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单词 magician
释义 magician /mədʒɪʃn/ [countable] a person, especially a man, who can do magic tricks; (in stories) a person who has magic powers(尤指男的)魔术师;(故事中的)巫师,术士◆they had booked a magician for the children's party.他们为孩子们的聚会预约了一位魔术师。◆'fly through the air, little mouse!' cried the magician.“在空中飞翔吧,小老鼠!”巫师高声喊道。  ➡ see also magic → magic noun note 辨析 witch, wizard or magician?in stories witches are usually evil and wizards often are too, but they are often seen in more a positive way than witches. witches are typically ugly old women; wizards are often grand, wise old men, with long robes, pointed hats and long white beards. magicians can be good or evil and can appear in many different ways; sometimes their appearance hides the truth about who they really are.故事中,witch 通常是邪恶的,wizard 也是,但是后者常给人以较正面的形象。witch 一般是丑陋的老太婆,wizard 常常是高傲睿智的老人,穿着长袍,带着尖顶帽,留着长长的白胡须。magician 可以是好人,也可以是坏人,以多种形象出现,有时外貌会掩盖他们的真实身分。magician/məˈdʒɪʃn ||; məˈdʒɪʃən/noun[c] 1. a person who performs magic tricks to entertain people 魔术师;变戏法的人 ☞ look at conjuror. 参看conjuror。 2. (in stories) a man who has magic powers (故事中)巫师,术士 ☞ look at wizard. 参看wizard。 magiciansee ⇨ magic 2 ma·gi·cian /mə`dʒɪʃən; məˈdʒɪʃən/n [c] 1. someone who does magic tricks to entertain people 魔术师 2. a man in stories who has magic powers [故事中的]巫师




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