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单词 with/together
释义 with/together1 in the same place with another person2 doing something with another person/group etc3 when people do something together in a dishonest way4 to work together5 someone who does something with someone else6 done by people working together7 people or groups who work together8 to be together again after being separated9 with another thing or other things10 when something is used together with something else11 several different things or people considered togetherrelated wordsoppositealone,to join together with other people, countries etc in order to achieve something 与其他人、国家等联合起来成就某事 unite,to join two or more things together 把两个或两个以上的东西连接起来 join,at the same time 同时 time,1. in the same place with another person 与某人在同一个地方 with /wɪð, wɪθ/ [preposition] don't leave me alone with her. 别留下我和她单独在一起。 ‘where's jill?’ ‘i don't know, i thought she was with you.’ “吉尔在哪里?”“我不知道,我以为她跟你在一起呢。” i try to make sure i have a couple of hours to spend with david every evening. 我尽量确保每晚有几个小时可以和戴维在一起。 we live with my parents-in-law. 我们和岳父岳母住在一起。 at the moment, she's in a meeting with the president. 此刻她正在和总统一起开会。arrive/leave/go out etc with somebody lindsay arrived with her husband but left by herself. 林赛是和她丈夫一起来的,但走的时候却是一个人。 i saw rick go out of the building with susan. 我看到里克和苏珊一起从大楼出来。 together /təˈgedəʳ/ [adverb] nicola and i were at school together. 我和妮古拉一起上学。 each year the whole family spends christmas together. 每年全家人一起过圣诞节。 for years, these people who are now at war lived together very peacefully. 现在在交战的这些人,多年来都是和平共处的。 we'd better stay together, or we might get lost. 大家最好待在一起,否则会迷路的。 join /dʒɔɪn/ [transitive verb] to go to the place where someone else is, in order to be with them or do something with them 加入,与…一起 we're sitting over there. why don't you join us? 我们坐在那边,你为什么不加入我们呢? her parents are going to paris next week and she will join them later. 她父母下星期要去巴黎,稍后她也会过去和他们在一起。 be accompanied by /biː əˈkʌmpənid baɪ/ [verb phrase] to be with someone, especially when this person's presence gives you support or protection 在…的陪同下[尤指此人在场给人以支持或保护] children under fourteen must be accompanied by an adult. 14岁以下儿童必须有成人陪同。 wherever she goes she has to be accompanied by a bodyguard. 她去哪里都必须有一名保镖陪同。 the prince, accompanied by the princess, spoke to many of the disaster victims in the hospital. 王子在王妃的陪同下,与医院里的许多受灾者交谈。 company /ˈkʌmpəni/ [uncountable noun] the presence of another person or other people, that gives you someone to talk to and stops you feeling lonely 陪同,陪伴 i was grateful for jean's company on the long journey up to edinburgh. 在前往爱丁堡的漫长旅途中,我感激有琼的陪伴。have (some) company ‘do you mind if i join you?’ ‘no of course not, it's nice to have some company.’ “我和你一起去行吗?”“当然行啦,有个伴还不好吗。”do something for the company i go to french evening classes, for the company as much as for the french. 我去上法语夜校,既学法语又可以和人交往。miss somebody's company now that she's gone, i really miss her company. 现在她走了,我真的很想念和她在一起的日子。 in somebody's company /ɪn somebodyˈs ˈkʌmpəni/ [adverb] when you are with a particular person 与某人在一起 i always feel very relaxed in nick's company. 有尼克在身边,我总是感觉非常放松。in the company of somebody many people are uneasy in the company of strangers. 和陌生人一起时,许多人都感到不自在。 in somebody's presence /ɪn somebodyˈs ˈprezəns/ [adverb] if you are in someone's presence, especially someone important or famous, you are with them or in the same place as them 有某人在场;在某人面前[尤指重要的人或名人] what was it like to be actually in the queen's presence? 真的站在女王面前会是什么样子?in the presence of somebody i could think of very little to say in the presence of so many important people. 在那么多要人面前我想不出来要说些什么。 live side by side /lɪv ˌsaɪd baɪ ˈsaɪd/ [verb phrase] if people live side by side, they live together peacefully even though there are big differences between them 和睦共处[即使相互间有很大差异] it was a great experience - people from so many very different backgrounds living side by side. 