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单词 show
释义 show noun¹ 1on tv, radio, etc.电视;电台adjective | verb + show | show + verb | show + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤live, recorded现场演出;录音节目▸➤family家庭节目▸➤cable, network, radio, television, tv有线电视节目;网络节目;广播节目;电视节目➤award, breakfast, cookery, cooking, cop, dating, game, makeover, news, quiz, reality, reunion (name) 获奖节目;早餐节目;烹饪节目;警匪片;相亲节目;游戏节目;造型节目;新闻节目;有奖竞答节目;真人秀;回归秀➤comedy, sketch喜剧表演;喜剧小品表演➤satirical, topical讽刺节目;热门话题娱乐节目▸➤chat, talk (especially name) 聊天/访谈节目➤call-in, phone-in (bre) 热线直播节目◆a radio phone-in / call-in show电台热线直播节目➤animated, cartoon动画/卡通节目➤pre-game (name) 赛前表演➤one-off, special一次性/特别节目➤daytime, late-night, lunchtime, morning, prime-time (especially name) 日间/夜间/午间/清晨/黄金时段节目◆late-night talk shows晚间访谈节目➤daily, nightly, weekly每天/每晚/每周播出的节目➤forthcoming, upcoming (especially name) 即将播出的节目➤long-running长期连播的节目➤original最初的节目◆i watched the original show as a kid.我儿时看过这部剧最初的版本。➤classic, entertaining, funny, great, hot, terrific经典节目;娱乐节目;有趣的节目;极好的节目;走红的节目◆a hot new dating show最新热播的相亲节目➤cheesy庸俗的节目➤hit, popular, successful, top-rated (especially name) 风靡一时的/受欢迎的/成功的/排名靠前的节目◆a hit tv show引起轰动的电视节目➤award-winning获奖节目◆the emmy award-winning television talk show获得艾美奖的电视访谈节目➤flagship (especially bre) 王牌节目▸➤sb's own某人自己的节目◆she finally got her own tv show.她终于有了自己的电视节目。➤syndicated (especially name) 联播节目◆a nationally syndicated radio show全国联播的广播节目➤local, national (both especially name) 地方性/全国性节目➤interactive互动节目verb + show➤see, watch看演出;观看节目◆did you see the late show?你看《深夜秀》了吗?➤host主持节目show + verb➤feature sb/sth, star sb节目由⋯做主角/主演◆a live show featuring the best of irish talent爱尔兰达人秀的现场演出show + noun➤business演艺界;娱乐业preposition➤from a/the show来自节目◆a character from the show剧中人物➤on a/the show在节目中◆i saw her on a news show yesterday.昨天我见她上了一档新闻节目。phrases➤the star of the show节目的主角◆the dog was the real star of the show.这只狗是节目中真正的明星。  ➡ note at performance (for more verbs) show noun² 2performance on stage表演adjective | preposition adjective➤cabaret, comedy, magic, musical, stand-up, talent, variety卡巴莱歌舞表演;喜剧表演;魔术表演;音乐剧表演;单人表演;才艺展示;综艺表演▸➤floor, stage夜总会的系列表演;舞台表演▸➤benefit, charity (bre) 慈善义演▸➤film, light, slide电影放映;灯光表演;幻灯片放映▸➤punch and judy, puppet《庞奇和朱迪》木偶戏;木偶表演▸➤freak畸形动物展览▸➤peep西洋镜;拉洋片▸➤one-man, one-woman, solo男演员单人表演;女演员单人表演;独奏;独唱▸➤road, touring, travelling/traveling巡回演出➤fringe (bre) 助兴演出➤entertaining, great, spectacular有趣的/极好的/精彩的演出◆a spectacular light show精彩的灯光表演➤sold-out满座的演出➤half-time (name) 半场表演◆the super bowl half-time show美国橄榄球超级杯比赛的中场表演preposition➤from a/the show来自演出◆songs from the show剧中的歌曲➤in a/the show在演出中◆one of the acts in the show戏剧演出的其中一幕show noun³ 3public display/exhibition公共展览adjective | verb + show | show + verb | show + noun | preposition adjective➤big, major大型展览▸➤annual, spring, summer年度/春季/夏季展会▸➤local当地展览会➤private私人展会▸➤agricultural, flower, horse, horticultural (bre) 农业展;花卉展;马展;园艺展▸➤boat, gun, motor, trade船展;枪支展;车展;商品交易会▸➤air, bodybuilding, dog航空展;健美表演;狗狗秀➤art, gallery艺术展;美术展➤catwalk, fashion, runway (name) * t 台表演;时装展➤pro (especially name) 职业选手表演◆a pro bodybuilding show in california加州职业健美表演➤dog-and-pony (= a complicated business presentation) (name) 天花乱坠的推销宣传verb + show➤have, hold, organize, put on举办展览会;组织展览◆they are holding a big fashion show at the hilton tonight.今晚希尔顿酒店举办大型时装表演。➤attend, go to出席展览;去展览会show + verb➤feature sb/sth展览突出⋯的显著地位◆the show features the work of local artists.这次展览重点展出当地艺术家的作品。show + noun➤ring展览场地preposition➤at a/the show在展览会上◆there were more than 500 exhibitors at the trade show.展销会上有 500 多家参展商。➤on show在展出◆the paintings are on show until april.这些画将一直展出到 4 月份。show noun⁴ 4outward expression of an emotion/attitude情感或态度的表露adjective | verb + show | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, great极其⋯的样子▸➤brave勇敢的样子▸➤public公开姿态verb + show➤make, put on作秀;装模作样◆although she hated him, she put on a show of politeness.尽管她恨他,但还是装出一副很客气的样子。preposition➤for show为了装门面◆she pretends to be interested in opera, but it's only for show.她装出一副对歌剧感兴趣的样子,但那只不过是装门面罢了。➤show of⋯的样子◆he made a great show of welcoming us.他装出一副非常欢迎我们的样子。phrases➤a show of force, a show of strength实力的/力量的展示◆the democrats organized a show of strength, a mass rally in central park.民主党人在中央公园组织了一次群众集会来显示实力。show verb¹ 1make sth clear; let sb see sth使清楚;使看清adverb | verb + show | preposition | phrases adverb➤clearly, conclusively, convincingly, plainly清楚地/不容置疑地/令人信服地/明显地显示◆the figures clearly show that her claims are false.这些数字清清楚楚地表明她的说法是错误的。➤consistently, repeatedly始终/反复显示➤diagrammatically, graphically, schematically以图解的形式◆the results are shown graphically in figure 2.结果如图 2 所示。verb + show➤appear to, seem to似乎/好像表明▸➤go to证明◆it just goes to show what you can do when you really try.这恰恰证明,若真正用心就能做到。➤aim to, attempt to, seek to, try to旨在/试图/设法/力求表明▸➤be expected to, be likely to预计将/可能会显示◆third-quarter figures are likely to show a further fall.第三季度的数字可能会进一步下滑。➤refuse to不愿表露◆lewis refused to show any emotion.刘易斯不愿流露出任何情感。➤be anxious to, be eager to, be happy to, be keen to (especially bre) 急于表明;乐于演示;想要说明◆lee was happy to show her how it should be done.李很愿意为她演示应该怎样做。➤be designed to为了表明▸➤let sb让某人指示◆let me show you on the map.我在地图上指给你看吧。preposition➤to向⋯展示◆she showed her new toy to her friends.她把新玩具拿给朋友们看。phrases➤a chance to show sth展现⋯的机会◆i'm giving him a chance to show what he can do.我要给他一个表现自己的机会。show verb² 2be visible看得见adverb | verb + show adverb➤hardly几乎看不出来◆it's such a tiny mark, it hardly shows.痕迹很小,几乎看不出来。verb + show➤begin to开始显现▸➤let sth让⋯显现◆she tried not to let her disappointment show.她极力掩饰自己的失望情绪。 show /ʃəʊ; name ʃoʊ/ noun [countable, uncountable] an occasion when people, businesses, etc. show and sell their goods and services 展览◆a trade show 贸易展览会◆the paris auto show 巴黎汽车展览会◆the latest computers will be on show at the exhibition. 最新型的计算机将在展览会上展出。  ➡  exhibition , fair , roadshow ●show of handsa way of voting in which people at a meeting raise their hands to show if they agree with sth or are against it 举手表决◆strike action was rejected by a show of hands. 人们以举手表决的方式否决了罢工行动。 dog and pony show ◇ no-show ◇ trade show ☞ showshow verb 1➤opinion polls show...民意调查表明⋯➤show me that letter.把那封信给我看看。➤show courage/respect表现出勇气/敬意show ♦︎ prove ♦︎ indicate ♦︎ demonstrate ♦︎ illustratethese words all mean to make sth clear or show that sth is true.这些词均表示表明、证明。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达证明的语气强弱程度indicate ○ show ○ demonstrate ○ illustrate ○ provepatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to show / prove / indicate / demonstrate sth to sb◆to show / prove / indicate / demonstrate / illustrate that / what / how...◆figures / studies show / prove / indicate / demonstrate / illustrate sth◆research shows / proves / indicates / demonstrates / illustrates sth◆to show / prove / indicate / demonstrate / illustrate sth clearly◆to show / prove / demonstrate sth conclusively / beyond doubt■ show (showed, shown) [transitive] to use facts or evidence to make sth clear; to make clear what sb/sth is or what they can do(用事实或证据)表明,证明◆the government's popularity is declining rapidly, as the opinion polls show.民意调查表明,政府的支持率正在急剧下降。◆let me show you exactly what this will mean.我来告诉你这究竟将意味什么。◆they have published a report showing the company's current situation.他们已公布了一份表明公司当前状况的报告。◆he has shown himself to be a caring father.他已经证明了自己是个有爱心的父亲。◆ (informal) they think i can't do it, but i'll show them!他们认为我做不了,我却要证明给他们看我能行!■ prove (proved, proved or proved, proven, especially in name ) [transitive] to use facts or evidence to show that sth is true(用事实或证据)证明,证实◆this proves (that) i was right.这证明我是对的。◆she was determined to prove everyone wrong.她决心要证明大家都错了。◆they hope this new evidence will prove her innocence.他们希望这一新证据将证明她无罪。◆'i know you're lying.' 'prove it!'“我知道你在撒谎。”“拿出证据来!”◆he felt he needed to prove his point (= show other people that he was right).他觉得有必要证明自己的看法是对的。◆are you just doing this to prove a point?你这么做就是为了证明自己对吗?opp disprove → disprove  ➡ see also proof → evidence , proven → final adj. note 辨析 show or prove? prove is often preferred to show to give a stronger sense of justice being done.