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单词 snuggle
释义 snuggle verbadverb | preposition adverb➤close紧紧地依偎◆she slipped her arm through his and snuggled close.她搂着他的胳膊,紧紧地依偎着他。➤together依偎在一起◆we snuggled up together on the couch.我们在沙发上相互依偎着。➤down, up舒适地蜷伏◆i snuggled down in my bed.我舒服地躺在床上。➤back舒适地躺回到preposition➤against倚靠着⋯◆claudia snuggled against him.克劳迪娅依偎着他。➤into偎依进⋯◆she snuggled into her sleeping bag and closed her eyes.她舒服地躺进睡袋,闭上了眼睛。➤under舒适地躺在⋯下◆he snuggled back under the covers.他重又舒服地躺进被窝里。snuggle [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to get into, or put sb/sth into, a warm comfortable position, especially close to sb(使)依偎,紧贴,蜷伏◆the child snuggled up to her mother.小女孩依偎着母亲。◆he snuggled down under the bedclothes.他把自己裹进被子里。◆she snuggled closer.她把身子蜷得更紧了。◆he snuggled his head onto her shoulder.他把头倚在她肩上。snuggle/ˈsnʌgl ||; ˈsnʌgḷ/verb [i] snuggle (up to sb);snuggle (up/down) to get into a position that makes you feel safe, warm and comfortable, usually next to another person 舒适地蜷伏或依偎: ◇she snuggled up to her mother. 她依偎着母亲。◇i snuggled down under the blanket to get warm. 我蜷伏在毛毯下取暖。 snug·gle /`snʌgḷ; ˈsnʌɡəl/v [i]to get into a warm comfortable position 依偎,舒服地蜷缩:◇we snuggled up together on the sofa and watched tv. 我们在沙发上依偎着一起看电视。




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