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单词 stoop
释义 stoop [intransitive] to bend your body forwards and downwards; to stand or walk with your head and shoulders bent forwards俯身;弯腰;(站立或行走时)弓背◆she stooped down to pick up the child.她俯身抱起孩子。◆he tends to stoop because he's so tall.他个子太高了,所以常常弓着背。▸ stoop noun [singular] ◆he walks with a slight stoop.他走路时背微驼。stoopnoun [singular] ◆he walks with a slight stoop.他走路时背微驼。stoopnoun [singular] ◆he walks with a slight stoop.他走路时背微驼。stoop/stu:p ||; stup/verb [i] to bend your head and shoulders forwards and downwards 弯腰;曲背: ◇he had to stoop to get through the low doorway. 他要弯腰才能通过那个低矮的门口。 stoop noun [sing] ◇to walk with a stoop 弯腰行走 stoop to sth/doing sth to do sth bad or wrong that you would normally not do 堕落而做坏事 stoopsee ⇨ bend 2 stoop /stup; stuːp/v [i]to bend your body forward and down, especially your head and shoulders 俯身,弯腰:◇the teacher stooped to pick up a pencil. 老师弯下身子去拾铅笔。 stoopn [singular 单数]stoop to sthto do something dishonest or immoral that people would normally not do 屈尊,降低身分去做…:◇i wouldn't stoop to taking money from a little kid. 我不会卑鄙到去骗小孩子的钱。




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