表达较强的公正感时,常用 prove 而不用 show。■ indicate [transitive] (rather formal) to show or suggest that sth is true or exists表明;显示◆record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy.零售市场上有史以来的最高利润表明经济的繁荣。◆kingston-upon-thames, as the name indicates, is situated on the banks of the thames.泰晤士河畔金斯顿区,正如其名称所示,位于泰晤士河畔。 ➡ see also indication , indicator → sign 1 , indicate → declare , indicate → suggest ■ demonstrate /demənstreɪt/ [transitive] (rather formal) show that sth is true证明;证实◆these results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working.这些结果有力地证明,我们的运动正在发挥作用。◆the theories were demonstrated to be false.这些理论已证实是错误的。 ➡ see also demonstration → evidence ■ illustrate [transitive] (rather formal) to show that sth is true or exists表明;显示◆the incident illustrates the need for better security measures.这起事件说明有必要加强安全措施。  ➡ see also illustrate → explain 1 , illustration → example 1 note 辨析 indicate, demonstrate or illustrate? demonstrate is the strongest of these words and indicate is the weakest. in this meaning one thing indicates or illustrates another: these words cannot take a person as subject, although demonstrate can.这三个词中 demonstrate 语气最强,indicate 语气最弱。表达此义时,indicate 和 illustrate 指一件事情表明另一件事情,不能以人作主语,而 demonstrate 则可以◆let me demonstrate to you some of the difficulties we are facing.我来向你说明一下我们所面临的一些困难吧。◆let me indicate/illustrate to you the difficulties we are facing. show verb 2➤opinion polls show...民意调查表明⋯➤show me that letter.把那封信给我看看。➤show courage/respect表现出勇气/敬意show ♦︎ reveal ♦︎ exposethese words all mean to let or enable sb to see sth.这些词均表示出示、使人看到。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to show / reveal sth to sb■ show [transitive] to let sb see sth给⋯看;出示;展示◆if there's a letter from france please show it to me.如有法国来的信,请拿给我看看。◆you have to show your ticket as you go in.入场时你必须出示门票。◆have you shown your work to anyone?你有没有把你做的活儿给谁看过?◆have you shown anyone your work?你有没有给谁看过你做的活儿?■ reveal [transitive] (rather formal) to show sth that previously could not be seen显出;露出;展示◆he laughed, revealing a line of white teeth.他笑了,露出一排洁白的牙齿。◆x-rays revealed a fracture.x 光照片显示有一处骨折。◆she crouched in the dark, too frightened to reveal herself.她蜷缩在黑暗中,吓得不敢露面。  ➡ see also reveal → reveal ■ expose [transitive] (rather formal) to show sth that is usually hidden暴露;显露;露出◆miles of sand are exposed at low tide.低潮时数英里的沙滩就露了出来。◆he did not want to expose his fears and insecurity to anyone.他不想向任何人显露他的恐惧与不安。 ➡ see also expose → reveal note 辨析 reveal or expose?in some cases you can use either word.在有些情况下这两个词可以通用◆he laughed, revealing / exposing a line of white teeth.他笑了,露出一排洁白的牙齿。 reveal can suggest that people did not even know sth existed before it was revealed; expose merely suggests that sth could not be seen before it was exposed. * reveal 可意味着某物在显露之前人们并不知道其存在,expose 则仅意味着某物在显露之前只是未被看到◆x-rays exposed a fracture. ◆miles of sand are revealed at low tide. show verb 3➤opinion polls show...民意调查表明⋯➤show me that letter.把那封信给我看看。➤show courage/respect表现出勇气/敬意  ➡ see also the entry for say 2另见 say 条第 2 义show ♦︎ reflect ♦︎ display ♦︎ demonstratethese words all mean to make known sth such as a feeling, opinion or quality, especially through your behaviour or actions.这些词均表示表现、体现情感、意见或特质等,尤指通过行为或行动显露出来。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to show / demonstrate that...◆to show / reflect / display / demonstrate interest◆to show / reflect / demonstrate concern◆to show / reflect / display (your) feelings / emotions◆to show / display / demonstrate commitment / courage◆to show / display / demonstrate good, anti-social, etc. behaviour◆to show / reflect / display / demonstrate sth clearly■ show (showed, shown) [transitive, intransitive] to make it clear that you have a particular quality or feeling; (of a quality or feeling) to be clear to people表现;体现;(特质或感情)显示出,流露出◆she showed great courage in the face of danger.面对危险她表现出极大的勇气。◆he has shown himself to be ready to make compromises.他表现出自己愿意妥协。◆her expression showed her disappointment.她的表情流露出了失望。◆she tried not to let her disappointment show.她极力不让自己的失望情绪流露出来。 ➡ see also show → expression noun 1 ■ reflect [transitive] (rather formal) to show or be a sign of the nature of sth or of sb's attitude or feeling显示,表明,表达(本质、态度或感情)◆our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community.我们的报纸旨在反映当地居民的心声。◆his music reflects his interest in african culture.他的音乐表现出他对非洲文化的兴趣。◆her face reflected the power of her feelings.她的面容显示出内心情感的力量。ⓘ one thing reflects another; reflect cannot take a person as subject. * reflect 指一事物显示另一事物,不能以人作主语◆she showed great interest in his research.她对他的研究表现出很大兴趣。◆she reflected great interest in his research. ■ display [transitive] (rather formal) to show that you have a particular feeling, quality or ability显示,显露,表现(感情、特质或能力)◆i have rarely seen her display any sign of emotion.我很少见到她显露自己的情感。◆he dearly loved to display his knowledge.他非常喜欢炫耀自己的知识。 ➡ see also display → expression noun 1 , display → present verb 1 ■ demonstrate /demənstreɪt/ [transitive] (rather formal) to show by your actions that you have a particular quality, ability or feeling表明,表现,显露(特质、能力或感情)◆you need to demonstrate more self-control.你需要表现出更强的自制力。◆we want to demonstrate our commitment to human rights.我们想表明我们对维护人权的承担。  ➡ see also demonstration → expression noun 1 note 辨析 display or demonstrate?when you demonstrate a quality, ability or feeling this is always deliberate, because you want people to see your good qualities such as commitment, understanding and willingness. people can display feelings without meaning to. * demonstrate 总是指有意识地显露某种特质、能力或感情,因为你想让人看到你的优良品质,如 commitment、understanding 和 willingness。display 可表示无意中流露出某种感情◆to display / exhibit signs of emotion / fatigue显露情感/疲倦◆to demonstrate signs of emotion/fatigue people can also deliberately display abilities that they are proud of, but these often show how clever they are rather than how good they are. * display 也可指有意地表现自己引以为荣的一些能力,但这些能力常表明他们多么聪明而非他们为人有多么好。show(showed, shown) [intransitive, transitive] to be visible; to allow sth to be seen露出;显出;呈现◆the cloth was folded so that the stain didn't show.布料折叠起来,这样污渍就看不见了。◆his hands were clenched, the whites of the knuckles showing.他双拳紧握,指关节都发白了。◆she had a warm woollen hat on that left only her eyes and nose showing.她戴了一顶保暖的毛线帽,只露出眼睛和鼻子。◆a white carpet will show every mark.白色地毯有一点脏都看得见。◆come out and show yourselves (= let us see you)!出来让我们看看你们吧!show [countable] (name, informal) a concert, especially of rock music(尤指摇滚乐的)音乐会,演唱会◆my first full-scale rock show was fleetwood mac, madison square gardens, back in 1977.我看的第一场真正的摇滚演唱会是佛利伍麦克合唱团在麦迪逊广场开的,时间要追溯到 1977 年。  ➡ see also show → performance , show → programme show [countable, uncountable] an occasion when a collection of things are brought together for people to look at; the fact of being brought together for people to look at展览会;展览◆they hold an agricultural show once a year.他们一年办一次农业展览会。◆the first couple of days at the paris fashion shows are always a thrill.巴黎时装展开展的头两天总是让人感到兴奋。◆the latest technology will be on show at the trade fair.这一最新技术将在商品展销会上亮相。 ➡ see also show → present verb 1 note 辨析 exhibition or show?a show is usually temporary. an exhibition is often temporary, but can be permanent; if it is temporary, it may last for several months and/or travel to museums in different cities or countries. an exhibition usually contains works of art or items of special cultural or scientific interest. show is a more general word, and suggests an event that might appeal to a wider range of people. * show 通常是短期的展览。exhibition 常常也是短期的,但也可能是永久性的;短期的 exhibition 可能持续几个月,然后展品移至其他城市或国家的博物馆轮流展出。exhibition 通常是艺术品或有文化、科学价值的物品的展览。show 词义较笼统,指可能吸引更广大群众的展览会。show [countable] an act of showing a feeling, quality or skill(感情、特质或技能的)显示,表露◆he was completely unmoved by her little show of temper.她有点发脾气了,他却无动于衷。◆she made a great show of wanting to leave, but i knew she didn't mean it.她表现出很想离开的样子,但我知道她并非真打算离开。 ➡ see also show → show verb 3 show [countable] a theatre performance, especially one that includes singing and dancing演出;歌舞表演◆this one-man show had the audience falling about with laughter.这场单人表演让观众笑得前仰后合。