这真是了不起啊一那么多背景很不相同的人能相安无事地生活在一起。 the muslim residents say they are ready and willing to live side by side with their neighbors again. 穆斯林居民称,他们非常乐意和邻居重修旧好,和睦相处。2. doing something with another person/group etc 与另一个人/团体等一起做某事 with /wɪð, wɪθ/ [preposition] my family and i went camping in the mountains with some old friends of ours. 我和家人同我们的一些老朋友一起去山里露营。 i'd like you to work with the person sitting beside you and see if we can come up with some new ideas, 我希望你们跟坐在旁边的人一起动动脑筋,看看是否能想出什么新的主意来。 together /təˈgeðəʳ/ [adverb] there's no point in taking two cars - let's go together. 没有必要开两辆车—我们一起走吧。 the police and army worked together to track down the terrorists. 警方与军队合作追捕恐怖分子。 side by side /ˌsaɪd baɪ ˈsaɪd/ [adverb] if two groups work or fight side by side, they work closely together to achieve something, even though there may be big differences between them 并肩地[工作或作战,即使双方有很大分歧] it was a strange situation with washington, pretoria and peking fighting side by side. 彼得、汤姆和约翰并肩作战,这真是个奇怪的局面。side by side with soldiers worked side by side with civilians to rebuild the city. 军民合作,共同重建这座城市。 collectively /kəˈlektɪvli/ [adverb] if people do something collectively, they do it by working together as equal members of an organized group 共同地,集体地 the team collectively must decide what resources they need and how they are to be used. 全队必须集体商定需要哪些资源以及如何使用这些资源。 individually, people have little power, but collectively they can be more influential. 个人的力量很小,但集体的力量就更有影响力了。 jointly /ˈdʒɔɪntli/ [adverb] jointly managed/owned/published/funded etc by somebody managed, owned etc by two or more people or organizations working together equally 由某人共同管理/拥有/出版/资助等 the business is jointly owned and run by six tv companies. 这家公司由六家电视公司共同拥有和管理。 it was a major research project, jointly funded by the university and the health department. 这是一项重要的研究计划,由那所大学和卫生部共同出资。 in conjunction with /ɪn kənˈdʒʌŋkʃən wɪð/ [preposition] if something is done by one organization or group of people in conjunction with another organization or group, it is done by both of them working together 与…一起,共同 the exhibition is sponsored by the arts council in conjunction with british airways. 展览由艺术委员会与英国航空公司共同赞助。 stenmann is working in conjunction with leading scientists and has invested $5 million in the scheme. 斯滕曼公司与顶尖科学家合作,已向该计划投资了500万美元。 in partnership with /ɪn ˈpɑːʳtnəʳʃɪp wɪð/ [preposition] if people, organizations, or countries work in partnership with each other, they work together to do something important or useful 与…合伙[做重要或有益的事] the city council is working in partnership with local businesses to build new sports facilities in the area. 市议会正在与地方企业合作,在本区建造新的体育设施。 in collaboration with /ɪn kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃən wɪð/ [preposition] if you work on a plan or do something in collaboration with another person or organization, you work very closely with them in order to achieve it 与…紧密合作 i wrote the article in collaboration with a number of my colleagues. 我与一些同事合写这篇文章。 this course has been developed in collaboration with major professional bodies involved in the financial services sector. 这门课程是与金融服务业几家大的专业机构合作开发的。 shoulder to shoulder with somebody /ˌʃəʊldəʳ tə ˈʃəʊldəʳ wɪð somebody/ [preposition] if one group of people stands or fights shoulder to shoulder with another group of people, they support them or fight together with them against an enemy 支持某人;与某人并肩[作战] british soldiers fought shoulder to shoulder with american and french troops. 英国士兵和美国、法国的军队并肩作战。 mitterrand, although a socialist, stood shoulder to shoulder with the nato allies during the challenges of the early 1980s. 密特朗虽然是社会党人,但是在20世纪80年代初的挑战中,他还是支持北约盟友。