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单词 store
释义 store noun¹ 1place where you can buy things购物场所  ➡ see also shop adjective | ... of stores | verb + store | store + verb | store + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, large, major (especially bre) 大商店;大型商店▸➤small小商店▸➤retail零售商店▸➤department百货商店▸➤high-street, local, village (especially bre) 商业街的/本地的/乡村商店▸➤chain连锁店➤online网上商店◆you can buy music from an online store.你可以在网店购买音乐。➤discount折扣店▸➤convenience, corner, general便利店;街头小店;杂货铺➤specialty (name) 专卖店➤outlet工厂直销店▸➤diy, electrical, grocery, hardware, health-food, liquor, record, toy, video, etc.自助式商店、电器商店、食品杂货店、五金店、保健食品店、酒品店、唱片店、玩具店、音像店等➤dime (name) 廉价品商店▸➤thrift (name) (为慈善目的开设的)廉价旧货店➤flagship旗舰店◆ralph lauren's flagship store on madison avenue麦迪逊大街上的拉尔夫・劳伦旗舰店... of stores➤chain一系列商店verb + store➤go to, visit去商店➤close, open关闭店面;开店◆the company plans to open two new stores in dublin.该公司计划在都柏林开两家新店。➤operate, run经营商店◆the company operates four stores in maryland.该公司在马里兰经营 4 家商店。➤hit进店出售◆the cd will hit stores in january.这张唱片将于 1 月份开始销售。store + verb➤carry sth, offer sth, sell sth商店备有⋯/提供⋯/出售⋯◆the store offers a comprehensive line of auto parts.这家商店的汽车配件应有尽有。➤close, open商店关门/开门store + noun➤chain商店连锁▸➤account, card (bre) 商店账户/专用信用卡➤shelf, window (both especially name) 商店货架/橱窗◆the new book has been flying off store shelves.这本新书十分畅销。➤brand (especially name) 零售商自有品牌◆buying store brands certainly works out cheaper.购买商店自有品牌的商品肯定能省钱。➤sales (especially name) 店铺销售额▸➤clerk, employee (both name) 店员▸➤manager, owner店长;店主▸➤detective (especially bre) (受雇在商店里专抓窃取商品者的)商店侦探preposition➤at a/the store, in a/the store在商店里phrases➤the back of a/the store, the front of a/the store在商店的后面/前面store noun² 2supply for future use贮备;贮存adjective | verb + store | store + noun | preposition adjective➤good, great, large, vast丰富的贮备;大量的贮备▸➤small少量贮备▸➤food食物贮备▸➤energy, fat能量/脂肪贮备◆your body's fat stores体内脂肪贮备verb + store➤have, keep有贮备;保持贮备▸➤build up增加贮备store + noun➤cupboard, room (usually storeroom) 贮藏柜;贮藏室preposition➤store of⋯的贮备◆a vast store of knowledge知识的大量贮备store noun³ 3place for keeping sth保存物品处adjective | store + verb | preposition adjective➤cold, dry冷藏库;风干贮藏仓库◆beef and lamb are hung in a cold store for at least a week.牛肉和羊肉至少要在冷藏库里挂一个星期。➤temporary临时仓库▸➤ammunition, equipment, grain, etc.军火库、设备库、粮仓等store + verb➤hold sth仓库容量为⋯◆the grain store holds several thousand tons.这个粮仓可以存放几千吨粮食。preposition➤in a/the store在仓库里◆you'll find a ladder in the equipment store.你会在设备库里找到一部梯子。➤store for存⋯的仓库◆we're using the shed as a temporary store for all our stuff.我们正用这个棚子作临时仓库贮存所有物资。store verbadverb➤carefully, properly, safely, securely小心保存;妥善贮存;安全贮存◆the paintings were carefully stored in crates.油画被妥善保存在木条箱里。➤conveniently, easily贮存方便/容易◆butane can be conveniently stored as a liquid in a can.丁烷可以液态的形式方便地贮存在罐中。➤permanently, temporarily永久/临时贮存▸➤digitally, electronically数字/电子存贮◆electronically stored information电子存贮信息➤separately分开存放▸➤together一起存放▸➤away, up贮存起来store /stɔː(r)/ noun1. [countable] a large shop that sells many different types of goods 百货商店◆a big department store 大型百货商店2. [countable] (especially name) a shop, large or small 商店◆a retail store 零售店◆a new clothing store 新开设的服装店◆their online store offers services that a physical store cannot. 他们的网店提供实体商店所不能提供的服务。◆their latest album is in the stores (= available to buy) now. 他们的最新专辑现在已经上市。◆the latest version of the program will hit stores (= become available to buy) this week. 最新版程序将于本周面市。stores [plural] goods of a particular kind or for a particular purpose (特定用途的)商品◆fuel/medical stores 燃料;药品 4. (often stores) [plural] a place where goods of a particular kind are kept (存贮特定商品的)库房◆a frozen food store 冷冻食品仓库  ➡  warehouse 5. [countable] a quantity or supply of sth that is available to use 大量;许多◆a store of information 大量信息  ➡  idiom at shop noun chain store ◇ consignment store ◇ convenience store ◇ corner store ◇ department store ◇ destination store ◇ discount store ◇ general store ◇ gift store ◇ in-store ◇ multiple store ◇ variety store ◇ warehouse store store /stɔː(r)/ verb [transitive] put sth somewhere and keep it there to use later 存贮;储备◆the goods are stored in warehouses until a buyer is found. 