◆she's the star of the show!她是这场演出的明星!  ➡ see also show → concert show [transitive] to point to sth so that sb can see where or what it is指给(某人)看;指出◆he showed me our location on the map.他在地图上指给我看我们所在的位置。◆show me which picture you drew.指给我看哪幅画是你画的。  ➡ see also show → take 2 show(showed, shown) [intransitive, transitive] to be or make sth available for the public to see展览;上映;演出◆the film is being shown now.该影片正在上映。◆she plans to show her paintings early next year.她计划明年年初展出自己的绘画作品。 ➡ see also show → exhibition noun , showing → programme show(showed, shown) [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) (of a picture or photograph) to be of sb/sth(图片或照片)描绘,描述,表现◆she had objected to a photo showing her in a bikini.她曾反对给自己拍穿比基尼泳装的照片。◆the picture shows st george slaying the dragon.这张图片描绘了圣乔治屠龙的画面。show [countable] a programme on television or the radio(电视或电台)节目◆he hosts a late-night radio show.他主持一个深夜广播节目。◆have you seen that new tv quiz show?你看那个新的电视智力竞赛节目了吗?◆ (bre) a chat show访谈节目◆ (name) a talk show访谈节目  ➡ see also show → concert note 辨析 programme or show?in british english show is usually used in compounds, and is generally used to talk about fairly informal and entertaining tv or radio programmes. programme is a more general word and can be used to talk about anything, apart from advertising, that you watch or listen to on tv or radio. in american english the more general word is show; program is a more formal word and is used especially in compounds to describe more serious tv and radio shows.在英式英语中,show 通常用于构成复合词,一般指较轻松的电视或电台娱乐节目。programme 含义较广,可以指除广告之外的任何电视或电台节目。在美式英语中,含义较广的词是 show,program 较正式,尤用于构成复合词指较严肃的电视或电台节目◆ (name) what time is that show on?那个节目什么时间播出?◆she hosts a news program on tv.她主持一个电视新闻节目。show(showed, shown) [transitive] to use facts or evidence to make sth clear; to make clear what sb/sth is or what they can do(用事实或证据)表明,证明◆the government's popularity is declining rapidly, as the opinion polls show.民意调查表明,政府的支持率正在急剧下降。◆let me show you exactly what this will mean.我来告诉你这究竟将意味什么。◆they have published a report showing the company's current situation.他们已公布了一份表明公司当前状况的报告。◆he has shown himself to be a caring father.他已经证明了自己是个有爱心的父亲。◆ (informal) they think i can't do it, but i'll show them!他们认为我做不了,我却要证明给他们看我能行!show [transitive] to let sb see sth给⋯看;出示;展示◆if there's a letter from france please show it to me.如有法国来的信,请拿给我看看。◆you have to show your ticket as you go in.入场时你必须出示门票。◆have you shown your work to anyone?你有没有把你做的活儿给谁看过?◆have you shown anyone your work?你有没有给谁看过你做的活儿?show(showed, shown) [transitive, intransitive] to make it clear that you have a particular quality or feeling; (of a quality or feeling) to be clear to people表现;体现;(特质或感情)显示出,流露出◆she showed great courage in the face of danger.面对危险她表现出极大的勇气。◆he has shown himself to be ready to make compromises.他表现出自己愿意妥协。◆her expression showed her disappointment.她的表情流露出了失望。◆she tried not to let her disappointment show.她极力不让自己的失望情绪流露出来。 ➡ see also show → expression noun 1 show(showed, shown) [transitive] to take sb to a particular place, in the right direction, or along the correct route引领;带领◆they'll need someone to show them the way.他们需要有人带路。◆'there's a mr smith here to see you.' 'show him in.'“这儿有一位史密斯先生想见你。”“带他进来。” ➡ see also show → point verb show(showed, shown) [transitive] to help sb to do sth by letting them watch you do it or by explaining it(通过示范或说明)教;解说;演示◆she showed her students the technique.她向学生演示了那个技巧。◆can you show me how to do it?你能教我怎么做吗?show¹/ʃəʊ ||; ʃo/verb (past tense showed;past participle shown /ʃəʊn ||; ʃon/or showed) 1. [t] show sb/sth (to sb);show sb (sth) to let sb see sb/sth 使看见;出示;展示;显示: ◇i showed the letter to him. 我把信给他看。◇i showed him the letter. 我让他看那封信。◇she showed me what she had bought. 她把买来的东西给我看。◇they're showing his latest film at our local cinema. 本地电影院正在放映他最新的影片。◇she was showing signs of stress. 她露出了精神紧张的神色。◇this white t-shirt really shows the dirt. 这件t恤衫是白色的,污渍很显眼。◇the picture showed him arguing with a photographer. 这张照片显示他在跟一个摄影记者争吵。 2. [t] to make sth clear; to give information about sth 清楚显示;描述;说明: ◇research shows that most people get too little exercise. 研究显示,大多数人运动不足。◇this graph shows how prices have gone up in the last few years. 这张图表显示在过去几年里物价上涨的情况。 3. [i] to be able to be seen; to appear 显露;出现: ◇i tried not to let my disappointment show. 我竭力不让我的失望情绪流露出来。 4. [t] to help sb to do sth by doing it yourself; to explain sth 示范;解释: ◇can you show me how to put the disk in the computer? 你能不能示范一下怎样将磁盘放进计算机? 5. [t] to lead sb to or round a place; to explain how to go to a place 引领(某人);引导;指引: ◇i'll come with you and show you the way. 我会跟你一起去,告诉你怎么走。◇shall i show you to your room? 让我带你到你的房间好吗?◇a guide showed us round the museum. 导游带我们在博物馆四处参观。 show (sth) off(informal 非正式) to try to impress people by showing them how clever you are or by showing them sth that you are proud of 炫耀;夸示: ◇john was showing off by driving his new car very fast. 约翰把新车开得飞快,以此来炫耀自己。 ☞noun show-off 名词为show-off show up(informal 非正式) to arrive, especially when sb is expecting you 到达,出现(尤指有人在等待): ◇i thought you'd never show up. 我还以为你不会来了。 show (sth) up to allow sth to be seen 使彰显或显现: ◇the sunlight shows up those dirty marks on the window. 阳光使玻璃窗上那些污点显现出来。 show sb up(informal 非正式) to make sb embarrassed about your behaviour or appearance (因举止失当或仪容不整)使同伴难为情: ◇he showed her up by shouting at the waiter. 他大声吆喝服务员,使她感到难堪。 show²/ʃəʊ ||; ʃo/noun1. [c] a type of entertainment performed for an audience 演出;表演;节目: ◇a tv comedy show 电视上的喜剧节目◇a quiz show (电视、电台上的)答问比赛节目 2. [c,u] an occasion when a collection of things are brought together for people to look at 展览;展览会: ◇a dog show 狗展◇a fashion show 时装表演◇paintings by local children will be on show at the town hall next week. 下星期市政厅里将展出当地孩子的绘画作品。 3. [c,u] something that a person does or has in order to make people believe sth that is not true 表面上做出的样子;外观: ◇although she hated him, she put on a show of politeness. 她心里恨他,表面上却装作对他很有礼貌。◇his bravery is all show (= he is not as brave as he pretends to be). 他的英勇都是装出来的。 4. [sing] an occasion when you let sb see sth 流露;显示;表示: ◇a show of emotion/gratitude/temper 感情╱感激╱脾气的流露 showto show/let somebody see something1 to let someone see something2 to show someone where something is3 to show information or measurements on a machine or sign4 to show art, paintings, products etc to a lot of people5 when paintings, art, products etc are shown publicly6 to show someone a house, building, or place7 to show someone something because you are proud of itto show/be a sign of something8 when something shows that something else is true9 when something shows that something else is likely to be true10 to show that someone or something is good11 to show that someone or something is bad12 to show that something is going to happento show your thoughts or feelings13 to show your thoughts or feelings14 to show your feelings, attitudes etc when you do not intend to15 someone who usually shows what they feel and think16 someone who does not usually show what they feel or think17 to help someone or something show a particular feeling or qualityrelated wordsoppositehide,see alsopoint at,see,explain,1. to let someone see something 给某人看某物 show /ʃəʊ/ [transitive verb] to let someone see something, especially by holding it out in front of them 出示,给…看 everyone has to show their identity cards at the entrance to the building. 在大楼的入口,每个人都必须出示身份证。show somebody something stephanie showed us her engagement ring. 斯蒂芬妮给我们看她的订婚戒指。 show me what you're hiding under the desk, johnny. 给我看你在书桌下面藏了什么,约翰尼。show somebody something you have to show the security guard your pass. 你得向保安出示通行证。show something to somebody neil showed his pokemon card collection to harry. 尼尔给哈里看他收集的宠物小精灵卡。 let somebody see /ˌlet somebody ˈsiː/ [verb phrase] especially spoken to show something to someone, especially because they have asked to see it 【尤口】给某人看[尤因对方要求] could you let me see the menu? 让我看看菜单好吗? how would you feel if i wrote something about you, but i wouldn't let you see it? 要是我写了关于你的什么东西,但是又不让你看,你会怎么想呢? hold it up to the light and let me see what color it is. 把它拿到灯光下面,让我看看是什么颜色。 