3. when people do something together in a dishonest way 人们以不诚实的方式一起做某事 be in league with /biː ɪn ˈliːg wɪð/ [preposition] if someone is in league with a group of people, they are secretly planning and working with them in order to do something dishonest or illegal 与…暗中合谋,同…勾结 anyone suspected of being in league with the rebels was arrested. 被怀疑与叛乱分子勾结的人都遭到逮捕。 there was a suggestion that the authorities were in league with the drug dealers. 有迹象显示当局与毒犯勾结。 in collusion with /ɪn kəˈluːʒən wɪð/ [preposition] if one group of people is in collusion with another group, they are all working secretly together to do something dishonest 与…共谋,勾结 some of the police force were working in collusion with the mafia. 有些警察与黑手党勾结。 journalists suspected that the army was acting in collusion with the terrorists. 记者怀疑军队与恐怖分子串通一气。 be in cahoots (with) /biː ɪn kəˈhuːts (wɪð)/ [preposition] working secretly and closely with another person or group in order to do something dishonest or cheat someone [与…]串通[勾结] assassins, in cahoots with the army, were sent to kill two top members of the parliament. 他们与军队串通,派了刺客去杀害两位高级议会成员。 by the middle of the book we've learned that the church and the local politicians are in cahoots to try to slow sonja's research. 书看了一半的时候,我们知道教会与地方政客勾结,试图拖住索尼娅的研究。 hand in glove with somebody /ˌhænd ɪn ˈglʌv wɪð somebody/ [preposition] british if one organization is hand in glove with another organization, they work together very closely in order to do something dishonest, or dishonestly get power 【英】与某人互相勾结 the politicians are hand in glove with the military, everyone knows that. 政客们与军队互相勾结,这一点人所共知。4. to work together 一起工作 work together /ˌwɜːʳk təˈgeðəʳ/ [verb phrase] we can only succeed if we all work together as a team. 我们只有团结一致才能成功。work together to do something both sides are going to have to work together to find other ways of settling their differences. 双方必须共同努力,找出其他办法来解决分歧。 cooperate also co-operate british /kəʊˈɒpəreɪtǁ-ˈɑːp-/ [intransitive verb] if two people or groups cooperate with each other, they work together and help each other in order to achieve something that will be good for both of them 合作,协作 cooperate with the president said that mexico would continue to cooperate with the us in the fight against drugs. 总统称墨西哥将会继续与美国合作,打击毒品。cooperate to do something aid agencies and un forces are cooperating to get food supplies to the people who need them. 援助机构和联合国部队一起合作,将食品送到需要的人手里。cooperate closely help each other as much as possible 密切合作 finance ministers and central bankers agreed to cooperate closely to sustain the strength of the pound. 财长和中央银行家同意紧密合作,保持英镑的坚挺。cooperate in/on traditionally management has called upon workers to cooperate in increasing productivity. 管理层历来要求工人配合,提高产量。 cooperation/co-operation /kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃənǁ-ˌɑːp-/ [uncountable noun] in the future there will be greater military cooperation among all the nations of europe. 未来,欧洲各国间的军事合作将会加强。 collaborate /kəˈlæbəreɪt/ [intransitive verb] to work together, especially on a specific piece of scientific, artistic, or industrial work [尤指在科研项目、艺术作品或工业上]合作 collaborate to do something researchers in stanford and princeton collaborated to manufacture a completely new waterproof textile. 斯坦福大学与普林斯顿大学的研究者合作生产一种全新的防水面料。collaborate with hewlett packard collaborated with nokia to produce the palmtop-telephone. 惠普与诺基亚合作生产掌上电脑电话。collaborate on/in fellini collaborated with rossellini on the script of the film. 费利尼与罗塞利尼合写这部电影的剧本。 educators and employers need to collaborate in preparing the next generation for employment and adulthood. 教育工作者和雇主要合作,指导下一代为就业和成年作好准备。 collaboration /kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] we couldn't have done it without their collaboration if they had not collaborated with us. 没有他们的合作我们是做不成的。5. someone who does something with someone else 和别人一起做某事的人 partner /ˈpɑːʳtnəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who takes part in a sport or game, or a business or social activity with you [运动、商业或社交活动中的]伙伴;合伙人;搭档 have you got a partner for the dance on saturday? 