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单词 observer
释义 observer nounadjective | verb + observer | observer + verb | phrases | preposition | phrases adjective➤casual漫不经心的观察者◆to the casual observer, it would have looked like any other domestic argument.乍看起来,这与其他家庭纠纷没什么两样。➤informed, knowledgeable (especially name) 见多识广的/有学问的观察者▸➤acute, astute, careful, close, keen, shrewd敏锐的/精明的/细心的/专注的/热心的/机灵的观察者➤experienced, long-time, seasoned有经验的/长期的/老练的观察者▸➤sceptical/skeptical持怀疑态度的观察者▸➤sympathetic富有同情心的观察者▸➤detached, impartial, neutral, objective, unbiased公正的/不偏不倚的/中立的/客观的/无偏见的观察者➤reasonable通情达理的观察者▸➤external, independent, outside外部观察者;独立观察员◆independent observers will monitor the elections.独立观察员将监督选举。➤trained受过专门培训的观察者▸➤foreign, international国外/国际观察员▸➤american, western, etc.美国、西方等观察员▸➤industry, legal, media, military, political行业/法律/媒体/军事/政治观察员◆some military observers fear the us could get entangled in another war.一些军事观察员担心美国会卷入另一场战争。➤election选举观察员▸➤human观测的人➤passive被动观察者verb + observer➤send派出观察员◆observers were sent to check the conduct of the elections.已经派出观察员检查选举工作。➤attend sth as作为观察员出席⋯▸➤impress, puzzle, shock, strike, stun, surprise给观察员留下深刻印象;使观察员困惑;令观察员吃惊◆the suddenness of this move surprised observers.这一突然的举动使观察员感到惊讶。observer + verb➤see sth观察员看到⋯➤note sth, say sth观察员指出⋯/评论说⋯➤agree sth观察员同意⋯➤believe sth, think sth观察员相信⋯/认为⋯➤expect sth, predict sth观察员期待⋯/预测⋯▸➤attend sth观察员出席⋯◆the talks were attended by observers from eight arab countries and israel.这次会谈有来自 8 个阿拉伯国家和以色列的观察员出席。➤monitor sth观察员监督⋯phrases➤status观察员身分◆the country was granted observer status at the summit.该国获得高峰会议的观察员身分。➤bias观察员偏爱preposition➤as an observer作为观察员◆i attended the conference as an observer.我以观察员的身分参加了会议。➤observer of⋯方面的观察家◆an observer of the american cultural scene美国文化现象观察家phrases➤lead observers to conclude, suggest, etc. sth导致观察员推断⋯、提议⋯等◆difficulties in the housing market have led some observers to conclude that house prices will fall dramatically.房产市场的困境使得一些观察家断言房价将大幅下降。 observer /əbzɜːvə(r); name -zɜːrv-/ noun [countable] a person who watches and studies particular events, situations, etc. and is therefore considered to be an expert on them 观察员;观察者;评论员◆many industry observers expect more job losses. 许多行业观察员预期将会有更多人失业。☞ observerobserver /əbzɜːvə(r); name əbzɜːrvər/ [countable] a person who watches and studies particular events and situations as they happen观察家;评论员;评论家◆observers noted an absence of the violence which had been a feature of previous elections.观察家注意到没有发生以往选举常见的暴力。observer /əbzɜːvə(r); name əbzɜːrvər/ [countable] a person who attends a meeting, lesson, etc. to listen and watch but not to take part观察员;旁听者◆a team of british officials were sent as observers to the conference.一组英国官员被派去做大会观察员。observer /əbzɜːvə(r); name əbzɜːrvər/ [countable] a person who sees sth happen目击者;观看者◆to the casual observer, it would have looked like any other domestic argument.乍看起来,这跟其他家庭纷争没什么区别。◆according to observers, the plane exploded shortly after take-off.据目击者说,飞机起飞后不久就爆炸了。  ➡ see also observe → notice verb observer/əbˈzɜ:və(r) ||; əbˈzɝvɚ/noun[c] 1. a person who watches sb/sth 观察者: ◇according to observers, the plane exploded shortly after take-off. 据目击者说,那架飞机起飞不久就爆炸了。 2. a person who attends a meeting, lesson, etc to watch and listen but who does not take part (出席会议的)观察员;(到堂听课的)旁听生 observersee ⇨ watch 6 ob·serv·er /əb`zɜvə; əbˈzɜːvə/n [c] 1. someone who attends meetings, classes etc to officially watch what is happening [会议等的]观察员; [课堂的]旁听者:◇a group of un observers in bosnia 驻波斯尼亚的一个联合国观察员小组 2. someone who watches or notices something 观察者; 目击者




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