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标题 征收环境税对经济和污染排放的影响








    环境税最早是在上世纪二十年代由英国经济学家Arthur C.Pigou在其外部性研究理论中提出,Pigou认为要使环境成本内部化,需要政府采取税收或补贴的形式来对市场进行干预,是私人边际成本与社会边际成本相一致。形成于上世纪60年代末的“污染者付费原则(the Polluter Pays Principle)”为环境税征税对象的确定提供了理论依据。该原则出发点是商品价格应充分体现生产成本和消耗的资源,利用经济手段将污染防治的资源重新分配以减少污染、合理使用环境资源。


    可计算一般均衡模型(CGE,Computable General ?Equilibrium Model)作为经济学领域有效的实证分析工具,能够为回答上述问题提供有力支持,为环境税征收的经济影响和环境影响提供定量分析手段。武亚军和宣晓伟[1]构建了一个硫税静态CGE模型,进行中国硫税政策效果模拟分析。结果表明:征收硫税会给我国GDP带来负效应,但却有利于能源结构和经济结构调整,大大降低二氧化硫的排放。王灿等[2]利用CGE模型研究二氧化碳减排的经济影响,发现碳税会使煤和天然气产量大幅下降,使用和电力行业产量将上升以满足总的能源需求。庞军等[3]根据“能源-经济-环境”CGE模型模拟了中国征收燃油税的经济影响。Qin et al[4]利用环境经济一般均衡分析系统(GREATE,GeneRal Eqiulibrium Analysis sysTem for Environment)分析了水污染物总量控制目标和排污交易政策的经济影响。Qin et al[5]将水资源作为一种生产要素纳入CGE模型中开发了水资源一般均衡分析系统(GREATW,GeneRal Eqiulibrium Analysis sysTem for Water),分析了提高水资源费征收标准对中国经济和水资源利用效率的影响。Qin et al[6]利用多区域水资源CGE模型分析了京津冀地区减少地下水超采、南水北调和用水再分配多项政策措施对不同区域和不同行业的经济影响。本文利用GREATE模型分析环境税改革后不同税率水平对宏观经济、污染减排、收入水平、产业结构、贸易结构和要素需求的影响,为制定相关的环境税制度和政策提供决策支持服务。





    GREATE模型利用基于通用代数模型系统(GAMS,General Algebraic Modeling System)的一般均衡数学编程系统(MPSGE,Mathematical Program System for General Equilibrium)开发而成[7]。GREATE模型包含了新古典静态CGE模型的一般结构[8]。图1给出了GREATE模型的基本结构。模型的建模基本思想是模拟宏观经济运行中生产引发收入、收入产生需求,需求带动生产的循环过程。在生产的过程中,生产部门不是价格的决策者而是价格的接受者,因此企业(部门)必须在一定的技术条件下,按照成本利润最大化或者既定利润成本最小化的原则来进行生产决策。决策在生产可能性边界约束下,按收入最大化原则确定该部门产出中用于内销和出口的相对份额构成。在规模不变的假设下,各部门的总产出不能由生产者决定,而是由均衡条件决定。即生产者需要进行投入决策,要在该部门总的均衡条件决定的前提下,选择中间投入和要素有效投入水平,使生产成本最小化。模型假定一种商品只能被一个生产者所生产。模型中采用多层嵌套的CES函数来描述生产要素之间的不同替代性。在第一层次,最终产出有合成中间投入和合成要素禀赋的组合决定,采用CES函数来描述其替代性。在第二层次,合成中间投入采用Leontief函数描述为对各部门中间产品的需求;而要素禀赋合成束采用CES函数描述污染排放和资本-劳动力合成束的组合。在第三层次,采用Leontief函数描述各部门对不同污染物的需求,资本-劳动力合成束则采用CES函数描述资本和劳动力之间的组合关系。劳动力、资本可以根据研究的需要做进一步的分解。生产中各种要素间可替代的程度取决于它们的替代弹性和在基准年生产过程中的份额。模型采用Armington假设来描述进口商品和国内产品之间的不完全替代关系,通过CES函数描述最终消费在最小化成本的原则下,对进口商品和国内产品之间的优化选择。生产者生产出的产品根据收入最大化原则按CET函数在出口与国内市场间分配。