星期六的舞会你找好舞伴了吗? the firm was so successful that she took on a partner. 公司生意兴隆,她接纳了一个合伙人。 we called a meeting with russco, our partners in the construction project. 我们和拉斯科公司召开了一次会议,他们是我们建筑项目的合伙人。a business/trading partner manson and i were business partners, but not friends. 我和曼森是生意伙伴,不是朋友。a marriage/sexual partner people who have many sexual partners are more at risk from aids. 有多个性伴侣的人罹患艾滋病的危险较大。be partners let's have a game of cards -- you and frank can be partners. 我们玩一局牌吧—你可以和弗兰克搭档。 fellow /ˈfeləʊ/ [adjective only before noun] fellow passenger/worker/student etc someone who is travelling, working, studying etc with you 旅伴/同事/同学等 the accident happened when roland was walking home with fellow student karl xavier. 事故发生的时候,罗兰和他的同学卡尔·泽维尔正走路回家。 toni's views on the kyoto treaty were echoed by her fellow workers. 托妮对于《京都议定书》的看法引起了同事的共鸣。 companion /kəmˈpænjən/ [countable noun] someone that you spend a lot of time with, especially someone that provides friendship or conversation while you are doing something, for example travelling 同伴;朋友 mum and dad didn't seem to approve much of my new companions. 爸妈似乎不太认可我新结交的朋友。 he left the major part of his £60 million fortune to his close friend and companion, jerry edwards. 他把六千万英镑的财产大部分留给了他的密友和伙伴杰里·爱德华兹。a drinking/travelling etc companion ed is a great travelling companion - funny and sensible at the same time. 埃德是个很好的旅伴,既风趣又有理智。 sidekick /ˈsaɪdˌkɪk/ [countable noun] informal someone who spends a lot of time with another person, and is usually less important or powerful than them 【非正式】助手;跟班 tom and his sidekick larry sauntered into the bar, plainly looking for a fight. 汤姆和他的跟班拉里不紧不慢地走进酒吧,明显想找人打架。 sherlock holmes and his sidekick dr watson 夏洛克·福尔摩斯和他的助手华生医生 accomplice /əˈkʌmplɪs, əˈkʌmpləsǁəˈkɑːm-, əˈkʌm-/ [countable noun] someone who helps another person to commit a crime 帮凶,同谋,共犯 after the robbery, the men escaped in a stolen car driven by an accomplice. 抢了东西之后,那伙人坐上一辆同谋开的赃车逃跑了。accomplice in two other boys were accused of being accomplices in the attack. 另外两个男孩子被控在袭击中充当帮凶。6. done by people working together 几个人合作干的 joint /dʒɔɪnt/ [adjective only before noun] a joint decision, statement, effort, report etc is made by people or groups working together, not by just one of them 联合的,共同的 we both wanted to move to canada - it was a joint decision. 我们俩都想移居加拿大—这是共同的决定。 a joint declaration by israeli and palestinian leaders 以色列和巴勒斯坦领导人的联合声明a joint effort ‘did you cook the dinner, jane?’ ‘no, it was a joint effort.’ “是你做的晚饭吗,简?”“不,是大家一起做的。 combined /kəmˈbaɪnd/ [adjective only before noun] combined actions are done by people or groups who try to do something together which they could not do alone [行动]联合的,合力的 the combined efforts of four police officers and two paramedics were needed to lift the driver from the wreckage. 四名警察和两名医务辅助人员一起出力才把驾驶员从残骸里抬出来。 it was a combined operation involving troops from the us and europe. 这是美国和欧洲部队的联合行动。 collective /kəˈlektɪv/ [adjective only before noun] a collective decision, action, or agreement is made by everyone in a group or organization, not by just one or two of its members 集体的,共同的 a jury's verdict is the result of a collective agreement. 陪审团的裁决是集体同意的结果。 kerry called the labor laws ‘a legitimate collective effort to protect our children’ and said he supported them. 克里称劳动法是“保护孩子的合法共同努力”,他说他支持。collective responsibility (for something) when everyone in a group shares responsibility for its decisions and actions 集体责任 the bureau was without a manager for some time, so the staff took collective responsibility for all the tasks. 这个机构有一段时间没有经理,所以所有的工作都由员工共同承担责任。 collaborative /kəˈlæbərətɪvǁ-reɪ-/ [adjective only before noun] use this about an activity that involves people working together, especially in order to achieve something that will bring an advantage to both of them 合作的,协作的 a collaborative effort a manager's main task is to coordinate the collaborative efforts of a number of people. 