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单词 inform
释义 inform verbadverb | verb + inform | preposition adverb➤merely, simply仅仅通知;只不过告知◆i am not advising you. i am merely informing you of the situation.我不是在给你提建议,我仅仅是把情况告诉你而已。➤regularly (especially bre) 定期通知▸➤immediately, quickly立即/快速通知▸➤officially (especially bre) 正式通知▸➤personally亲自通知▸➤kindly, politely好心地/礼貌地通知◆next time you decide to take some action, kindly inform me.你下次再决定采取什么行动,劳驾通知我一声。➤bluntly直率地告知◆'i won't do it!' she informed him bluntly.“我才不干呢!”她直截了当地告诉他。➤calmly, coldly, coolly冷静地通知;冷淡地告知➤adequately, properly充分地/恰当地通知◆many people questioned whether patients were informed adequately of the risks.许多人质问有关风险是否充分告知了患者。➤accurately准确地告知➤clearly明确告知◆students are clearly informed that drugs will not be tolerated.学生被明确告知服用兴奋剂是绝对不容许的。➤recently最近告知verb + inform➤be pleased to高兴地通知▸➤regret to遗憾地通知◆i regret to inform you that you have been unsuccessful in your application.我遗憾地通知您,您的申请未能成功。➤be required to被要求告知◆the clinic is required to inform the patient about possible alternative treatments.按照要求,诊所须告知病人有哪些可供选择的替代疗法。preposition➤about告知◆efforts to inform young people about the dangers of drugs为使年轻人了解毒品危害所作的努力➤of通知◆we will immediately inform you of any changes to the schedule.工作计划一旦有变,我们将立即通知你们。inform /ɪnfɔːm; name ɪnfɔːrm/ verb [transitive] inform sb (of/about sth) to tell sb about sth, especially in an official way 通知;通告◆the employer must inform the employee of its decision. 雇主必须将其决定通知员工。◆i am pleased to inform you that you have been selected for interview. 我很高兴地通知你,你已获选参加面试。◆it's vital to keep staff informed. 将有关情况随时通知员工是至关重要的。  ➡  notify influence sth; to be the basis for sth 影响;作为…的基础◆this belief has always informed the board's decisions. 这个信念总是影响董事会的决策。☞ informinform [transitive] (rather formal) to tell sb about sth, often in a formal or official way(常正式地或以官方形式)通知,通报;知会◆please inform us of any changes of address.地址如有变动请通知我们。◆the leaflet informs customers about healthy eating.传单告诉顾客健康饮食方面的讯息。◆have the police been informed?通知警方了吗?◆i have been reliably informed (= sb i trust has told me) that the couple will marry next year.我得到可靠消息说他们俩明年结婚。 ➡ see also information → information , informative → informative inform/ɪnˈfɔ:m ||; ɪnˈfɔrm/verb [t] inform sb (of/about sth) to give sb information (about sth), especially in an official way 通知,告知(尤指通过正式途径): ◇you should inform the police of the accident. 你应该告之警方这起事故。◇do keep me informedof any changes. 有什么变动,请你通知我。 inform on sb to give information to the police, etc about what sb has done wrong 告发;密告: ◇the wife of the killer informed on her husband. 杀人凶手的妻子告发了她的丈夫。 informsee ⇨ tell 1 in·form /ɪn`fɔrm; ɪnˈfɔːm/v [t]to formally tell someone about something [正式]告知,通知[某人]:◇there was a note informing us that charles had left. 有一张纸条通知我们说查理斯已离开了。inform against/on sbto tell the police, an enemy etc about what someone has done 告发,检举 ☞ inform




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