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单词 medical treatment
释义 medical treatment1 treatment for an injury or illness2 to give someone medical treatmentrelated wordsto make someone unconscious by giving them a drug 用药使人失去知觉 unconscious (3),see alsodrug,hospital,doctor,illness/disease,cure,recover,ill/sick,mentally ill,hurt/injure,pain,1. treatment for an injury or illness 治疗伤害或疾病 treatment /ˈtriːtmənt/ [countable/uncountable noun] a medical method of curing someone who is ill or injured, for example by means of drugs or an operation 疗法;治疗,医治 treatment for doctors are trying out a new treatment for depression. 医生在试验一种抑郁症的新疗法。treatment of natural poisons such as snake venom are now being used in the treatment of human nervous disorders. 蛇毒等天然毒物现在被用于治疗人类的神经疾病。receive treatment he's receiving treatment for cancer. 他在接受癌症治疗。medical treatment they received medical treatment at the hospital after the assault. 他们遭到袭击后在医院接受了治疗。course of treatment a course of treatment which should lead to an improvement in the patient's condition 可以改善病人状况的一个疗程 therapy /ˈθerəpi/ [uncountable noun] a series of treatments for a problem, especially a mental one, usually without drugs or operations 疗法[尤指精神疾病的疗法,一般无需服药或动手术] the therapy involves getting the patient to tell the doctor about their early childhood. 这一疗法需要让患者把自己童年的经历对医生讲出来。 this child is clearly very disturbed emotionally and may require long-term therapy. 这孩子显然有严重的情绪失常,可能需要长期治疗。be in therapy he's been in therapy for years, but he's still got a big self-esteem problem. 他接受治疗已有多年,但他在自尊心方面仍存在严重的问题。speech therapy medical help to improve speech 言语治疗 will she need to have speech therapy? 她需要接受言语治疗吗?physical therapy don underwent months of physical therapy after the accident. 事故发生后,唐接受了长达几个月的物理治疗。 medicine /ˈmedsənǁˈmedɪsən, ˈmedsənǁˈmedəsən/ [uncountable noun] the science of understanding illness and injury, and the methods used for treating them 医学;医术 jane is studying medicine. 简在学医。 the discovery of penicillin revolutionized western medicine. 青霉素的发现使西方医学起了革命性的变化。alternative medicine also complementary medicine british medical treatments based on ideas that are different from the ideas of western scientific medicine 非[西方]传统医学 so why is complementary medicine gaining popularity? 那么非传统疗法为什么会越来越受欢迎呢?conventional medicine the usual form of medicine used in most western countries, involving the use of drugs and operations [西方]传统医学 many of these people have been failed by conventional medicine or have rejected it. 这些人当中有许多是传统疗法治不好或者是拒绝传统疗法的。 operation /ˌɒpəˈreɪʃənǁˌɑː-/ [countable noun] if you have an operation, a doctor cuts into your body to remove or repair a part that is damaged 手术,开刀 have an operation the doctor says i must have an operation. 医生说我必须动手术。operation on i had an operation on my knee last year. 去年我的膝部动了手术。carry out/perform an operation ask the surgeon how many times he has performed the operation before, and with what success. 问问那位外科医生这种手术他做过多少次,成功率是多少。 surgery /ˈsɜːʳdʒəri/ [uncountable noun] treatment by doctors in which they cut into someone's body to remove or repair a part that is damaged 外科手术,开刀 she needed emergency surgery after the accident. 事故发生后,她需要做急救手术。surgery on he's currently recovering from surgery on his right knee. 他的右膝动过手术,目前正在恢复。surgery for last year, she underwent surgery for breast cancer. 她去年因乳腺癌开了刀。have/undergo surgery before undergoing surgery, patients should discuss the various options with their doctor. 动手术前病人应该与医生讨论一下各种选择方案。major/minor surgery a serious/not very serious operation 大手术/小手术 an injury requiring major surgery 需要动大手术的伤knee/abdominal/heart etc surgery patients on the waiting list for heart surgery 等着做心脏手术的病人 injection /ɪnˈdʒekʃən/ [countable noun] when a doctor or nurse gives someone a drug using a special needle 注射,打针 have an injection i hate having injections. 我讨厌打针。give somebody an injection mrs. wilson, i'm going to give you an injection to help you relax. 威尔逊太太,我要给你打一针来帮助你放松。 jab british /shot american /dʒæb, ʃɒtǁʃɑːt/ [countable noun] informal an injection 【非正式】注射,打针 a typhoid jab 一针伤寒注射剂get a jab/shot the kids have to get their shots before they go to school. 孩子们得打过针后才能去上学。2. to give someone medical treatment 给某人进行治疗 treat /triːt/ [transitive verb] to try to make someone better when they are ill or injured, for example by giving them drugs or hospital care 治疗 treat somebody for something doctors are treating him for cancer. 医生正给他治疗癌症。treat something with something many common infections can be treated with antibiotics. 许多普通的感染都可以用抗生素治愈。 operate /ˈɒpəreɪtǁˈɑː-/ [intransitive verb] if a doctor operates on someone, he or she cuts them open in order to remove or repair a part of their body that is damaged 开刀,动手术 the doctor says they'll have to operate straightaway, before the cancer spreads. 医生说要在癌症扩散前马上开刀。operate on it can be risky to operate on very old people. 对老年人动手术可能风险很大。 they had to operate on my arm because it was broken in two places. 我的手臂有两处骨折,因此他们只得动手术。




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