经理的主要工作是把大家的共同努力协调起来。collaborative project/research/venture etc the new system was the product of a collaborative project between apple and ibm. 新系统是苹果公司和国际商业机器公司一个合作项目的产品。 a collaborative youth training program involving several businesses 数家公司共同参与的青年培训计划7. people or groups who work together 一起工作的人或团体 partnership /ˈpɑːʳtnəʳʃɪp/ [countable noun] a relationship between people or groups working closely together 合作关系 the song-writing partnership has been very productive. 他们这样合作写歌很有成效。partnership between crime prevention is most effective when it is a partnership between the police and the public. 警民合作预防犯罪最见成效。form a partnership elliot and elver decided to form a partnership and launch their own business. 埃利奥特和艾尔弗决定合伙开公司。 alliance /əˈlaɪəns/ [countable noun] an arrangement involving two or more different groups or countries to work together to oppose an enemy, to do business, or to work together for something that they both believe in 联盟,同盟 nato is a formal military alliance with america at its head. 北约是以美国为首的正式军事联盟。enter into an alliance/form an alliance the two countries entered into a defensive alliance. 两国订立了防御同盟。 apple and online service provider america online formed an alliance. 苹果公司和网络服务供应商美国在线结成联盟。8. to be together again after being separated 分开后再走在一起 be back together /biː ˌbæk təˈgeðəʳ/ [verb phrase] to be together again after being separated, used especially about couples who have started a romantic relationship again 又在一起,和好[尤指夫妇] did you know that denise and jonathon are back together? 丹尼丝和乔纳森又在一起了,你知道吗? it's so nice to have all the family back together again. 一家人和好如初真好。be back together with i'm back together with johnny now and things are going pretty well. 我与约翰尼重归于好,现在关系很不错。get back together jack wants to get back together, but i've really had enough. 杰克想和好,但是我真的受够了。 be reunited /biː ˌriːjuːˈnaɪtə̇d/ [verb phrase] to be brought together again with someone that you lost or were unable to see for a long time, especially when someone helps you to be with them again [尤指在别人协助下]再次相聚,重聚 after 50 years apart, the twin sisters were eventually reunited. 分别50年后,这对孪生姐妹终于团聚了。be reunited with in the early hours of this morning, the hostages were reunited with their families at point reach airbase. 今天凌晨,人质在里奇角空军基地与家人团聚。9. with another thing or other things 和其他东西在一起 with /wɪð, wɪθ/ [preposition] i've put our passports in your handbag with the travellers cheques. 我把我们的护照和旅行支票一起放在你的提包里了。 i hope you haven't thrown that letter out with the garbage! 希望你没有把那封信和垃圾一起扔了! a traditional christmas dinner of roast turkey with all the trimmings 备有各种配料的传统圣诞烤火鸡晚餐 together /təˈgeðəʳ/ [preposition] together in the same place, or added together, not separately 在一起;结合起来 mix the butter and the sugar together. 将黄油和糖搅拌在一起。 that skirt and jacket look really good together. 那条裙子配那件外套很好看。 together these two paintings are worth more than $10,000. 这两幅画合起来价值超过10,000美元。 along with /əˈlɒŋ wɪðǁəˈlɔːŋ-/ [preposition] in the same place as another thing or other things 和…一起,连同 i keep my insurance policy in the top drawer, along with my other important documents. 我把保单连同其他重要文件放在最上面的抽屉里。 put it over there along with the other presents. 把它放到那边去,和其他礼物放在一起。 come with /ˈkʌm wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb not in progressive or passive] if something that you buy comes with something else, it is sold with an additional object that is included in the price 附有,配有 every new camera comes with a leather case and free film. 每台新相机都附有皮套和免费胶卷。 all the main courses come with salad and chips. 主菜都附送沙拉和炸薯条。 we have 5000 log cabins to rent. all come with their own private sauna. 我们有5,000间原木小屋出租,都带独立桑拿浴室。 