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单词 prisoner
释义 prisoner nounadjective | verb + prisoner | phrases adjective➤virtual实际意义上的囚犯◆without a wheelchair, she is a virtual prisoner in her own home.没有轮椅,她就是个被困在家里的囚犯。➤political政治犯▸➤life, long-term (bre) 无期徒刑的/长期监禁的囚犯▸➤short-term (bre) 短期监禁的囚犯▸➤remand (bre) 还押候审的犯人▸➤condemned, convicted (especially bre) 已判刑的犯人;已决犯➤death-row死囚犯▸➤escaped逃犯➤captured (especially name) 被抓获的犯人➤released获释的囚犯▸➤model模范囚犯◆he was a model prisoner, and was released after serving only half of his five-year sentence.他是模范囚犯,5 年刑期仅仅服了一半就获释了。➤fellow同监犯人◆they were allowed only limited contact with their fellow prisoners.他们只许与同监犯有限接触。verb + prisoner➤capture, take抓获俘虏◆they had captured over 100 prisoners.他们抓获了 100 多名俘虏。➤detain, hold, incarcerate (especially name) 扣留/扣住/监禁犯人◆over 2 million prisoners are currently incarcerated in the us.目前,在美国有超过 200 万在押犯人。➤free, release释放犯人➤rehabilitate改造犯人➤execute处决囚犯phrases➤hold sb prisoner, keep sb prisoner关押/囚禁某人◆they were kept prisoner in a basement room for eight months.他们在一间地下室被关押了 8 个月。➤a prisoner of conscience政治犯◆the former prisoner of conscience was elected president of the new democracy.从前的政治犯当选为新的民主政府的总统。➤a prisoner of war战俘➤be taken prisoner被俘虏◆many soldiers were taken prisoner.许多士兵被俘。 prisoner noun  ➡ see also the entry for hostage另见 hostage 条prisoner ♦︎ inmate ♦︎ convictthese are all words for a person who is kept in prison as a punishment.这些词均表示囚犯、犯人。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a fellow / former / young prisoner / inmate◆an escaped prisoner / convict◆to release a prisoner / an inmate / a convict◆a prisoner / an inmate / a convict escapes◆a prisoner / an inmate / a convict serves a sentence■ prisoner [countable] a person who is kept in prison as a punishment, or while they are waiting for trial囚犯;犯人;羁押候审者◆the number of prisoners serving life sentences has fallen.被判无期徒刑的囚犯人数下降了。◆they are demanding the release of all political prisoners.他们要求释放所有的政治犯。  ➡ see also prisoner → hostage ■ inmate /ɪnmeɪt/ [countable] one of the people living in an institution such as a prison or mental hospital(监狱或精神病院等的)同住者;同狱囚犯;同病房者◆the jail has 500 inmates.这所监狱关押了 500 名囚犯。◆he was attacked by a fellow inmate.他受到另一囚犯的袭击。■ convict /kɒnvɪkt; name kɑːnvɪkt/ [countable] a person who has been found guilty of a crime and sent to prison已决犯;服刑囚犯◆the novel begins with pip's meeting with an escaped convict from the prison ship.这本小说以皮普与从囚犯船上逃出来的一个囚犯见面开始。note 辨析 prisoner or convict? prisoner has a wide range of uses; it can be used to talk about any person who has been sent to prison. convict is used mainly in historical contexts, especially to talk about the british prisoners who were sent to australia in the 18th and 19th centuries. convict is also commonly used in written or literary contexts to talk about looking or feeling like sb who has been sent to prison. * prisoner 的用法很多,可以指任何被关押的人。convict 主要用于历史语境,尤指 18、19 世纪被发配澳大利亚的英国囚犯。convict 也常见于书面语和文学作品,指看似或感觉像是监狱中的囚犯◆he held the door open and she walked through, feeling like a convict.他拉开门等着,她走过去,感觉像是囚犯。prisoner [countable] a person who has been captured, for example by an enemy, and is being kept somewhere被(敌人等)关起来的人;俘虏;战俘◆he was taken prisoner by rebel soldiers.他被叛军俘虏了。◆they are holding her prisoner and demanding a large ransom.他们把她劫为人质,并索要巨额赎金。ⓘ the more frequent meaning of prisoner is 'a person who is kept in prison'. * prisoner 更常表达的词义是“囚犯”。  ➡ see also prisoner → prisoner prisoner [countable] a person who is kept in prison as a punishment, or while they are waiting for trial囚犯;犯人;羁押候审者◆the number of prisoners serving life sentences has fallen.被判无期徒刑的囚犯人数下降了。◆they are demanding the release of all political prisoners.他们要求释放所有的政治犯。  ➡ see also prisoner → hostage prisoner/ˈprɪznə(r) ||; ˈprɪzṇɚ/noun [c] a person who is being kept in prison 犯人;囚犯: ◇a political prisoner 政治犯 prisonersee ⇨ keep 10 ⇨ prison 6,7     • • •• ⇨ be a prisoner• ⇨ hold sb prisoner/captive/hostage• ⇨ take sb prisoner pris·on·er /`prɪzṇə; ˈprɪzənə/n [c] 1. someone who is kept in a prison 囚犯,犯人 2. someone who is forced to stay somewhere, for example during a war 被关押者,俘虏:◇be taken/held prisoner hundreds of soldiers were taken prisoner. 数百名士兵成了俘虏。 ☞ prisoner




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