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单词 amendment
释义 amendment nounadjective | verb + amendment | amendment + verb | preposition adjective➤important, major, significant重要的修订;重大的修改◆a major amendment was introduced into the legislation.对该法规作出了一项重大修订。➤minor, slight, small微小的修改▸➤draft, proposed修正草案;提出的修正案➤subsequent随后的修订案◆the states reorganization act of 1956 and the subsequent amendments in 1960 and 19661956 年的《邦重组法案》与随后于 1960 年和 1966 年所作的修正案➤constitutional宪法修正案➤balanced-budget, budget (especially name) 平衡预算修正案;预算修正案➤congressional, federal (both in the us) 国会/联邦修正案➤lords, parliamentary (both in the uk) 上议院/议会修正案➤rebel (bre) 反叛者的修正案◆in total 217 mps backed the rebel amendment opposing the government.共有 217 名议会议员支持反叛者提出的反对政府的修正案。➤fifth amendment, first amendment, etc.(= of the us constitution) 第五、第一等修正案◆he is simply exercising his first-amendment rights.他只是在行使《第一修正案》赋予自己的权利。verb + amendment➤introduce, make提出修改;作出修订▸➤draft草拟修正案◆the committee does not adequately consult others when drafting amendments.委员会在起草修正案时没有充分征求他人的意见。➤move, offer, propose, put forward, suggest, table (bre) 提出修正案;将修正案列入议事日程◆he moved an amendment limiting capital punishment to certain very serious crimes.他提出了一项修改动议,将死刑只限用于某些非常严重的罪行。➤add加入修正案◆the senate added numerous amendments to the bill.参议院将很多修正案加到这项议案中。➤withdraw撤回修正案◆she withdrew her amendment and left the meeting.她撤回了修正案,离开了会场。➤repeal (especially name) 撤销修正案◆a call to repeal the 22nd amendment to the constitution撤销宪法第 22 条修正案的呼声➤back, endorse, support支持修正案;签字赞同修正案▸➤accept, adopt, approve, pass, ratify, vote for接受修订;采纳修正案;批准修正案;通过修正案;投票支持修正案◆the senate accepted the amendment and the bill was eventually passed.参议院采纳了修正案,议案最终获得了通过。◆on a free vote, the amendment was carried by 292 votes to 246.根据自由投票,修正案以 292 票对 246 票获得通过。➤oppose, vote against反对/投票反对修订▸➤defeat, reject阻挠/拒绝修订amendment + verb➤pass (sth) (especially name) 修正案通过(⋯)◆the amendment passed in 2001.这项修正案于 2001 年获得通过。◆the amendment passed the senate by unanimous consent.这项修正案在参议院获得了一致通过。➤ban sth, outlaw sth, prohibit sth (all especially name) 修正案禁止⋯/宣布⋯为非法/严禁⋯◆a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage禁止同性婚姻的宪法修正案➤guarantee, protect (both especially name) 修正案确保/保护preposition➤without amendment未经修改◆the new clause was accepted without amendment.新条款未经修改就被采纳了。➤amendment to对⋯的修正案◆an amendment to the clean water act《净水法》修正案◆they have proposed an amendment to the federal constitution.他们对联邦宪法提出了一项修正案。☞ amendamendment /əmendmənt/ [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a small change or improvement that is made to a law or document; the process of changing a law or document(法律或文件的)改动,修正案,修订◆a major amendment was introduced into the legislation.对此项法规提出了一项重大修订。◆parliament passed the bill without further amendment.议会未作进一步修改便通过了议案。  ➡ see also amend → adjust amendment/əˈmendmənt ||; əˈmɛndmənt/noun1. [c] a part that is added or a small change that is made to a piece of writing, especially to a law 修订、增补的内容或部份(尤指法例的) 2. [u] an act of amending sth 修改;修订;修正 amendmentsee ⇨ change/not change 18 a·mend·ment /ə`mɛndmənt; əˈmendmənt/n 1. [c,u] a change made in the words of a law or document [法律或文件的]修正(案):◇+ to an amendment to the new finance bill 新财政法案的修正案 2. [c] one of the laws in the us constitution [美国宪法的]修正案:◇the fifth amendment [美国宪法的]第五条修正案




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