand but dropped it. 珍妮试图用左手抓住飞碟,但弄掉了。 catch [countable noun] when you get hold of a ball or other object that is moving through the air 接[球] that was a great catch! 接球漂亮!2. when the police catch a criminal 警方抓获罪犯 catch /kætʃ/ [transitive verb] police say they are determined to catch the killer. 警方称他们决意要抓获凶手。 a lot of thieves never get caught. 许多贼永远也抓不住。 arrest /əˈrest/ [transitive verb] if a police officer arrests someone they catch them, tell them officially that they have done something illegal, and take them away 逮捕,拘捕 police arrested twenty-six demonstrators. 警方逮捕了26名示威者。 nine men were arrested in drug raids, saturday. 在星期六的扫毒行动中九名男子被捕。arrest somebody for something wallace was arrested for assault. 华莱士因侵犯他人而遭逮捕。 dwayne has been arrested for drunk driving again. 德韦恩又一次因酒后驾车被捕。 arrest [uncountable noun] kramer's confession led to the arrests of six others. 克雷默的供述使得另外六个人被捕。under arrest arrested 被捕 guzman, twenty-five, was placed under arrest at his parents’ home, friday. 古茨曼,25岁,星期五在其父母家中被捕。make an arrest arrest someone 逮捕 police made several arrests over the weekend in connection with last year's courthouse bombing. 周末,警方逮捕了数名与去年法院爆炸案有关的人。 get /get/ [transitive verb] especially british to catch and punish someone for something illegal they have done 【尤英】抓获,捕获 they still haven't got the man who did it. 他们还没有抓到作案者。 nail /neɪl/ [transitive verb] informal to catch someone and prove that they are guilty of a crime 【非正式】抓住,逮住[并证明有罪] police use radar to nail speeding drivers. 警方使用雷达来抓超速驾驶的司机。nail somebody for something myers was nailed for selling marijuana. 迈尔斯因出售大麻被抓。 take somebody into custody /ˌteɪk somebody ɪntə ˈkʌstədi/ [verb phrase usually in passive] if the police take someone into custody, they take that person and put them in prison until they appear in court, because they think the person is guilty of a crime 拘留某人[直至开庭] officers took three suspects into custody friday morning. 星期五早晨,警方拘留了三名嫌疑犯。 as soon as the plane landed, the men were taken into custody by waiting fbi agents. 飞机一降落,那几名男子就被等候着的联邦调查局探员拘留。3. to catch someone doing something wrong 抓住做坏事的人 catch /kætʃ/ [transitive verb] to find or see someone while they are actually doing something wrong [当场]抓住 catch somebody doing something pat caught her daughter stealing money from her purse. 帕特当场抓住女儿从自己的钱包中偷钱。 brooks was caught smoking in an airplane lavatory and fined $750 dollars. 布鲁克斯在飞机盥洗室抽烟当场被抓,罚了750美元。 catch somebody red-handed/catch somebody in the act /ˌkætʃ somebody red ˈhændə̇d, ˌkætʃ somebody ɪn ði ˈækt/ [verb phrase usually in passive] to catch someone who is in the middle of doing something bad or illegal, especially stealing, when they are not expecting it 当场抓住某人[尤指偷窃] sperling was caught red-handed attempting to break into a house. 斯珀林正要闯进一所房子时当场被抓。 several graffiti artists were caught in the act on the brown river bridge. 数名涂鸦艺术家在布朗河大桥上乱画,当场被抓。catch somebody in the act of doing something he caught wendy in the act of looking through his personal papers. 他当场抓住温迪偷看他的私人文件。 catch somebody with their fingers in the till /ˌkætʃ somebody wɪð ðeəʳ ˌfɪŋgəʳz ɪn ðə ˈtɪl/ [verb phrase] british to catch someone stealing money from the place where they work 【英】抓住某人在工作场所偷钱 the article says that at least five government officials have been caught with their fingers in the till. 那篇文章称至少有五名政府官员因侵吞公款被抓。