let somebody take a look also let somebody have a look british /ˌlet somebody teɪk ə ˈlʊk, ˌlet somebody hæv ə ˈlʊk/ [verb phrase] to show something to someone, especially so that they can look at it closely, for example in order to fix it 让某人看一看[如为了修理] at least let mike take a look -- he might be able to help. 起码要让迈克看一看—也许他帮得上忙。let sb take a look at let me have a look at your necklace. perhaps i can fix it. 让我看看你的项链,也许我能修理。 take your shirt off, and let me take a look at that cut on your shoulder. 把衬衫脱下来,让我看看你肩上的伤口。 present /prɪˈzent/ [transitive verb] to show something such as an official document or ticket to someone in an official position 出示[正式文件或票] please present your boarding card at the gate. 请在登机口出示登机证。present something to somebody all passports must be presented to the immigration officer. 所有的护照都必须向移民官出示。 produce /prəˈdjuːsǁ-ˈduːs/ [transitive verb] formal to take something such as a ticket or official paper out of your pocket or bag and show it to someone in an official position 【正式】出示;取出[票或正式文件等] the man fired from the car window when he was asked by a police officer to produce a license for the weapon. 警察要求那人出示持枪证,他就从车窗里开了枪。 failure to produce a valid insurance certificate may result in criminal prosecution. 不能出示有效的保险证明书可能会导致被刑事起诉。 flash /flæʃ/ [transitive verb] to very quickly show something such as a ticket to someone when you are entering or leaving a place 亮出,快速地出示 he flashed his membership card as passed through the door. 他在进门时亮了一下会员卡。flash something at somebody two police officers burst in, the latter hurriedly flashing his id card at her as they made their way upstairs. 两名警察闯进来,走向楼上时,后面的一个匆匆地向她亮了一下他的证件。 expose /ɪkˈspəʊz/ [transitive verb] formal to let someone see something that is usually covered or hidden 【正式】显露,露出[一般都盖起来或藏起来的东西] the animal opened its mouth, exposing rows of sharp white teeth. 那动物张开嘴露出两排白森森的尖利牙齿。 the receding tide had exposed huge expanses of sand. 潮水退去,露出大片的沙地。 exposed [adjective] a freezing wind bit at her exposed legs, and she huddled closer to the fire. 刺骨的寒风吹在她裸露的双腿上犹如刀割一般,她蜷缩着身子向火边靠得更近了。 reveal /rɪˈviːl/ [transitive verb] to let someone see something that is usually hidden or that they did not know was there 使显露[通常隐藏起来或某人不知道的东西] she lifted the lid of the box to reveal a life-size porcelain baby doll. 她掀开盒子的盖,露出了一个真人大小的瓷娃娃。 a medical examination may reveal evidence of dietary deficiencies. 体检可以反映出饮食方面有哪些摄入不足。2. to show someone where something is 指给某人看某物在哪里 show /ʃəʊ/ [transitive verb] show (somebody) where the secretary showed him where to hang his coat. 秘书指给他看外套挂在哪里。 please find enclosed a map showing where our offices are 附件是一份地图,标出了我们办事处的位置。show somebody something uncle joe showed me the best place to go fishing. 乔叔叔告诉我哪儿钓鱼最好。show somebody the way i'll show you the way to the station. it's not far. 我告诉你到火车站怎么走,不远的。 point to /ˈpɔɪnt tuː/ [verb phrase not in passive] to show someone where someone or something is, by pointing towards it with your finger 指向 he took out a map and pointed to the island. 他取出地图,指着那座岛所在的位置。 ‘the whiskey's over there,’ katie said, pointing to a bottle on the table. “威士忌在那儿。”凯蒂指着桌上的一个瓶子说道。 can you point to the one you want? 你指给我看你要哪一个好吗? point out /ˌpɔɪnt ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to show someone a particular person or thing that you want them to notice, especially by pointing towards it with your finger [尤用手指]指出 point out somebody/something as we drove through baltimore, mary pointed out the house where she was born. 我们驱车经过巴尔的摩的时候,玛丽指出了她出生的那所房子。point somebody/something out which one's your boss? can you point her out? 哪一个是你的老板?把她指出来好吗?point out something to somebody ‘aren't they beautiful?’ said the guide, pointing out the paintings on the ceiling to us. “多漂亮啊!”导游指着天花板上的画对我们说。point out something for somebody once they'd been pointed out for me, i had no trouble identifying the major stars and planets. 对于一些大的恒星和行星,只要有人指给我看过,我就不难找出它们的位置。 mark /mɑːʳk/ [transitive verb] to show where something is by putting an object there or making a mark 标示,标出 michael gave us a map of the city and marked some places of interest to visit. 迈克尔给了我们一张市区地图,并标出了可以去参观的一些名胜。 he put a slip of paper in his book to mark his page. 他在书中夹了一张纸片,表示他读到了那一页。 a barbed wire fence marks the boundary between the two communities. 那两个社区之间以带刺的铁丝网为界。mark the spot the church marks the spot where st peter died. 这个教堂标示出了圣彼得去世的地点。 indicate /ˈɪndɪkeɪt, ˈɪndəkeɪt/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to show where something or someone is by pointing with part of your body [用身体部位]指示 the director indicated a small table, where the items were on display. 董事指着一张上面摆放着物品的小桌子。 ‘shall we go in here?’ he indicated the coffee bar. “我们进去好吗?”他指着一家咖啡馆说。indicate (something) with something ‘that's my boss,’ he said, indicating with a nod of his head. “那是我老板。”他点了一下头说。3. to show information or measurements on a machine or sign 在机器或标牌上显示信息或量度 show /ʃəʊ/ [transitive verb] the airline's passenger brochure shows air-routes, aircraft speeds and arrival and departure times. 航空公司的乘客指南上写明了航线、飞行速度,以及到达和起飞的时间。 a menu showing the options will appear on the computer screen. 电脑屏幕上将出现一个显示选项的菜单。 i think that clock must be showing the wrong time. 我觉得那时钟显示的时间肯定不对。show that the graph shows that gas volume increases with temperature. 图表表明气体的体积随着温度的上升而增加。 say /seɪ/ [transitive verb not in passive] especially spoken to show a particular distance, time, speed etc 【尤口】表明,指明[路程、时间、速度等] although we must have done about 100 miles, the petrol gauge still said half-full. 虽然我们肯定已经开了有100英里左右,但是油量表上仍显示还有一半的油。 what does your watch say? i think mine's stopped. 你的表是几点了?我想我的表停了。 display /dɪˈspleɪ/ [transitive verb] if a computer or sign displays information, it shows the information in a way that makes it easy to see or notice [电脑或标牌]显示;展示 press ‘enter’ to display the sorted mailing list. 按输入键可以显示已分类的邮寄名单。 the licence must be clearly displayed in the car windscreen. 许可证必须清楚地摆放在汽车挡风玻璃后。 indicate /ˈɪndɪkeɪt, ˈɪndəkeɪt/ [transitive verb] if an instrument for measuring indicates information, it shows that information [测量仪器]标明,显示 the temperature gauge indicated zero. 温度计显示为零度。 this dial indicates oil pressure in the engine. 这仪表显示引擎的油压。 register /ˈredʒɪstəʳ, ˈredʒəstəʳ/ [transitive verb] if a piece of equipment registers a particular speed, distance, time etc, that speed, distance etc has reached a particular point on the equipment's scale [仪器等]显示,记录[速度、距离、时间等] the jelly is ready for bottling when the thermometer registers 165 degrees. 温度计显示165度的时候,果酱就可以装瓶了。 wind speeds registering between 70 and 100 mph have been recorded. 目前记录的风速为每小时70到100英里。 the biggest quake registered 5.2 on the richter scale. 最大的一次地震记录是里氏5.2级。4. to show art, paintings, products etc to a lot of people 向许多人展示艺术品、画作、产品等 show /ʃəʊ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to show something such as paintings or interesting objects, especially a collection of them, by putting them in a public place so that a lot of people can see them 展示,展出[画作或有趣物品等] she hopes to show her paintings at the institute of contemporary art. 她希望在当代美术学院展出她的画作。 his work-in-progress is currently showing at the guildhall in manchester. 他的未完成作品目前正在曼彻斯特的大会堂展出。be shown some of bresson's best photographs are being shown at the national portrait gallery this month. 布雷森部分摄影佳作本月正在国家肖像画廊展出。 display /dɪˈspleɪ/ [transitive verb] if a shop, museum etc displays things, it arranges them in a way that makes it possible for people to see them clearly [商店、博物馆等]陈列;展出 the store windows were displaying the latest spring fashions. 商店橱窗里陈列着最新的春季时装。 many stalls displayed the work of local artists and craftsmen. 许多摊位上陈列着当地艺术家和工匠的作品。 in one room, late 19th and early 20th century paintings are displayed. 一个房间里展出了19世纪末和20世纪初的画作。 exhibit /ɪgˈzɪbɪt, ɪgˈzɪbət/ [transitive verb] to show a special collection of paintings, photographs etc in a public place where people can look at them 展出,展览[特别收藏的画作、摄影作品等] the gallery exhibits mainly contemporary sculpture and photography. 这个美术馆主要展出当代雕刻和摄影艺术。 picasso's paintings have been exhibited in galleries and museums all over the world. 毕加索的画作在世界各地的美术馆和博物馆里展出。 the sculpture was first exhibited at the canadian national exhibition. 