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单词 journey
释义 journey noun  ➡ see also trip adjective | verb + journey | journey + verb | journey + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤long, marathon (especially bre) 长途/马拉松式旅行➤short (especially bre) 短途旅行▸➤outward (especially bre) 外出旅行▸➤homeward, return, round-trip (name) 返乡旅程;归程;往返旅程▸➤onward (especially bre) 以后的行程◆the bus driver told us where to change buses for our onward journey.公共汽车司机告诉我们应在哪儿换车以继续我们的行程。➤bus, car, rail, train, etc. (all especially bre) 乘公共汽车、乘小汽车、乘火车等的旅行➤five-mile, four-hour, etc. * 5 英里、4 小时等的行程▸➤comfortable, easy, good, pleasant, safe (all especially bre) 舒适的/轻松的/愉快的/惬意的/安全的旅行◆did you have a good journey?您旅途愉快吧?◆bye! safe journey!再见!一路平安!➤arduous, difficult, gruelling/grueling, hard, harrowing, tedious, terrible, tiring, tortuous (bre) 艰苦的/艰难的/令人精疲力竭的/困难的/痛苦的/沉闷的/糟糕的/累人的/曲折的旅行▸➤dangerous, hazardous, perilous, treacherous危险的旅行;险恶的旅程▸➤overland陆路旅行▸➤cross-country越野旅行▸➤daily (especially bre) 一日游▸➤overnight夜间旅行▸➤epic漫长艰辛的旅行◆an epic journey across africa on foot徒步穿越非洲的漫长又艰辛的旅行➤amazing, fantastic, incredible令人惊叹的/极好的/非凡的旅行◆her search took her on an incredible journey across the world.她的搜寻把她带上了一次非凡的环球之旅。➤wasted (bre) 白跑一趟◆the library was closed when i got there, so it was a wasted journey.我到达的时候图书馆已经关门了,白跑了一趟。◆he wasn't there and we had a wasted journey.他不在那儿,我们白跑了一趟。➤emotional, inner, intellectual, personal, sentimental, spiritual情感的旅程;内心之旅;求知之旅;个人经历;精神旅程◆he made the emotional journey back to the house he grew up in.他的思绪回到了那所伴他长大的房子。◆the development of her poetry reflects her inner spiritual journey.她的诗歌创作过程反映了她的心路历程。verb + journey➤go on, have, make, undertake踏上旅程;旅行◆few people have made this journey and lived to tell the tale.很少有人能走完这段旅程并活下来向他人讲述其中的故事。➤break (bre) 中断旅程◆we broke our return journey in bangkok.在返程途中,我们在曼谷稍作停留。➤begin, set out on开始旅程;出发去旅行▸➤continue, resume继续旅行;恢复行程◆they continued their journey on foot.他们继续徒步旅行。➤complete, finish完成旅程➤survive在旅途中幸存下来◆they doubted that he would survive the journey to the nearest hospital.他们不知道他能否撑到最近的医院。➤chart, chronicle, describe, recount记录/记载/描述/讲述旅行◆he wrote a column chronicling his journeys around the americas.他撰写了专栏,记录自己在美洲各地的旅行。journey + verb➤take (sb)旅行带(某人)去某地;旅行花费(某人)时间◆his journey took him across central asia.他的旅行横跨了中亚。◆the journey takes about five hours. (bre) 这段旅程大约要花 5 个小时。➤begin旅程开始▸➤end旅行结束➤continue旅程继续◆the journey continued in silence.旅程在沉默中继续。journey + noun➤time (especially bre) 旅行时间preposition➤on journey在旅行◆they were on a journey to india.他们当时去印度旅行了。➤journey by乘坐⋯的旅程◆a journey by air, bus, land, sea, etc.乘飞机、乘公共汽车、走陆路、走海路等的旅行➤journey of⋯的旅行◆a journey of 300 miles300 英里的旅程◆a journey of five days5 天的旅程➤journey across, journey between, journey through横跨⋯的/⋯之间的/穿越⋯的旅行➤journey from, journey to始自⋯/去往⋯的旅行◆the journey from london to athens took 60 hours.从伦敦到雅典的旅程花了 60 个小时。➤journey down, journey up沿⋯而下的/沿⋯而上的旅程◆the journey down the rhine沿莱茵河顺流而下的旅程phrases➤be tired after a journey, be tired from a journey旅行后疲劳▸➤a leg of a journey, a stage of a journey一段旅程◆dawn was breaking as we set out on the last leg of our journey.破晓时分我们踏上了最后一段旅程。➤a journey into the unknown进入未知领域的旅程◆this is the story of the first astronauts and their journey into the unknown.这是讲述首批宇航员及其探索未知世界之旅的故事。journey [countable] an act of travelling from one place to another, especially when they are a long way apart(尤指长途)旅行,行程◆it was a long and difficult journey across the mountains.翻越那些大山是漫长而艰难的旅程。◆they continued their journey on foot.他们继续徒步旅行。◆we broke our journey (= stopped for a short time) in madrid.我们途中在马德里作了短暂的停留。journey/ˈdʒɜ:ni ||; ˈdʒɝnɪ/noun [c] the act of travelling from one place to another, usually on land 行程;旅程: ◇did you have a good journey? 旅途愉快吗?◇a two-hour journey 两个钟头的行程◇the journey to work takes me forty-five minutes. 我上班路上要花四十五分钟。◇we'll have to break the journey (= stop for a rest). 我们得先歇歇脚再继续上路。 a journey can include both air and sea travel but to refer specifically to a journey by air we say a flight and by sea we say a voyage or if it is for pleasure we say a cruise. 旅程可以包括空中的和海上的,空中的称为flight,海上的称为voyage,消遣性的海上旅程则叫做cruise。 look at the note at travel. 参看travel的注释。 journeysee ⇨ travel 9     • • •• ⇨ make a journey jour·ney /`dʒɜnɪ; ˈdʒɜːni/n [c]a trip from one place to another, especially over a long distance [尤指长途的]旅行,旅程:◇a long car journey 长途汽车旅行◇my journey to work usually takes about an hour. 我上班的路程一般需要约一小时。 ☞ journey




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