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单词 incentive
释义 incentive nounadjective | verb + incentive | incentive + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, generous, good, great, huge, massive (especially bre) 很大的刺激;大方的鼓励;巨大的激励➤powerful, strong强大的动力;强烈的刺激➤adequate, sufficient足够的刺激;充分的鼓励▸➤main, major主要的激励➤added, additional, extra, more附加的奖励;更多的鼓励▸➤less较少的奖励➤little极少的鼓励◆there was little incentive to conduct research.对从事研究的激励微乎其微。➤real真正的激励➤clear明确的刺激◆us companies faced a clear incentive to downsize.美国公司面临明确的裁员压力。➤direct直接鼓励◆direct financial incentives to have smaller families鼓励缩小家庭规模的直接财政刺激➤important重要的激励➤positive积极的刺激➤special特别奖励➤attractive诱人的刺激➤perverse不正当的刺激➤long-term长期的激励➤political政治激励➤commercial, economic, financial, fiscal, monetary商业/经济/金融/财政/金钱刺激➤cash现金奖励➤material物质奖励➤price, tax价格刺激;税收奖励➤sales销售刺激➤investment投资激励➤performance, work业绩/工作奖励➤employee雇员奖励◆employee incentives such as bonuses and commission奖金、提成之类的雇员奖励措施➤federal, government联邦/政府奖励verb + incentive➤act as, be起刺激作用;是鼓励◆it was thought that this would act as an incentive for couples to adopt older children.人们认为这将会对夫妇们收养大一些的孩子起到鼓励作用。➤have有动力◆she had the added incentive of being within reach of the world record.世界纪录触手可及,这使她又有了新的动力。➤need需要鼓励➤give (sb/sth), offer (sb/sth), provide (sb/sth with)给(⋯)以鼓励;激励(⋯)➤create制订奖励措施◆the government has created tax incentives to encourage investment.政府已经出台了税收优惠措施鼓励投资。➤receive得到奖励◆companies that receive government incentives得到政府奖励的公司➤increase增强刺激➤reduce减少奖励➤undermine削弱激励作用◆high taxation rates have undermined work incentives.高税率削弱了工作激励措施的作用。➤eliminate, remove, take away撤销鼓励措施incentive + noun➤plan, programme/program, scheme, structure, system激励方案;奖励制度◆an incentive system based on supervisors' evaluations以督导员评价为基础的激励制度◆the company operates a share incentive scheme for its workers.公司对员工实行股份奖励机制。➤policy激励政策➤award, bonus, fee, package, pay, payment激励奖品;奖金;一揽子激励措施;奖励工资preposition➤incentive to对⋯的激励◆an incentive to investment对投资的鼓励phrases➤have every incentive有充足的动力◆companies have every incentive to put up prices.各公司都有充足的理由涨价。➤a lack of incentive缺乏动力◆there is a lack of incentive to undertake new investment.新投资缺乏动力。incentive /ɪnsentɪv/ noun [countable, uncountable] something that encourages people to do sth, especially to work harder, spend more money, etc. 激励;鼓励;刺激◆generous incentives for small businesses to invest in new equipment 慷慨奖励小型企业投资于新设备◆they are trying to increase their market share by offering customers big financial incentives. 他们正通过向顾客提供资助,努力提高其市场占有率。◆creating an incentive plan to retain key workers 制订留住核心员工的激励计划 syn inducement opp disincentive ⨁ big / generous / powerful / real / strong incentives大的/慷慨的/巨大的/真正的/强力的激励 ⨁ to create / offer / provide incentives产生/给予/提供激励 ⨁ an incentive package / payment / plan / system一整套激励措施;激励金/计划/制度 group incentive ◇ sales incentive ◇ tax incentive ☞ incentive incentive noun  ➡ see also the entry for bribe另见 bribe 条incentive ♦︎ motivation ♦︎ stimulus ♦︎ impetus ♦︎ inspiration ♦︎ inducementthese are all words for sth that encourages sb to do sth or to develop more quickly, or is the reason why sb does sth.这些词均表示激励因素、刺激或动机。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆the incentive / motivation / stimulus / impetus / inspiration for sth◆the incentive / stimulus / impetus / inducement to sth◆the motivation / impetus / inspiration behind sth◆the incentive / stimulus / impetus / inducement to do sth◆a strong incentive / motivation / impetus / inducement◆a powerful incentive / stimulus / impetus / inducement◆the main incentive / motivation / stimulus / impetus / inspiration◆a new incentive / motivation / stimulus / impetus◆an extra incentive / motivation / stimulus / impetus / inducement◆the necessary motivation / stimulus / impetus / inducement◆sufficient incentive / motivation / inducement◆to provide / give (sb / sth) the incentive / motivation / stimulus / impetus / inspiration / inducement◆to offer an incentive / an inducement■ incentive /ɪnsentɪv/ [countable, uncountable] something that encourages you to do sth, especially because you will get sth in return(尤指使人得到回报的)激励,刺激,鼓励◆there are no incentives for people to save fuel.