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单词 living
释义 living nounadjective | verb + living adjective➤comfortable, decent, good, honest舒适的/体面的/优裕的/诚实的生活◆he makes a good living as a builder.他是建筑工人,生活优裕。➤meagre/meager贫困的生活◆she eked out a meagre / meager living as an artist's model.她靠当画模勉强为生。verb + living➤earn, make谋生◆her dream was to earn her living as a singer.她的梦想是靠当歌手来谋生。➤eke out, scrape, scrape together, scratch勉强维持生活;糊口◆they were forced to scratch a living by selling things on the streets.他们被迫靠在街上卖东西来勉强维持生计。➤do sth for以⋯为生◆he asked what i did for a living.他问我靠什么生活。➤provide提供生计◆ten acres provides a decent living for a rural family.10 英亩土地能让一个乡村家庭过上体面的生活。 living /lɪvɪŋ/ noun1. [countable, usually singular] money to buy the things that you need in life 生计;谋生;生活◆she earns her living as a freelance journalist. 她靠做自由撰稿记者维持生计。◆what do you do for a living? 你靠甚么谋生?⨁ to earn / make a living谋生 ⨁ a good / decent / modest living优裕的/体面的/朴素的生活 2. [uncountable] a way or style of life 生活方式◆people are moving away because of the high costs of urban living. 人们因为城市的生活费用很高而离开了。◆a period of economic growth and rising living standards 经济增长和生活水准日渐提高的时期⨁ daily / day-to-day / everyday living日常生活 ⨁ rural / urban living农村/城市生活 ⨁ living conditions / standards生活条件/水准 cost of living ◇ standard of living ☞ livingliving (rather formal) alive now活的;活着的◆she taught us to show respect for all living things.她教导我们尊重一切生命。◆many people say he is the finest living pianist.许多人说他是当世最杰出的钢琴家。 opp dead → dead note 辨析 alive or living? alive is never used before a noun. * alive 不用于名词前◆all alive things living can be used after be but is not usually used after other linking verbs. * living 可以用在 be 后面,但通常不用在其他连系动词后◆she stole just to stay living. ◆doctors fought to keep the baby living. living [uncountable] (especially in compounds or fixed phrases尤用于构成复合词或固定短语) a way or style of life生活方式◆the classes are about helping children make informed choices about healthy living.这些课程旨在帮助孩子对健康的生活方式作出明智的选择。◆the prisoners' living conditions were appalling.囚犯的生活条件极为恶劣。◆their standard of living is very low.他们的生活水平很低。◆the cost of living has risen sharply.生活成本已急剧上涨。living¹/ˈlɪvɪŋ ||; ˈlɪvɪŋ/adj1. alive now 活着的;在世的: ◇he has no living relatives. 他已没有在世的亲属。 ☞look at the note at alive. 参看alive的注释。 2. still used or practised now 仍然通用的;在实施的: ◇living languages/traditions 通用语言;尚在遵循的传统 [opp] opposite dead 反义词为deadliving²/ˈlɪvɪŋ ||; ˈlɪvɪŋ/noun1. [c] [usu.sing] money to buy things that you need in life 生计;营生: ◇what do you do for a living ? 你是做什么工作的? 2. [u] your way or quality of life 生活方式;生活水平: ◇the cost of living has risen in recent years. 近年来生活费用上升了。◇the standard of living is very high in that country. 那个国家的生活水平很高。 livingsee ⇨ alive 1     • • •• ⇨ earn/make a living• ⇨ eke out a living/an existence• ⇨ for a living• ⇨ in living memory☞ living¹☞ living²




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