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单词 little²
释义 little²quantifier less /lɛs; les/, least /list; liːst/ 1. formal not very much 【正式】 不多:◇little is known about the disease. 对此病了解不多。◇i paid little attention to what they were saying. 我对他们说的话不大注意。◇very little i have very little money at the moment. 目前我的钱很少。 2. a little a small amount of something 少量,一点点:◇i know a little spanish. 我会说一点点西班牙语。◇"more coffee?" "just a little, thanks." “还要点咖啡吗?”“只要一点点,谢谢。”◇a little of i explained a little of the family's history. 我讲了一些家族史。




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