没有措施鼓励人们节约燃料。◆the government has created tax incentives to encourage investment.政府已出台了税收优惠措施以鼓励投资。◆there is little incentive for firms to increase the skills of their workers.公司严重缺乏提高员工技能的推动力。opp disincentive ⓘ a disincentive is sth that makes you less willing to do sth, especially because you will not gain much if you do. * disincentive 指降低做某事意欲的因素,尤其是因为做了也没有太多回报◆a sudden fall in profits provided a further disincentive to investors.利润突然下降使投资者进一步退缩。■ motivation /məʊtɪveɪʃn; name moʊtɪveɪʃn/ [countable, uncountable] the reason why sb does sth or behaves in a particular way; sth that makes sb want to be successful动机;动力◆what is the motivation behind this sudden change?这种突然转变背后的动因是什么?◆i soon understood his motivation in inviting me.我很快明白了他邀请我的原因。◆he's intelligent enough but he lacks motivation.他很聪明,但缺乏积极性。  ➡ see also motivate → inspire , motivate → make 4 , motive → reason ▸ motivational adjective◆ (formal) an important motivational factor重要的促进因素■ stimulus /stɪmjələs/ (plural stimuli /stimulaɪ/ ) [countable, usually singular] (rather formal) something that helps or encourages sb/sth to start or to develop better or more quickly促进因素;激励因素;刺激物◆books provide children with ideas and a stimulus for play.书不仅给孩子们提供想法,而且使他们玩得更有意思。◆he stressed the value of public investment as a stimulus to growth.他强调了公共投资对刺激经济增长的价值。 ➡ see also stimulate → inspire ■ impetus /ɪmpɪtəs/ [uncountable, singular] something that encourages a process or activity to develop more quickly动力;推动;刺激◆the debate seems to have lost much of its initial impetus.辩论似乎没有开始时那么大的冲劲了。◆each new rumour added a fresh impetus to the smear campaign.每一个新谣言都给诽谤攻击增添了新助力。note 辨析 stimulus or impetus? stimulus is often used to talk about starting things off; impetus is used to talk about how things develop: processes or activities can gain/maintain/lose impetus, or they can gain added/new/further/fresh impetus. stimulus is a more formal word, often used in academic or business contexts; impetus is often used in journalism or broadcasting when discussing trends and developments. * stimulus 常指事情启动的推动力,impetus 指事情发展的助力。可用 gain/maintain/lose impetus 表示过程或活动获得、保持或失去推进力; added/new/further/fresh impetus 指新的推进力。stimulus 较正式,常用于学术或商业语境; impetus 常用于讨论趋势和发展的新闻报道或广播节目中。■ inspiration [countable, usually singular] a person or thing that is the reason why sb creates or does sth启发灵感的人(或事物);使人产生动机的人(或事物)◆he says my sister was the inspiration for his heroine.他说我姐姐是他的女主人公的原型。◆clark was the inspiration behind saturday's victory.克拉克是星期六那场胜利的灵魂人物。  ➡ see also inspire → inspire ■ inducement /ɪndjuːsmənt; name ɪnduːsmənt/ [countable, uncountable] something, especially money, that is given to sb to persuade them to do sth, especially sth that they would not normally do引诱,刺激,诱因(尤指钱)◆the higher payments were offered as an inducement.提高酬金被用作一种刺激手段。◆there is little inducement for them to work harder.没有什么动力能促使他们加把劲工作。 ➡ see also induce → make 4 incentive /ɪnsentɪv/ [countable, uncountable] something that encourages you to do sth, especially because you will get sth in return(尤指使人得到回报的)激励,刺激,鼓励◆there are no incentives for people to save fuel.没有措施鼓励人们节约燃料。◆the government has created tax incentives to encourage investment.政府已出台了税收优惠措施以鼓励投资。◆there is little incentive for firms to increase the skills of their workers.公司严重缺乏提高员工技能的推动力。opp disincentive ⓘ a disincentive is sth that makes you less willing to do sth, especially because you will not gain much if you do. * disincentive 指降低做某事意欲的因素,尤其是因为做了也没有太多回报◆a sudden fall in profits provided a further disincentive to investors.利润突然下降使投资者进一步退缩。incentive/ɪnˈsentɪv ||; ɪnˈsɛntɪv/noun [c,u] (an) incentive (for/to sb/sth) (to do sth) something that encourages you (to do sth) 鼓励;刺激: ◇there's no incentive for young people to do well at school because there aren't any jobs when they leave. 由于毕业后没有就业机会,青年学生缺乏努力学习的热情。 incentivesee ⇨ persuade 8 in·cen·tive /ɪn`sɛntɪv; ɪnˈsentɪv/n [c,u]something that encourages you to work harder, or to start something new 刺激,动力,鼓励:◇incentive (for sb) to do sth the government provides incentives for businesses to invest. 政府对企业投资提供奖励。




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