这尊雕塑第一次是在加拿大国家展览上展出的。 exhibit [countable noun] something that is exhibited: 展品 all exhibits are listed in the catalogue. 所有展品都列在目录上。 be on show/on display /biː ɒn ˈʃəʊ, ɒn dɪˈspleɪ/ [verb phrase] if works of art, new products, or interesting objects are on display, they have been put in a public place where people can look at them [艺术品、新产品或有趣物品]被陈列,被展出 the supermac computer was on display at the umax booth. 超级苹果电脑在力捷展区展出。 as expected, there were dozens of cellular phones on display. 一如所料,陈列着许许多多手机。 several famous paintings by leonardo da vinci are on show at the national gallery. 莱奥纳多·达·芬奇的几幅名画在国家美术馆里展出。go on display/show start to be shown for the first time 进行展览/开始展出 schiele's watercolours go on show here for two months, starting august 24. 席勒的水彩画从8月24日起在这里展出两个月。 unveil /ˌʌnˈveɪl/ [transitive verb] to show or officially tell people about a new product, plan etc for the first time 为…揭开面纱;首次公开[计划];首次展出[新产品] gm's solar-powered car was unveiled at last month's geneva auto show. 通用汽车公司的太阳能汽车在上月的日内瓦车展上首次展出。 the government has unveiled its plans for the future of britain's armed forces. 政府首次公开英国武装力量的未来计划。5. when paintings, art, products etc are shown publicly 画作、艺术品、产品等的公开展出 exhibition/show also exhibit american /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃən, ˌeksəˈbɪʃən, ʃəʊ, ɪgˈzɪbə̇t/ [countable noun] an event at which a collection of paintings, interesting objects etc are shown to the public for a period of time 展览[会] all the photographs in the exhibition are for sale. 展览会上的所有照片都供出售。photographic/trade/picasso etc exhibition milan is hosting an international trade exhibition this month. 米兰本月将主办一个国际性的交易展览会。 the exhibit, entitled "search and destroy', proved to be very popular. 这次展览主题为“探索与毁灭”非常受欢迎。exhibition/show of davis is organizing an exhibition of paintings by contemporary black artists. 戴维斯正在筹办一个当代黑人画家作品展。 display /dɪˈspleɪ/ [countable noun] a group of things that are shown together for people to look at 陈列的物品 they held a spectacular firework display to mark the new millennium. 他们举办了一个壮观的烟花表演庆祝新千年。display of the festival of lucia is a dazzling display of the art, music and dance of an ancient culture. 露西娅艺术节内容丰富,令人眼花缭乱,展示了一个古代文化的艺术、音乐和舞蹈等各种项目。 a display of shona sculpture from zimbabwe 从津巴布韦来的绍纳人雕塑展品6. to show someone a house, building, or place 带领某人看房子、大楼或某个地方 show somebody something /ˈʃəʊ somebody something/ [verb phrase] to show someone a house, building, or other place by walking with them around it and telling them about it 带某人看某物 let me show you the garden. 我带你看看花园吧。 it's worth asking a local guide to show you the sights. 请一个当地的导游带你游览景点是值得的。 the real estate agent showed them house after house, but they couldn't find one they liked. 房地产经纪人带他们看了一处又一处的房子,可他们就是找不到自己喜欢的。 show somebody around also show somebody round british /ˌʃəʊ somebody əˈraʊnd, ˌʃəʊ somebody ˈraʊnd/ [transitive phrasal verb] to show someone the interesting or important parts of a place or building when they first visit it 带某人四处看看 she'd never been to oxford before, so i offered to show her round. 她以前从没到过牛津,所以我提出带她去逛逛。 later, he showed margaret all around his new house. 后来,他带玛格丽特到他的新房子里四处看看。 in the afternoon, we were shown around the kennedy space center. 下午,有人带我们参观了肯尼迪宇航中心。 conduct /kənˈdʌkt/ [transitive verb] to show someone a building or place on an official tour 陪同…参观,带领[指正式的参观] conduct around the visitors were conducted around the factory by senior managers. 来宾在高级经理的带领下参观了工厂。 an officer was sent to conduct the journalists around the shattered building. 一位官员被派去带领记者看了倒塌的大楼。 conducted tour [countable noun] an organized trip in which an official guide shows people a place 有导游陪同的旅游 we went on a conducted tour of the castle. 我们在导游的带领下参观了城堡。 take somebody on a tour /ˌteɪk somebody ɒn ə ˈtʊəʳ/ [verb phrase] to show someone a city, museum, house etc, and tell them about all the important or interesting parts of it 带某人参观,带某人游览 gregory took us on a riverboat tour down the volga. 格雷戈里带我们乘内河船游览了伏尔加河。 officials were taken on a tour of the one-time maximum security prison. 有人带领官员参观了这座曾经戒备最森严的监狱。7. to show someone something because you are proud of it 向某人炫耀某物 show off /ˌʃəʊ ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] to show someone or something that you are proud of to other people 炫耀 show off something/somebody (to somebody) she raised her wrist, showing off a sparkling diamond bracelet. 她抬起手腕,亮出一条亮闪闪的钻石手链。 at last, this was a chance to show off her talents before a real audience. 终于机会来了,她可以在真正的观众面前展示自己的才华了。show something/somebody off (to somebody) he wanted to show his daughter off to everybody. 他想向所有人夸耀他的女儿。 flaunt /flɔːntǁflɔːnt, flɑːnt/ [transitive verb] to let people see your valuable possessions so that they know you are rich or successful, in a way that annoys people [使人烦扰地]炫耀,夸耀[自己的钱财] others have called him arrogant, for flaunting his millionaire lifestyle. 他喜欢摆阔,别人都说他自负。 he's very rich, but he doesn't like to flaunt his wealth or waste his money. 他非常有钱,但不喜欢炫耀财富,也不挥霍。 if you've got it, flaunt it! 你有的话展示给大家看呀! flourish /ˈflʌrɪʃǁˈflɜːrɪʃ/ [transitive verb] to wave something in your hand in order to make people notice it 挥动[以便引起注意] she came in excitedly, flourishing a letter with her exam results. 她兴奋地走进来,手里挥舞着她的考试成绩通知书。 the painting showed two gates guarded by imposing military figures flourishing swords. 画上有两扇大门,由手挥宝剑的威武的军人把守。 parade /pəˈreɪd/ [transitive verb] if someone parades another person, they show that person in public for others to see, usually proudly or as if they own them 炫耀,炫示;使示众 parade across/through/beside etc the captured soldiers were paraded through the streets of the city. 被俘的士兵在城里游街示众。 the senator loves parading his beautiful new wife before the nation. 参议员喜欢在国人面前炫耀他那位美丽的新太太。8. when something shows that something else is true 某事物表明另一事物是真的 show /ʃəʊ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to prove that something is true 表明,证明,证实 her nervousness is shown by a tendency to laugh a lot in public. 她在众人面前经常发笑,这说明她紧张。show (somebody) how/what/why etc it cost $5000 to repair the car -- that shows how bad the damage was! 修这车花了5,000美元,可见损毁有多严重!! it shows you what they think of their customers, if they can't even be bothered to answer your letter! 如果他们甚至连信都不愿意给你回,这就说明顾客在他们心中是什么地位!show something/somebody to do something caffeine has been shown to have a good effect on mental performance. 咖啡因被证明有助于大脑的功能。show (that) the evidence shows that this area was probably the site of a roman settlement. 有证据显示,这个地区可能是一个古罗马村落的遗址。 the polls clearly show that the voters are dissatisfied with the present government. 民意调查清楚地表明选民对现政府不满。it (just) goes to show use to emphasize that something proves that what you are saying is true 这[恰好]证明 it just goes to show that we can all learn from experience, whether we're 8 or 80. 这件事恰好证明,我们大家,不管是8岁还是80岁,都可以从经验中学习。 be a sign /biː ə ˈsaɪn/ [verb phrase] if an event or action is a sign of something else, it is one of the things that shows that something is probably true 是…的迹象 be a sign of the public opposition to the airport is a sign of how much people's attitudes have changed. 民众反对建机场,这是人们态度转变的迹象。 a cluttered desk is a sign of a creative mind. 桌子凌乱是创造力的表现。be a sign that when a dog wags his tail, it's a sign that he's happy. 狗摇尾巴表明它是高兴的。be a sure/clear sign my mother pursed her lips, a sure sign of displeasure. 我母亲撅起嘴,明显是不高兴的表示。take/view/see something as a sign that decide that it shows something 把某事当成…的迹象 when she didn't return my calls, i took it as a sign that she just wasn't interested. 她没有回电话,我当她是不感兴趣了。 demonstrate /ˈdemənstreɪt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] formal to show very clearly that something is true - use this especially in official or technical contexts 【正式】证明,证实[尤用于正式场合或技术方面] his commitment to the company is demonstrated by his work on the project. 他对公司的忠诚,从他为这个项目所做的工作中得到了证明。demonstrate how/why/whether etc here are some examples that demonstrate how badly some students write their resumés. 这里有几个例子说明有些学生的简历写得多么不好。 the assessment center gives each applicant the opportunity to demonstrate whether they are suited to the work. 评估中心给每一位应聘者一个机会证明自己是否合适做这个工作。