    Fig.1General structure of GREATE Model








    我国现行排污费标准低于污染治理成本和污染损害成本。根据现行的排污收费标准,化学需氧量、氨氮、二氧化硫和氮氧化物的征收标准分别只有0.7元/kg、0.875元/kg、0.63 元/kg和0.63 元/kg。无论继续执行现行的排污收费政策还是将来出台环境税,我国都面临提高征收标准的现实选择。为了评估征收环境税对中国经济和污染减排的影响,本研究设置1个基准情景和4个模拟情景进行分析。基准情景假设环境税征收税率平移目前的排污收费标准,模拟情景假设环境税征收标准相比现有排污收费标准分别提高2倍、4倍、6倍和8倍,具体征收标准见表3。



















    [1]武亚军, 宣晓伟. 环境税经济理论及对中国的应用分析[M]. 北京:经济科学出版社, 2002: 310-335. [Wu Yajun, Xuan Xiaowei. Economy Theory and Application Analysis on Environmental Tax in China[M]. Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2002:310-335.]

    [2]王灿, 陈吉宁, 邹骥, 等. 基于CGE模型的二氧化碳减排对中国经济的影响[J]. 清华大学学报, 2005, 45(12):1621-1624. [Wang Can, Chen Jining, Zou Ji, et al. Impact Assessment of CO2 Mitigation on China Economy Based on A CGE Model. Journal of Tsinghua University: Science and Technology, 2005,45(12):1621-1624. ]

    [3]庞军, 邹骥, 傅莎. 应用CGE模型分析中国征收燃油税的经济影响[J]. 经济问题探索, 2008, (11):69-73. [Pang Jun, Zou Ji, Fu Sha. Economic Effects of Levying Fuel Oil Taxes in China Based on CGE Model Analysis[J]. Inquiry into Economic Issues, 2008, (11):69-73.]

    [4]Qin C, Bresser H J A, Su Z, et al. Economic Impacts of Water Pollution Control Policy in China: A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Analysis[J].Environmental Research Letters, 2011. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/044026.

    [5]Qin C, Jia Y, Su Z, et al. The Economic Impact of Water Tax Charges in China: A Static Computable General Equilibrium Analysis[J]. Water International, 2012,37:3, 279-292.

    [6]Qin C, Su Z, Bresser H J A, et al. Assessing the Economic Impact of North Chinas Water Scarcity Mitigation Strategy: A Multiregion, Waterextended Computable General Equilibrium Analysis[J]. Water International, 2013, 38:6, 701-723.

    [7]Rutherford R T. Economic Equilibrium Modeling with GAMS: An Introduction to MS/MCP and GAMS/MPSGE[J/OL]. Draft Monograph, 1998.

    [8]Robinson S, et al. From Stylized to Applied Models: Building Multisector CGE Models for Policy Analysis[J]. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance,1999, 1, 5–38.

    [9]财政部.中国财政年鉴2008[M].北京: 中国财政经济出版社,2008. ?[Ministry of Finance. Finance Yearbook of China 2008[M]. Beijing: China Financial and Economic Publishing House, 2008.]

    [10]国家税务总局.中国税务年鉴2008[M]. 北京: 中国税务出版社. [State Administration of Taxation. China Taxation Yearbook 2008[M]. Beijing: China Tax Publishing House, 2008.]

    [11]国家统计局.中国统计年鉴2008[M]. 北京: 中国统计出版社. [National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook 2008[M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2008.]

    [12]环境保护部.中国环境统计年报2007[M]. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社. [Ministry of Environmental Protection. Annual Statistic Report on Environment in China 2007[M]. Beijing: China Environmental Science Press, 2008.]