在找到买家之前,商品一直存贮在仓库中。◆the stand was dismantled (= taken apart) and stored away until the next conference. 那个展台被拆卸下来留待下次会议使用。 2. (it 信息技术) to keep information or facts in a computer (在计算机上)存贮信息◆these portable drives store up to one hundred and sixty gigabyte of data. 这些便携驱动器可以存贮大至 160g 的数据。☞ store☞ storestore [transitive] to put sth somewhere and keep it there, especially for a long time, to use later(尤指长时间地)储存,储藏,保存◆the squirrels are storing up food for the winter.松鼠正在储存过冬的食物。◆you can store coffee beans in the freezer to keep them fresh.你可以把咖啡豆放在冰箱里保鲜。◆he hoped the electronic equipment was safely stored away.他希望那些电子设备得到妥善保存。  ➡ see also store → supply noun ▸ storage noun [uncountable] ◆tables that fold flat for storage可折叠存放的桌子◆there's lots of storage space in the attic.阁楼上有很大的存放空间。store [transitive] to keep information or facts in a computer or in your brain(在计算机里)存贮;(在脑子里)记住◆each department has a different system for storing and retrieving data.每个部门都有不同的数据存储与检索系统。◆we are conducting research into how information is stored in the brain.我们正在研究大脑是如何存贮信息的。store [countable] a shop商店;店铺◆a health food / liquor store保健食品/酒类商店◆a department store百货商店◆a general store (= that sells a wide variety of goods) 杂货店◆these small towns are dominated by chain stores (= that belong to a series of similar stores owned by the same company).这些小城镇到处是连锁商店。note 辨析 shop or store?the usual word in british english is shop; in american english it is store.在英式英语中通常用 shop,在美式英语中则用 store (bre) ◆i'm just going down to the shops.我正准备去商店。 (name) ◆i'm going to the store.我准备去商店。 store is used in british english to talk about a large shop, especially one that sells many different types of goods.在英式英语中,store 指大型商店,尤指商品种类齐全的商店◆a department store百货商店it is also used in business english, journalism and advertising. * store 也可用于商务英语、新闻和广告◆the chain has endured another terrible month at its high-street stores.该连锁公司在商业街上的店铺又惨淡经营了一个月。◆ask at your local hardware store.到你当地的五金商店去问问。in american english, shop is only used to talk about small, specialist shops, especially ones that sell expensive or luxury goods.在美式英语中,shop 仅指小的专卖店,尤指销售昂贵物品或奢侈品的商店◆a / an gift / flower / antique shop礼品店;花店;古董店store [countable] an amount or supply of sth that you have and use贮存量;储备◆her secret store of chocolate她私下里存放的巧克力◆this is vital information to add to your store of knowledge.这是很重要的信息,你有必要知道。 ➡ see also store → keep verb 1 store [countable] ( often常作 stores [plural]) (especially in compounds尤用于构成复合词) a place where goods of a particular kind are kept(贮藏某种特定物品的)仓库,贮藏所◆the mill ceased operations in 1940 and was used as a grain store.1940 年面粉厂停工,厂区被用作粮库。◆they had trouble keeping rats out of the food stores.他们怎么也不能把老鼠从食品库赶走。note 辨析 depot, respository or store? depot is used more often than repository in the context of industry.在工业语境中,depot 较 repository 常用◆there is an inadequate network of freight depots.货仓系统不能满足需要。 repository is often used in a figurative sense. * repository 常用于比喻义◆his grandfather was a repository of local knowledge.他的祖父对当地情况无所不知。 store/stores is used especially in compounds, following the word for the thing that is kept in the store. * store/stores 尤用于构成复合词,置于贮存的货品名称之后◆grain / food / weapons stores粮仓;食品库;武器库store¹/stɔ:(r) ||; stɔr/noun[c] 1. a large shop 大型商店: ◇she's a sales assistant in a large department store. 她是一家大型百货商店的销售助理。◇a furniture store 家具店 ☞look at chain store. 参看chain store。 2. (us 美) =shop¹ 3. a supply of sth that you keep for future use; the place where it is kept 储备;贮藏室: ◇a good store of food for the winter 储藏大量过冬的食物◇police discovered a weapons store in the house. 警方发现这幢房子里藏着武器。 in store (for sb/sth) going to happen in the future 将会发生: ◇there's a surprise in store for you when you get home! 你回到家里将会有令你惊喜的事! set... store by sth to consider sth to be important 重视(某事物): ◇nick sets great store by his mother's opinion. 尼克很重视他妈妈的意见。 store²/stɔ:(r) ||; stɔr/verb [t] to keep sth or a supply of sth for future use 储备;贮藏: ◇to store information on a computer 把资料贮存在计算机里 ☞ shop/store☞ store¹☞ store²




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