demonstrate that i'm afraid this whole episode demonstrates that we have become less compassionate as a society. 我认为,这整个事件表明我们这个社会同情心减弱了。demonstrate (something) to somebody you've got to be able to demonstrate to people that the union can help in these cases. 你得向人们证明这些事情工会可以提供帮助。 mean /miːn/ [transitive verb not in progressive or passive] if an event or action means something, you can guess from it that something has happened or is true 意味着,表明 cloudy water from the taps usually means problems with your storage tank. 自来水浑浊一般表示水箱有问题。 a free economy does not mean the absence of any economic control. 自由经济并不是说没有任何经济调控。mean (that) this sort of behaviour means that the child is definitely unhappy. 这种行为表明孩子肯定是不快乐的。 if a is false, does that also mean proposition b is false? 如果a是错误的,那么是否就意味着命题b也是错误的呢?must mean her car's not there, so that must mean she's gone to pick him up. 她的车不在那里,那表示她肯定是去接他了。 make clear /ˌmeɪk ˈklɪəʳ/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to show very clearly that something is true 清楚地表明 make it clear (that) this new evidence makes it clear that rourke was acting independently of the others. 这个新的证据清楚地表明,鲁尔克是独立于他人而行动的。make it clear what/why/how etc the look in her eyes made it clear what she meant. 她的眼神清楚地表明了她的意思。make clear something the unabomber's diary makes clear his loathing and contempt for society. “隐形炸弹人”的日记明确表示了他对社会的痛恶和鄙视。 reflect /rɪˈflekt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] if something reflects a situation or fact, it is a result of that situation or fact and shows clearly that the situation or fact exists 反映;显示 the three-year guarantee reflects the company's confidence in the quality of its products. 三年的保修期反映了该公司对自己产品质量的信心。 his fair, freckled skin and blue eyes reflect his irish heritage. 他那白晰、长着雀斑的皮肤和蓝眼睛显示出了他的爱尔兰血统。 this poll reflects what the republicans of california are sensing. 这次民意调查反映出加州的共和党意识到了什么。be reflected in the culture of a nation is always reflected in its language. 一个民族的文化往往反映在它的语言里。 illustrate /ˈɪləstreɪt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to be an example which shows that a fact is true or that a situation exists [举例]说明,阐明 as this story illustrates, some stars have become as bored as audiences by hollywood extravagance. 这个故事说明,有些明星和观众一样厌倦了好莱坞的奢华。 this point can be illustrated by two brief examples. 这一点可以用两个简单的例子来说明。illustrate how/why/what the experiment illustrates how careful you have to be when interpreting results. 这个实验说明,分析结果的时候要多么小心。 tell /tel/ [transitive verb not in progressive or passive] if a situation, detail etc tells you something, it helps you to know, understand, or guess more about something 告诉,说明 what does this tell us about the experience of young immigrants to this country? 对于年轻移民来这个国家的经历,这个故事告诉了我们什么?tell somebody how many/much etc unfortunately, the photographs can tell us very little about the potential for life on mars. 遗憾的是,关于火星上是否有生命存在,这些照片能告诉我们的非常少。tell somebody that the research told us that many drug addicts were returning to heroin up to three years after the treatment. 调查告诉我们,许多有毒瘾的人接受治疗以后,最多过三年就会再次复吸海洛因。 be evidence /biː ˈevə̇dəns/ [verb phrase] if a situation, detail, fact is evidence of a general situation, attitude, type of behaviour etc, it shows that it exists 是…的证明 be evidence of changes in sexual laws in recent years are evidence of a gradual movement towards greater tolerance. 近年来涉及性方面的法律的修改,证明人们的态度逐渐变得更加宽容。be evidence that journalists argue that being attacked by both sides is evidence that their coverage is fair. 新闻记者争辩说,双方都来攻击他们就说明他们的报道是公正的。 this is clear evidence that the crime figures do not represent the true situation. 这明确表明,犯罪数字并不能反映真实的情况。 reveal /rɪˈviːl/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to show something that most people did not know or realize is true 揭示,揭露 the way he spoke in the bar afterwards revealed prejudice and bitterness that i had never suspected. 后来他在酒吧里说的那些话道出了他的偏见和怨愤,这是我以前未曾怀疑过的。 separate holidays and weekends apart reveal more clearly than any words the state of their marriage. 假期和周末都分开各自过,这毋庸多言就清楚地揭示了他们的婚姻状况。reveal how/why/what etc the president's refusal to meet the press reveals just how serious the crisis is. 总统拒绝与媒体见面,这正揭示了危机的严重性。 positive tests have revealed why some athletes were so reluctant to co-operate. 检验结果呈阳性,这就揭露了为什么有些运动员那么不愿意合作。reveal that the fact that there are no black officers in the entire regiment reveals that the army is not serious about its anti-discrimination policies. 整个军团里没有一个黑人军官,这个事实揭示出军中的反歧视政策并不是认真的。 revealing [adjective] a very revealing statement 一个使真相大白的声明9. when something shows that something else is likely to be true 某事物表明另一事物有可能是真实的 suggest /səˈdʒestǁsəg-/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to show that something is probably true, even though there is no definite proof 显示,间接表明,暗示 in fact, the situation is far worse than these figures suggest. 事实上,情况远比这些数据所反映的要来得严重。suggest (that) there was nothing in his letter to suggest that he might have been unhappy or depressed. 他的信中没有片言只字显示他当时是不开心或沮丧的。 the drop in trading suggests the asian economies may be headed for recession. 贸易下滑显示亚洲的经济可能正在走向衰退。suggest something to somebody a child's behavior might suggest to others that there are problems at home. 孩子的行为有可能向别人暗示家里出现了问题。strongly suggest show that something is very likely 清楚地显示 the door had not been forced open, which strongly suggests that the victim was known to her killer. 门不是强行破开的,这清楚说明被害人是认识凶手的。 indicate /ˈɪndɪkeɪt, ˈɪndəkeɪt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] if scientific facts, tests, official figures etc indicate something, they show that it is likely to be true [科学事实、测试、官方数字等]表明,说明,表示 how badly reform is needed was indicated recently by the rising youth crime figures. 最近青年人犯罪数字在提高,这说明了改革的迫切需要。indicate (that) research indicates that the drug can be harmful to pregnant women. 研究显示,这种药物可对孕妇造成伤害。 campaign finance records indicate many of the guests were donors to his own party. 竞选活动的财务记录表明,许多来宾都是他这个党派的捐助人。 give the impression /ˌgɪv ði ɪmˈpreʃən/ [verb phrase not usually in progressive] to make people think that a particular situation exists, even though this may not actually be true 给人以…的印象 she wasn't stupid, though at times she gave that impression. 她并不笨,只是有时候会给人这种印象。give the impression (that) the luxurious offices gave the impression that the company had plenty of money to spare. 豪华的办公室给人一种这样的印象—这家公司有的是钱。give the impression of all this splendour and ceremony may at first give the impression of high culture and sophistication. 这种排场和礼数起初可能给人一种文化修养深、不同凡俗的印象。give the impression that he gave me the impression that he didn't really rate my work. 他给我的印象是,他对我的工作并没有很好的评价。 point to /ˈpɔɪnt tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb not in progressive or passive] to show that a particular explanation for something is likely to be true or that something is likely to happen in the future [某解释]指向,表明[某事可能是真的或未来会发生的] all the evidence points to a fatty diet being the main cause of heart disease in the west. 所有证据都表明高脂肪的饮食是西方国家引发心脏病的主要原因。 the poor economic climate and the attitude of leading executives both point to a grim future. 不利的经济气候,以及主要管理人员的态度,都表明未来形势严峻。 imply /ɪmˈplaɪ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] if a fact or piece of information, especially scientific information, implies something, it shows that it is likely to be true [某事实或资料,尤指科学资料]意味着,说明 among the ruins there are inscriptions, implying some degree of literacy even in the 9th century bc. 废墟中有碑文,这意味着早在公元前9世纪的时候就已经有了一定程度的文化水平。 as the examples imply, some markets are local while others are national or international in scope. 这些例子表明,从范围来看,有些市场是地方性的,有些则是全国性乃至国际性的。imply (that) the results imply that the disease originated in west africa. 结果显示这种疾病最早可能源自西非。 implicate /ˈɪmplɪkeɪt, ˈɪmpləkeɪt/ [transitive verb] to show that someone or something is likely to be involved in or connected to something, especially something bad or harmful 暗示有牵连;说明是…的原因[尤指不好的或有害的事物] according to the prosecution, dna tests ‘irrefutably’ implicate henson. 根据控方所说,脱氧核糖核酸检测“无可辩驳”地表明亨森与事件有关。implicate in sexually transmitted diseases have long been implicated in infertility. 性传播疾病很早就被认为是不育的一个原因。