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单词 invite¹
释义 in·vite¹ /ɪn`vaɪt; ɪnˈvaɪt/v [t] 1. to ask someone to go somewhere or do something 邀请:◇"are you going to tim's party?" "no, we weren't even invited." “你们打算去参加蒂姆搞的聚会吗?” “不去,我们甚至都没有被邀请。”◇invite sb to (do) sth all local residents are invited to attend the meeting. 本地所有居民都被邀请参加这次会议。 2. invite trouble/criticism etc to do something that is likely to cause problems 招来麻烦/招致批评等:◇going out and leaving the house unlocked is inviting trouble. 外出不锁门简直就是自招麻烦。invite sb alongto ask someone to come with you when you go somewhere 邀请[某人]同去:◇she invited some of her friends along to watch the game. 她请了一些朋友同去看比赛。invite sb into ask someone to come into your home 请[某人]到家里来,请[某人]进屋invite sb overto ask someone to come to your home 请[某人]来家里作客:◇why don't you invite jim and katie over for a drink? 你请吉姆和凯蒂来家里喝一杯怎么样?usage note 用法说明: inviteinvite is usually used only to talk about the fact that you have been asked to go somewhere. invite 一词通常仅用于指你受到邀请去某处:◇i've been invited to barbara's party. 我受到邀请去参加芭芭拉的聚会。do not use the word invite when you are actually inviting someone. instead, say something like 你在邀请某人时则不可当面使用 invite, 而应该说:◇"would you like to come to my party?" “你愿意来参加我办的聚会吗?”




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