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单词 needy
释义 needy adjectiveverbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be, look穷困;看上去穷困◆a woman who looked needy一个看起来贫穷的女人adverb➤truly, very确实/非常穷困➤emotionally, financially情感上/经济上穷困phrases➤poor and needy赤贫如洗◆the children of poor and needy parents来自贫困家庭的孩子needypoor贫穷的;贫困的;清贫的◆it's a charity that provides help and comfort for needy children.这是一家为贫困孩子提供帮助和抚慰的慈善机构。 opp wealthy → rich  ➡ see also need → poverty ▸ the needy noun [plural] ◆they provide shelter and a hot meal to the homeless and the needy.他们为无家可归和穷困的人提供住所和热食。needy/ˈni:di ||; ˈnidɪ/adj1. not having enough money, food, clothes, etc 贫困的 2. the needy noun [pl] people who do not have enough money, food, clothes, etc 贫困的人;穷人 needy• ⇨ poor people/the poor/the needy need·y /`nidɪ; ˈniːdi/adj 1. having very little food or money 贫困的:◇a needy family 贫困家庭 2. the needy people who do not have enough food or money 穷人




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