implicate as seafood is increasingly implicated as the source of the hepatitis a virus. 海产食品被越来越多地认为是甲型肝炎病毒的元凶。implicate himself/yourself etc show, suggest, or prove that he etc has committed a crime 表明他/你自己等有罪 simon knew he couldn't possibly provide a blood sample without implicating himself. 西蒙知道,如果提供了血样,就不可能不把自己牵涉进去。 be indicative of /biː ɪnˈdɪkətɪv əv something/ [verb phrase] formal if something is indicative of an event or situation, it shows that the event or situation is likely to exist or be true, but it is not definite that it does 【正式】是…的征兆;指明,表明 persistent abdominal pain may be indicative of appendicitis. 肚子持续疼痛可能是阑尾炎的征兆。 the absence of any famous female composers is more indicative of male dominance than male genius. 没有著名的女作曲家,这反映出的是男人的主导地位,而不是男人的天赋。10. to show that someone or something is good 表明某人或某物好 show /ʃəʊ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] his performance shows great talent. 他的表演显示出他极高的天赋。 lieutenant marche's actions showed great courage and leadership. 马奇中尉的行为显出他极大的勇气和领导才能。show how/what/why etc this latest album certainly shows why pine is rated a first-class jazz musician among his peers. 这张最新的专辑绝对能说明派因为什么能超越同辈,被誉为一流的爵士音乐家。 say a lot for/about also say a great deal for/about /ˌseɪ ə ˈlɒt fɔːʳ, əbaʊtǁ-ˈlɑːt-, ˌseɪ ə greɪt ˈdiːl fɔːʳ, əbaʊt/ [verb phrase not in progressive] informal to show very clearly that someone has good qualities, though those qualities are not always named 【非正式】充分说明[某人的优点] the decision says a great deal for chang's courage and convictions. 这个决定充分说明了常的勇气和信心。 to have those sort of setbacks and still keep everything together says a lot about richard. 遭遇那样的挫折还能坚强不屈,这充分说明了理查德的性格。say a lot for/about that it says a lot for banks that he decided to finish the race even though he had no hope of winning. 班克斯虽然获胜无望,但还是决定完成赛事,这足以说明他的毅力。 be a tribute to /biː ə ˈtrɪbjuːt tuː/ [verb phrase] if a fact or achievement is a tribute to someone or something, it shows their good qualities because it is a result of those qualities 体现,证明[某人或某事物的良好品质] it was a tribute to her teaching methods that most of the children passed the tests. 大部分孩子都通过了这些考试,这就说明她的教学方法很优秀。 that the book was ever finished was a tribute to the patience and dedication of all concerned. 本书得以完成体现了所有相关人员的耐心和奉献精神。 reflect well on /rɪˌflekt ˈwel ɒn/ [verb phrase not usually in progressive] if an action or event reflects well on a person or organization, it shows that they have good qualities or abilities, and this makes people's opinion of them improve 充分说明,充分反映[某人或某一组织的良好品质或能力] military success always reflects well on the government in power at the time. 军事上的成就总是充分反映了当权政府的能力。 this win reflects well on the growing strength of our young players. 这次获胜充分体现了我们年轻球员的力量在不断壮大。 the television coverage of the trial reflected well on nbc. 电视上对这个案件审理的报道充分体现了美国全国广播公司的能力。 be a testament to /biː ə ˈtestə̇mənt tuː/ [verb phrase] formal if something is testament to a particular quality or person, it shows how good, strong, skilled etc that quality or person really is 【正式】是…的明证 the incredible precision of the equipment is testament to the mechanical skill of the engineers who built it. 这个设备令人难以置信的精确度显示了制造这个设备的工程师的技术水平。 it is a testament to the greatness of rodgers & hart that their music still sounds as fresh and vital as the day it was written. “罗杰斯和哈特”组合的音乐现在听来依然清新、充满活力,一如当初,这充分证明了他们的伟大。11. to show that someone or something is bad 表明某人或某物不好 show /ʃəʊ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] his approach to the problem showed a complete lack of understanding. 他所用的方法表明他完全没有理解这一问题。show how/what/why etc this just shows how the standard of reporting has declined over the past ten years. 这正说明了过去十年里新闻报道的水准在下降。 maddie's remarks showed why she is disliked and feared by her fellow workers. 马迪的话说明了她的同事为什么不喜欢她、怕她。 not say much for also not say a lot for somebody/something /nɒt seɪ ˈmʌtʃ fɔːʳ, nɒt seɪ ə ˈlɒt fɔːʳ somebody/something ǁ-ˈlɑːt-/ [verb phrase not in progressive] if a fact or achievement does not say much for someone or something, it shows very clearly that they are not as good, skilful etc as they should be 说明某人/某事物不好 only a quarter of the class passed the exam, which doesn't say much for the quality of the teaching. 班上只有1/4的学生通过这次考试,这说明教学质量有问题。 it doesn't say much for the media that they are criticizing something they haven't even seen yet. 媒体对于某件事情甚至没有亲自去了解就横加批评,这说明了很大的问题。 be a reflection on /biː ə rɪˈflekʃən ɒn/ [verb phrase] if a bad situation or a bad result is a reflection on someone or something, it shows their character, abilities, or qualities are not very good, because the bad situation or result is their fault 是[某人不好的性格或能力,或某物不好的质量]的反映 ‘it's no reflection on you,’ fred explained kindly. ‘my mum's always like that with my girlfriends.’ “这并不说明是你不好,”弗雷德和气地解释道。“我妈妈对待我的女朋友总是这样。” when children are criticized, mothers often see it as a reflection on themselves. 孩子受到批评时,做母亲的常常会觉得那是自己不对。 reflect badly on also not reflect well on somebody/something /rɪˌflekt ˈbædli ɒn, nɒt rɪˌflekt ˈwel ɒn somebody/something/ [verb phrase not usually in progressive] if an action or event reflects badly on someone, it shows that they have bad qualities, and this makes people's opinion of them become worse 给某人/某物带来不良影响 the way that the refugees have been treated reflects very badly on the government. 难民们所受到的待遇有损政府的形象。 both women knew that squabbling in public would reflect badly on both of them. 两个女人都知道,当众争执会使两人都丢脸。 be a comment on /biː ə ˈkɒment ɒnǁ-ˈkɑː-/ [verb phrase] if a bad situation is a comment on problems or changes that affect all of society, it shows that these problems or changes exist and have a bad influence [某坏情况]是对…的反映 the increasing focus on sex and violence in most movies is a comment on the changing tastes of the movie-going public. 多数电影里都越来越着力地渲染性和暴力的场面,这反映了电影观众口味的变化。be a sad/damning comment on the food queues were a sad comment on the quality of life in the new republic. 排队购买食物可悲地反映出新共和国的生活质量。 to suggest that people are only honest when it can benefit them, is a damning comment on the human character. 说人只是在有利可图的时候才会诚实,这是人性可悲的写照。 be symptomatic of also be a symptom of /biː ˌsɪmptəˈmætɪk ɒv, biː ə ˈsɪmptəm ɒv/ [verb phrase] formal if a small problem is symptomatic of a more serious or general problem, it shows that the more serious or general problem exists 【正式】是…的征兆 the whole episode was symptomatic of the us determination to avoid another cuba. 整件事表现了美国避免出现另一个古巴的决心。 noisy classrooms are a symptom of a breakdown in authority. 课堂喧哗吵闹是教师丧失威信的一个征兆。 be an indictment of /biː ən ɪnˈdaɪtmənt ɒv/ [verb phrase] to show very clearly that a system, plan etc is very bad, very wrong, or is not working in the way that it should 是对[制度、计划等]的控诉 the movie is neither an indictment nor an endorsement of capital punishment. 这部电影对死刑既没有提出批评,也不表示赞同。be a glaring/sad/serious etc indictment of something be a very clear sign of something bad 对某事是明显/令人难过/严重等的控诉 numbers of casualties among refugees represent an appalling indictment of western policy. 难民中伤亡人数之多是对西方政策的有力控诉。 it is a serious indictment of a medical profession so arrogant that it dismisses out of hand any ‘alternative’ forms of therapy. 这是对狂妄自大的医学界的严正指控,他们把所有的“替代性”治疗方法都拒之于门外。 make a mockery of /ˌmeɪk ə ˈmɒkəri ɒvǁ-ˈmɑːk-/ [verb phrase] to show that something such as a system, principle, or idea is completely false, stupid, or ineffective - use this especially when you think it is wrong that something should be made to seem bad or wrong 是对…的嘲讽 if that man gets released, it will make a mockery of our legal system. 如果那人获释,那就是对我们司法制度的嘲讽。 recent expenditure on defense has made a mockery of government promises to improve the lives of ordinary russians. 最近的国防开支是对政府要改善俄罗斯民生这一承诺的嘲讽。12. to show that something is going to happen 表示某事即将发生 mean /miːn/ [transitive verb not in progressive or passive] to be a sign that something is very likely to happen 表示,意味着 dark clouds usually mean rain. 乌云一般表示要下雨了。mean (that) high interest rates and high inflation mean a recession is not far away. 高利率和高通货膨胀意味着经济衰退为期不远了。 his new responsibilities at work mean leroy will rarely see his children. 勒罗伊的新职务意味着他难得能见到自己的孩子了。