    Economic and Emission Impact Analysis of Reforming Chinas

    Environmental Taxes System

    QIN ChangboWANG JinnanGE ChazhongGAO ShutingLIU Qianqian

    (Environmental Economic Institute, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning, Beijing 100012, China)

    AbstractResources shortage and limited environmental capacity have already been the new basic characters of Chinas national conditions. Whats more, the economy in China will continually develop and environmental pressure will be getting higher. Collecting environmental taxes is considered as one of the effective economic policies for reducing pollution emissions and promoting development transformation. To supply supporting evidences for relative policy making, this article uses GREATE model to analyze the influences of different tax rates on macro economy, pollution reduction, income level, industrial structure, trade structure and factor demand after reform of environmental taxes. The results of simulation show that collecting environmental taxes has a limited effect on Chinas macro economy and the decline of GDP is within a range that can be stood. Relatively speaking, the positive effect on pollution reduction is far beyond the inhibition effect on economic development. The results also illustrates collecting environmental taxes is good for structure adjustment, inhibition of heavy pollution industry and development of clean industry. Also, it will limit the export of heavy pollution products, boost the export competitiveness of clean products and the environmental impact of trade surplus will be reduced. Due to the increasing cost of heavy pollution industry and the reducing production scale, the releasing elements including capital and labor are transferred to clean industry, so that these industries will be vigorously developed. Collecting environmental taxes could increase government revenue while have a negative effect on residents welfare. But considering the changes of environmental quality brought by pollution reduction, as well as the positive resident welfare effect and social effect, the actual negative influence will be smaller than that in simulation result. To promote environmental cost internalization, it is suggested to increase the standard of pollution taxes/charges. Since the current standard of discharge fee is much lower than the cost of pollution control, most of enterprises prefer to pay for the fee instead of pollution control. So the environmental tax rate should be at least equal to the cost of pollution control, then pollution emissions will be reduced by environmental cost internalization. On the other hand, this article suggests government reduce the negative effects brought by collecting environmental taxes by income taxes reduction and subsidy supply for the disadvantaged.

    Key wordsenvironmental taxation; effluent fee; CGE; economic impact

    [9]财政部.中国财政年鉴2008[M].北京: 中国财政经济出版社,2008. ?[Ministry of Finance. Finance Yearbook of China 2008[M]. Beijing: China Financial and Economic Publishing House, 2008.]

    [10]国家税务总局.中国税务年鉴2008[M]. 北京: 中国税务出版社. [State Administration of Taxation. China Taxation Yearbook 2008[M]. Beijing: China Tax Publishing House, 2008.]

    [11]国家统计局.中国统计年鉴2008[M]. 北京: 中国统计出版社. [National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook 2008[M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2008.]

    [12]环境保护部.中国环境统计年报2007[M]. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社. [Ministry of Environmental Protection. Annual Statistic Report on Environment in China 2007[M]. Beijing: China Environmental Science Press, 2008.]

    Economic and Emission Impact Analysis of Reforming Chinas

    Environmental Taxes System

    QIN ChangboWANG JinnanGE ChazhongGAO ShutingLIU Qianqian

    (Environmental Economic Institute, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning, Beijing 100012, China)