accompanying /əˈkʌmpəni-ɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] an accompanying book, document etc, is one that you get together with something that you buy, and which gives you more information about it [书、文件等]附带的[提供更多资料] accompanying booklet/volume/letter etc the video recorder has an accompanying booklet which contains full instructions. 录像机附带一本含详细说明的小册子。 each coursebook has an accompanying workbook for grammar practice. 每本教科书都有配套的语法练习册。10. when something is used together with something else 某物同其他物品一起使用 together /təˈgeðəʳ/ [adverb] the shampoo and conditioner should be used together for the best possible result. 洗发水和护发素得一起使用才能达到最佳效果。 when you're slowing down, use the gears and the brakes together. 减速的时候,排挡和刹车要并用。 together with also along with american /təˈgeðəʳ wɪð, əˈlɚŋ wɪðǁəˈlɔːŋ/ [preposition] a sensible diet along with regular exercise is the best way to lose weight. 合理的饮食加经常锻炼是最好的减肥方法。 i love italian food, together with a good bottle of red wine. 我喜欢意大利菜,配上一瓶优质的红酒。 combined with /kəmˈbaɪnd wɪð/ [adjective phrase] if a treatment, method, drug etc is combined with another, it is used with it because this will have the most effect 与…结合在一起[使用可达最大效果] small children need firmness combined with loving care. 对待小孩子要严格和关心相结合。 the standard treatment is surgery, often combined with radiation. 标准的治疗方法是手术,常和放射治疗结合使用。 in combination /ɪn ˌkɒmbə̇ˈneɪʃənǁ-ˌkɑːm-/ [adverb] if two or more things or methods are used in combination, they are used together at the same time, in order to achieve a particular effect 结合,混合[以达到特别效果] the drug company recommended using losec in combination with antibiotics for the treatment of ulcers. 制药公司建议洛赛克与抗生素混合使用以治疗溃疡。in combination with the flavor of paprika, in combination with sour cream, is used in many eastern european cuisines. 红辣椒粉加酸奶油用于许多东欧的菜肴里。 in conjunction with /ɪn kənˈdʒʌŋkʃən wɪð/ [preposition] if one thing is used in conjunction with another, it is used with it, in order to help you do something more easily 连同,与…一起[为了使做某事更为容易] learners will benefit from using the book in conjunction with the video. 这本书配合录像一起使用,学习者会有所得益。 the file viewing functions can be used in conjunction with file manager. 文件阅读功能可与文件管理器配合使用。 alongside /əˌlɒŋˈsaɪdǁəˌlɔːŋ-/ [preposition] different types of things, methods, ideas etc that are used or exist alongside each other, are being used together or exist together at the same time 并存的,在一起的 the new advertisement will be broadcast alongside amv's two existing commercials during prime time viewing. 这则新广告将在黄金时段和amv已有的两则商业广告一起播出。 only the island of bali preserved, alongside its own traditions, the brahman heritage of those ancient times. 只有巴厘岛把古代的婆罗门文化遗产随着该岛的传统保存了下来。 compatible /kəmˈpætɪbəl, kəmˈpætəbəl/ [adjective] different machines, methods, ideas etc that are compatible can exist together or be used together without producing problems 可共存的,兼容的 certain kinds of drug are not compatible and should never be taken together. 某些药不相容,千万不能一起使用。 the two businesses have compatible aims, and a merger would be to everyone's advantage. 两家公司目标一致,合并对大家都有好处。compatible with unfortunately he bought a printer that was not compatible with his computer. 真遗憾,他买的打印机与他的电脑不兼容。11. several different things or people considered together 一起考虑的几个不同的事物或人 together /təˈgeðəʳ/ [adverb] the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches together make up the us government. 行政、立法和司法三个部门一起构成美国政府。taken together considered as a group 整体考虑 taken together, these measures should ensure a rapid return to financial stability. 整体考虑的话,这些措施应可保证很快就能使金融恢复稳定。 collectively /kəˈlektɪvli/ [adverb] collectively, these studies showed a clear link between smoking and cancer. 这些研究都表明了吸烟与癌症之间的明确联系。collectively called/collectively known as/collectively referred to as etc belgium, luxembourg, and the netherlands are collectively known as the "benelux' countries. 比利时、卢森堡和荷兰统称为“比卢荷经济联盟”国家。 these substances are referred to collectively as ketone bodies. 这些物质被总称为酮体。




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