take something to mean (that) believe that something is a sign of something 把某事看成是…的表示 stein took off his glasses and rested his head on the back of the chair. i took this to mean that he wasn't going to say any more. 斯坦摘下眼镜,把头靠在椅背上。我觉得他这样子是不打算再说什么了。 spell /spel/ [transitive verb not in progressive or passive] if a situation or action spells trouble, problems etc, it makes you expect that something bad will happen, because there are clear signs that it will 意味着[坏事要发生];招致 no one thinks this could spell the closure of the firm, but things could be better. 没有人觉得这样做会使公司关门,反而可以做得更好。 out-of-town retail developments often spell the death of independent high street shops. 镇外的零售业开发区往往会导致大街上独立经营的商店消失。 bode well/ill /ˌbəʊd ˈwel, ˈɪl/ [verb phrase not usually in progressive] formal to be a sign that something good or bad is likely to happen in the future 【正式】是个好/不好的兆头 gandalf's late arrival did not bode well. 甘道夫的迟到不是个好兆头。bode well/ill for the drop in profits bodes ill for japan's semiconductor industry. 利润下降对日本的半导体工业来说不是个好兆头。 the high early viewing figures bode well for writers lane and harvey, who hope to achieve network success. 初期的浏览人数很多,这对莱恩和哈维两位作者来说是好兆头,他们希望在网络上取得成功。 herald /ˈherəld/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to be a sign that something is going to happen soon, especially something important - used especially in literature or newspapers 预示,预告…的来临[尤用于文学作品中或报纸上] in february, the first storks arrive, heralding spring. 2月里第一批白鹳飞来,预告春天将临。 what changes do the attacks herald for everyday life in the us? 这些袭击事件预示着美国人的日常生活将会发生什么样的变化? his prosecution perhaps heralds an end to the systematic corruption that has stained this government's reputation. 他这次被起诉也许预示着,玷污政府名声的体制腐败走到尽头了。herald something as taxol has been heralded as a breakthrough in cancer treatment. 泰素被誉为是癌症治疗方面的一个突破。13. to show your thoughts or feelings 流露你的思想或感情 show /ʃəʊ/ [transitive verb] to behave in a way that shows people how you feel or what you character is like 流露,表现出 paul didn't show much interest in the idea. 保罗对这个想法没有表现出多大兴趣。 i just want you to show some respect, just for once. 我只是希望你能表示一点尊重,就这一次。 if you're pleased, you've got a funny way of showing it. 如果你开心了,就会用一种有趣的方法表现出来。show how angry/upset/happy etc you are the hostages showed great courage in a very frightening situation. 人质在十分可怕的情况下表现出了极大的勇气。 i was determined not to show how upset i felt. 我下定决心,不表现出自己有多不安。 display /dɪˈspleɪ/ [transitive verb] to behave in a way that shows people how you feel or what your character is like. display is more formal than show 展示,表现,显露[display 比show更正式] i'm displaying my ignorance here, but could you just tell us exactly what your job as a geologist involves? 恕我无知,可否确切地告诉我们作为地质学家你都干些什么呢? the previous government displayed a notable lack of enthusiasm for women's rights. 前届政府对妇女权利问题表现得明显缺乏热情。 the contestants here today have displayed tremendous skill. 今天参赛者显示出了高超的技艺。 display [countable noun] a display of strength 力量的表现 ian never did like public displays of affection. 伊恩从来都不喜欢在公开场合表现得很亲热。 demonstrate /ˈdemənstreɪt/ [transitive verb] to do something in order to deliberately and clearly show an attitude or feeling 表明,表示[某种态度或感情] brenda wanted to demonstrate her sympathy in a practical way. 布伦达想以实际行动表示她的同情。 the new law was intended to demonstrate the government's concern for the lowest paid workers. 这条新的法律旨在表示政府对最低工资工人的关心。 exhibit /ɪgˈzɪbɪt, ɪgˈzɪbət/ [transitive verb] formal to clearly show how you feel 【正式】表现,显出 the prisoner exhibited no emotion when the sentence was read out. 宣读判决书的时候,囚犯表现得无动于衷。 anyone who exhibits extreme anxiety in the face of potential danger is unlikely to become an effective military leader. 任何人如果在潜在的危险面前表现出极度的焦躁不安,都不可能成为一名卓越的军事首领。 register /ˈredʒɪstəʳ, ˈredʒəstəʳ/ [transitive verb] especially written to show a feeling by the expression on your face, especially when you are reacting to something that happens or to what someone has said 【尤书面】显出,流露[某种表情,尤指在对所发生之事或某人所说的话作出的反应] caitlin watched his face, which registered a mixture of alarm and astonishment. 凯特琳注视着他的脸,那张脸流露出惊慌和诧异的交错神色。 it was only when i mentioned the money that she registered a flicker of interest. 在我提到钱的时候,她脸上才闪现出一丝兴趣。14. to show your feelings, attitudes etc when you do not intend to 不经意地流露出感情、态度等 can't hide /ˌkɑːnt ˈhaɪdǁˌkænt-/ [verb phrase] if you can't hide a feeling, you cannot stop yourself from showing it because the feeling is so strong 掩饰不住 kris couldn't hide her delight at my situation. 对我的情况,克丽丝喜不自禁。! ‘it'll be okay,’ said kang, unable to hide his disappointment. “没关系的。”康说道,失望之情难以掩饰。can't hide from he couldn't hide his envy from her. 他在她面前掩饰不住自己的嫉妒。 reveal /rɪˈviːl/ [transitive verb not usually in progressive] to show a feeling, quality, or attitude, especially without realizing that you are showing it [无意识地]流露,暴露 the look on my face must have revealed my embarrassment. 我脸上的表情肯定暴露了我的窘迫。 carter's face was a blank, revealing no emotion. 卡特一脸茫然,毫无表情。 a slight trembling of his hands revealed his growing excitement. 他的双手微微颤抖,流露出越来越激动的情绪。 betray /bɪˈtreɪ/ [transitive verb not in progressive or passive] to show a feeling, attitude, quality etc when you do not want or intend to [非故意地]流露,暴露 his words were calm, but his voice betrayed his very real concern and anxiety. 他的言语是平静的,但是他的声音却暴露出他确实非常担心和焦虑。 barker's comments on germany betrayed a woeful ignorance of history and recent politics. 巴克评论德国的那番话暴露了他对历史和时政的极度无知。15. someone who usually shows what they feel and think 通常会把自己的感受和想法表露出来的人 open /ˈəʊpən/ [adjective] someone who is open does not try to hide what they are feeling or thinking 坦诚的,坦率的 he had a very open nature. 他性格非常直率。 my new year resolution is to be more honest and open towards other people. 我的新年计划是待人要更加诚恳坦率。open about julia was quite open about her disappointment. 朱莉娅很坦诚,并不掩饰她的失望。 so i'll lose my job, just for being open about my beliefs. 所以我要失去工作了,就因为我对自己的信仰未加隐瞒。 openly [adverb] she spoke openly about her fears. 她坦率地说出自己的恐惧。 you openly disobeyed your father. 你公然违抗你父亲的意愿。 demonstrative /dɪˈmɒnstrətɪvǁdɪˈmɑːn-/ [adjective] someone who is demonstrative shows feelings of friendliness or love clearly and without being embarrassed, for example by kissing or touching 善于表露感情的,感情外露的 his parents were never very demonstrative towards him, so he finds it hard to show his own feelings. 他父母对他从来都不太表露感情,所以他也觉得很难表露自己的感情。 she's not a very demonstrative person, but her friends are important to her. 她不是一个感情很外露的人,但朋友对她来说很重要。16. someone who does not usually show what they feel or think 通常都不表露自己的感受或想法的人 reserved /rɪˈzɜːʳvd/ [adjective] someone who is reserved is usually quiet and unwilling to talk about or show their feelings 沉默寡言的,内敛的 are you cautious and reserved, or adventurous and uninhibited? 你是谨慎寡言的人,还是敢作敢为、放任不羁的人? they are very reserved people, the english. it takes some time to get to know them. 英格兰人性格很内敛,了解他们要花点时间。 introverted /ˈɪntrəvɜːʳtɪd, ˈɪntrəvɜːʳtəd/ [adjective] someone who is introverted is quiet and prefers not to be with other people, and does not talk about their feelings or opinions 性格内向的 he is described as an introverted teenager, with a love of horses. 据说他是一个性格内向的少年,很喜欢马。 i was probably more introverted than arthur when we were children. 小时候我可能比阿瑟更内向。 introvert [countable noun] i think everyone has a bit of the introvert in them. 我觉得每个人的性格中都有内向的一面。 undemonstrative /ˌʌndɪˈmɒnstrətɪvǁ-ˈmɑːn-/ [adjective] someone who is undemonstrative does not show feelings of friendliness or love for other people, for example by kissing or touching them 感情不外露的 neighbours say he was quiet, undemonstrative and always carefully dressed. 邻居说他是一个文静、感情不外露的人,总是穿得很讲究。17. to help someone or something show a particular feeling or quality 使某人表露出某种感情或某物显示某种品质 bring out /ˌbrɪŋ ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] competitive games bring out my aggressive side. 竞技性的比赛显露了我好强的一面。 counsellors are specially trained to bring out people's innermost fears and emotions. 辅导人员都受过专门训练,能诱导人们将内心最深处的恐惧和情感诉说出来。bring out the best/ worst in somebody make them show their best or worst qualities 使某人表现出最好/最糟的一面 for some reason, christmas always seemed to bring out the worst in dad. 由于某种原因,圣诞节好像总是暴露出爸爸最不好的一面。☞ show¹☞ show²




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