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单词 provocative
释义 provocative adjective¹ 1intending to cause an argument意图引起争论verbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem挑衅;好像挑衅▸➤consider sth认为⋯有煽动性adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常有煽动性▸➤highly非常有煽动性▸➤deliberately, intentionally蓄意挑衅的◆the book's epilogue is deliberately provocative.这本书的结尾带有故意挑衅的意味。◆the paper had the intentionally provocative title, 'non-darwinian evolution'.该论文的标题为《非达尔文的进化论》,有故意挑衅之意。➤needlessly, unnecessarily没有必要地挑衅的provocative adjective² 2intending to cause sexual excitement意图引起性欲verbs | adverb verbs➤be, look撩人;看上去具有挑逗性adverb➤highly, very很有挑逗性➤sexually妖冶撩人◆models find themselves wearing sexually provocative clothing.模特们发现自己的穿着妖冶撩人。provocative/prəˈvɒkətɪv ||; prəˈvɑkətɪv/adj1. intended to make sb angry or upset or to cause an argument 蓄意引起争执的;挑衅的: ◇he made a provocative remark about a woman's place being in the home. 他说了一句挑衅的话,说什么女人应该待在家中。 2. intended to cause sexual excitement 挑逗的;撩人的 ➔provocatively adv provocativesee ⇨ sexy 2 pro·voc·a·tive /prə`vɑkətɪv; prəˈvɒkətɪv/adj 1. intending to make someone angry or start arguing 挑衅的,使人生气的; 引起争论的:◇a provocative remark 挑衅的话 2. intending to make someone sexually excited 挑逗性的




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