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单词 noble
释义 noble [usually before noun] (rather formal) belonging to the nobility (= people born in the highest social class who have special titles) 贵族的;高贵的◆he was a young man of noble birth.他是个出身高贵的年轻人。 ➡ see also the nobility → elite , noble , nobleman → lord note 辨析 aristocratic or noble?in this meaning noble is only used to talk about the family that sb was born into. aristocratic can also be used to talk about families but more often it is used in a wider sense to talk about the society, culture, manners and appearance of people from such families; you can talk about aristocratic society/culture or sb's aristocratic manner/voice/face/nose but not ◆noble society/culture or sb's ◆noble manner/voice/face/nose 表达此义时,noble 仅用来指家庭出身。aristocratic 也可以指家庭出身,但是其意义更宽泛,常用来指贵族出身的人的社会圈子、文化、举止和外表;常用搭配有 aristocratic society/culture (贵族社会/文化)和 aristocratic manner/voice/face/nose (高贵的举止/嗓音/脸/鼻子)。不说 noble society/culture,也不说 noble manner/voice/face/nose。noble [countable](especially in some european countries in the past) a person who comes from a family of high social rank, especially sb who has a special title(尤指旧时某些欧洲国家的)出身高贵的人,贵族成员◆the regime was supported by a group of powerful nobles.这个政权得到一群权贵的支持。 ➡ see also nobility → elite , noble → aristocratic noble /nəʊbl; name noʊbl/ (rather formal, approving) having or involving qualities that people admire, for example courage, honesty and care for others崇高的,品质高尚的(如具有勇气、诚实和关心他人等品质)◆she died in a noble cause.她为了崇高的事业而牺牲。◆it was very noble of you to go so far to take him home.去那么远的地方把他送回家,你真伟大。▸ nobly adverb◆they acted generously and nobly.他们的行为慷慨大度。noble¹/ˈnəʊbl ||; ˈnobḷ/adj1. honest; full of courage and care for others 高尚的;崇高的: ◇a noble leader 伟大的领袖◇noble ideas/actions 高尚的思想╱行动 2. belonging to the highest social class 贵族的: ◇a man of noble birth 出身高贵的人 ➔nobly /ˈnəʊbli ||; ˈnoblɪ/ adv noble²/ˈnəʊbl ||; ˈnobḷ/noun [c] (in past times) a person who belonged to the highest social class and had a special title (古时)贵族 [syn]a more common word nowadays is a peer. 现今较常用peer。 ☞ noble¹☞ noble²




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