4. to catch someone and make them a prisoner 抓住某人并将其囚禁 capture /ˈkæptʃəʳ/ [transitive verb] to catch a person in order to make them a prisoner 逮捕,俘虏 they've captured twenty enemy soldiers. 他们已俘虏了20名敌兵。 cole was captured after his plane was shot down outside hanoi. 科尔的飞机在河内城外被击落,他因而被俘。 capture [uncountable noun] they are offering a reward for information leading to his capture. 他们悬赏缉捕他。 round up /ˌraʊnd ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to catch several people by bringing them together from different places 围捕;把…聚拢起来并逮捕 round up somebody officers succeeded in rounding up most of the gang members. 警察围捕了大多数团伙成员。round somebody up people are saying that the civil guard rounded several of the protestors up and shot them. 有人在说,民兵包围了数名抗议者并将他们集体射杀。 take somebody prisoner /ˌteɪk somebody ˈprɪzənəʳ/ [verb phrase] to catch someone, especially in a war, and keep them as a prisoner [尤在战时]俘虏某人 ellison was taken prisoner by the germans during the retreat to dunkirk. 埃利森在撤退至敦刻尔克时被德军俘虏了。 military police took kilby prisoner and locked him in a barn. 宪兵俘虏了基尔比,把他关在谷仓里。 350 soldiers were killed and another 300 taken prisoner. 350名士兵被杀,另有300名士兵被俘。 recapture /riːˈkæptʃəʳ/ [transitive verb] to catch someone for a second time when they have escaped after being caught once 重新捕获 viet cong forces quickly recaptured the soldiers. 越共军队很快又抓获了那些士兵。 the prisoners were recaptured a few hours after their escape. 那些犯人逃跑后几个小时又被抓获。5. to catch someone after chasing them 追踪后将某人抓住 catch /kætʃ/ [transitive verb] to stop someone from escaping, especially by running after them and then catching them - used especially by children when playing games 捉住,抓住,逮住[尤为小孩子玩游戏时所用] ‘i bet you can't catch me!’ yelled katie, skipping away. “我打赌你捉不到我!”凯蒂叫道,一边蹦蹦跳跳跑开了。 you choose sides, and one team hides and the other team tries to catch them. 你来选参加哪一边:一队人躲,另一队人捉。 corner /ˈkɔːʳnəʳ/ [transitive verb] to catch someone by forcing them into a room or space etc that they cannot escape from 使…走投无路 douglas was cornered by the killers in the back bedroom of a seventh-floor apartment. 道格拉斯被杀手逼进了七楼公寓后面的卧室,无法再逃了。 the boys cornered him on a subway platform and began beating him. 那群男孩子将他逼进地铁站台,开始打他。 catch up with /ˌkætʃ ˈʌp wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb] to catch someone that you have been chasing or trying to catch for some time 追上并抓住 agents finally caught up with danvers in mexico city. 特工终于在墨西哥城追上了丹弗斯。 hunt down /ˌhʌnt ˈdaʊn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to catch someone in order to kill, hurt, or punish them, after chasing them or trying very hard to catch them 追捕,穷追…直至捕获 hunt down somebody army troops are hunting down the guerrillas. 军队正在追捕游击队员。hunt somebody down the agency was created to hunt down war criminals and bring them to justice. 这个部门是成立来追捕战犯,并将他们绳之以法的。 trap /træp/ [transitive verb] to catch someone by using your skill and intelligence, or by forcing them into a place where they cannot escape 设陷阱捕捉,围捕 the men were trapped at a road block near the junction of i-95 and route 128. 那几名男子被围困在i-95和128公路交会处附近的一个路障。 police have the man trapped inside a bar on the city's southside. 警方在市南的一家酒吧里围捕了该名男子。 trap [countable noun] a plan that is intended to catch someone [捉住某人的]圈套;陷阱 fall into someone's trap if we're lucky, the thief will fall right into our trap. 如果我们运气好的话,那个贼会正好落入我们的圈套中。☞ catch¹☞ catch²




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