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单词 rational
释义 rational adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, seem合理;好像合理◆it all seemed quite rational to me.在我看来这似乎全都合情合理。adverb➤highly, very很合理;非常理智▸➤completely, eminently (formal) , entirely, fully, perfectly, quite完全合理;非常合理;十分理智;相当理智◆at the time she was perfectly rational.当时她是十分理智的。➤purely, strictly纯粹理性▸➤essentially本质上理性◆humans are essentially rational beings.人在本质上是理性动物。➤apparently显得合理▸➤economically经济上合理◆with children working from the age of ten, large families were economically rational.孩子从 10 岁就开始工作,多要几个孩子在经济上考虑是合乎情理的。preposition➤about对⋯理智◆try to be rational about it.尽量理智地对待这件事。 rational adjective  ➡ see also the entry for good 3另见 good 条第 3 义rational ♦︎ coherent ♦︎ logical ♦︎ scientific ♦︎ reasonedthese words all describe behaviour or a way of thinking that is based on reason, facts and clear, careful thought.这些词均表示行为或思维方式合理的、理性的、明智的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to be rational / scientific about sth◆a rational / coherent / logical / scientific / reasoned argument / explanation◆rational / coherent / logical / scientific / reasoned thought◆a rational / coherent / logical / scientific approach◆a rational / logical / scientific / reasoned choice / decision / conclusion◆rational / logical / scientific / reasoned thinking◆perfectly rational / coherent / logical■ rational /ræʃnəl/ (of behaviour or a way of thinking) based on reason and facts rather than emotions(行为或思维方式)合理的,理性的,明智的◆there's no rational explanation for his actions.对他的所作所为无法作出合理的解释。◆in some ways their behaviour is perfectly rational.在某种程度上他们的行为完全合理。opp irrational → irrational  ➡ see also rationality → logic ▸ rationally adverb◆scientific training helps you to think rationally.科学的训练有助于理性思考。■ coherent /kəʊhɪərənt; name koʊhɪrənt/ (of an idea, system or explanation) rational and well-organized; clear and easy to understand(思想、体系或解释)合理的,有条理的,清楚易懂的◆she gave a clear, coherent account to the court.她向法庭作了清楚合理的陈述。◆they have yet to come up with a coherent policy on this issue.在这个问题上,他们还没有提出协调一致的政策。ⓘ coherent is used especially to talk about plans and organization; typical collocates include approach, framework, pattern, picture, plan, policy, programme, scheme, strategy, structure, system, theory and whole. * coherent 尤用于修饰计划和组织机构,常见搭配词有 approach、framework、pattern、picture、plan、policy、programme、scheme、strategy、structure、system、theory 和 whole。 opp incoherent → confused 2  ➡ see also coherence → efficiency ■ logical based on the rules of logic; showing clear thinking based on facts and reason符合逻辑的;合乎情理的;合乎常理的◆the problem can be solved using a process of logical reasoning.这个问题可以通过逻辑推理得到解答。◆a contradiction is a logical impossibility.矛盾是指在逻辑上不可能的事。opp illogical → irrational  ➡ see also logic → logic ▸ logically adverb◆if you look at it logically his argument makes no sense.如果从逻辑角度看,他的论点不成立。■ scientific (of a way of doing sth or thinking) careful and logical(做事或思考的方法)细致严谨的,科学的◆he took a very scientific approach to management.他采取了一种非常科学的管理方法。◆we need to be more scientific about this problem.在这个问题上我们需要更加严谨。 opp unscientific → irrational ▸ scientifically adverb◆we should try to approach this scientifically.我们应该努力科学地处理这事。■ reasoned [only before noun](of an argument or opinion) presented in a logical way that shows careful thought(论点或观点)合乎逻辑的,缜密的◆they refused the appeal without offering any reasoned argument.他们拒绝受理这一申诉,没有给出任何合理的理由。 ➡ see also reason → reason noun , reason → conclude verb , reasoning → reasoning rational /ræʃnəl/ (of behaviour or a way of thinking) based on reason and facts rather than emotions(行为或思维方式)合理的,理性的,明智的◆there's no rational explanation for his actions.对他的所作所为无法作出合理的解释。◆in some ways their behaviour is perfectly rational.在某种程度上他们的行为完全合理。opp irrational → irrational  ➡ see also rationality → logic ▸ rationally adverb◆scientific training helps you to think rationally.科学的训练有助于理性思考。rational /ræʃnəl/ able to think clearly and make decisions based on reason rather than emotions理智的;理性的◆humans are essentially rational beings.从本质上讲,人是理性动物。◆she said that she had not been fully rational when she signed the form.她说自己在表格上签字时并非完全头脑清醒。 opp irrational ⓘ a person or thing that is irrational does not use, or is not based on, clear logical thought. * irrational 指人不理智或事物不合逻辑◆you're being irrational.你不可理喻。rational/ˈræʃnəl ||; ˈræʃənḷ/adj1. (used about a person) able to use logical thought rather than emotions to make decisions (指人)理性的,理智的 [opp] irrational 反义词为irrational 2. based on reason; sensible or logical 基于理性的;合理的: ◇there must be a rational explanation for why he's behaving like this. 他为什么有这样的行为,必然有合理的解释。 ➔rationally advrationalsee ⇨ logical 1,2 ⇨ sensible 1,2 ra·tion·al /`ræʃənḷ; ˈræʃənəl/adj 1. based on real facts or scientific knowledge, and not influenced by feelings 合理的,基于理性的:◇there must be a rational explanation for their disappearance. 他们的失踪必定有一个合理的解释。 2. able to make decisions based on the facts of a situation, and not influenced too much by feelings 有理智的,有理性的:◇let's try to discuss this like rational human beings. 让我们试着像有理性的人那样讨论这个问题。→ opposite 反义词 irrational




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