    AbstractResources shortage and limited environmental capacity have already been the new basic characters of Chinas national conditions. Whats more, the economy in China will continually develop and environmental pressure will be getting higher. Collecting environmental taxes is considered as one of the effective economic policies for reducing pollution emissions and promoting development transformation. To supply supporting evidences for relative policy making, this article uses GREATE model to analyze the influences of different tax rates on macro economy, pollution reduction, income level, industrial structure, trade structure and factor demand after reform of environmental taxes. The results of simulation show that collecting environmental taxes has a limited effect on Chinas macro economy and the decline of GDP is within a range that can be stood. Relatively speaking, the positive effect on pollution reduction is far beyond the inhibition effect on economic development. The results also illustrates collecting environmental taxes is good for structure adjustment, inhibition of heavy pollution industry and development of clean industry. Also, it will limit the export of heavy pollution products, boost the export competitiveness of clean products and the environmental impact of trade surplus will be reduced. Due to the increasing cost of heavy pollution industry and the reducing production scale, the releasing elements including capital and labor are transferred to clean industry, so that these industries will be vigorously developed. Collecting environmental taxes could increase government revenue while have a negative effect on residents welfare. But considering the changes of environmental quality brought by pollution reduction, as well as the positive resident welfare effect and social effect, the actual negative influence will be smaller than that in simulation result. To promote environmental cost internalization, it is suggested to increase the standard of pollution taxes/charges. Since the current standard of discharge fee is much lower than the cost of pollution control, most of enterprises prefer to pay for the fee instead of pollution control. So the environmental tax rate should be at least equal to the cost of pollution control, then pollution emissions will be reduced by environmental cost internalization. On the other hand, this article suggests government reduce the negative effects brought by collecting environmental taxes by income taxes reduction and subsidy supply for the disadvantaged.

    Key wordsenvironmental taxation; effluent fee; CGE; economic impact

    [9]财政部.中国财政年鉴2008[M].北京: 中国财政经济出版社,2008. ?[Ministry of Finance. Finance Yearbook of China 2008[M]. Beijing: China Financial and Economic Publishing House, 2008.]

    [10]国家税务总局.中国税务年鉴2008[M]. 北京: 中国税务出版社. [State Administration of Taxation. China Taxation Yearbook 2008[M]. Beijing: China Tax Publishing House, 2008.]

    [11]国家统计局.中国统计年鉴2008[M]. 北京: 中国统计出版社. [National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook 2008[M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2008.]

    [12]环境保护部.中国环境统计年报2007[M]. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社. [Ministry of Environmental Protection. Annual Statistic Report on Environment in China 2007[M]. Beijing: China Environmental Science Press, 2008.]

    Economic and Emission Impact Analysis of Reforming Chinas

    Environmental Taxes System

    QIN ChangboWANG JinnanGE ChazhongGAO ShutingLIU Qianqian

    (Environmental Economic Institute, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning, Beijing 100012, China)

    AbstractResources shortage and limited environmental capacity have already been the new basic characters of Chinas national conditions. Whats more, the economy in China will continually develop and environmental pressure will be getting higher. Collecting environmental taxes is considered as one of the effective economic policies for reducing pollution emissions and promoting development transformation. To supply supporting evidences for relative policy making, this article uses GREATE model to analyze the influences of different tax rates on macro economy, pollution reduction, income level, industrial structure, trade structure and factor demand after reform of environmental taxes. The results of simulation show that collecting environmental taxes has a limited effect on Chinas macro economy and the decline of GDP is within a range that can be stood. Relatively speaking, the positive effect on pollution reduction is far beyond the inhibition effect on economic development. The results also illustrates collecting environmental taxes is good for structure adjustment, inhibition of heavy pollution industry and development of clean industry. Also, it will limit the export of heavy pollution products, boost the export competitiveness of clean products and the environmental impact of trade surplus will be reduced. Due to the increasing cost of heavy pollution industry and the reducing production scale, the releasing elements including capital and labor are transferred to clean industry, so that these industries will be vigorously developed. Collecting environmental taxes could increase government revenue while have a negative effect on residents welfare. But considering the changes of environmental quality brought by pollution reduction, as well as the positive resident welfare effect and social effect, the actual negative influence will be smaller than that in simulation result. To promote environmental cost internalization, it is suggested to increase the standard of pollution taxes/charges. Since the current standard of discharge fee is much lower than the cost of pollution control, most of enterprises prefer to pay for the fee instead of pollution control. So the environmental tax rate should be at least equal to the cost of pollution control, then pollution emissions will be reduced by environmental cost internalization. On the other hand, this article suggests government reduce the negative effects brought by collecting environmental taxes by income taxes reduction and subsidy supply for the disadvantaged.

    Key wordsenvironmental taxation; effluent fee; CGE; economic impact





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